module SimpleCart RSpec.describe Order, type: :model do subject(:order) { => 12, :completed_date => '2016') } it 'should be a Order class' do expect(Order.is_a?(Class)).to be_truthy expect(Order < ActiveRecord::Base).to be_truthy end it 'should include AASM module' do expect(Order.include?(AASM)).to be_truthy end it { respond_to(:subtotal) } it { should have_db_column(:total_price).of_type(:decimal) } it { should have_db_column(:completed_date).of_type(:date) } it { should have_db_column(:aasm_state).of_type(:string) } it { should have_one(:credit_card) } it { should belong_to(:delivery) } it { should have_one(:billing_address) } it { should have_one(:shipping_address) } it { should have_many(:order_items).dependent(:destroy) } it { should validate_presence_of(:total_price) } it { should validate_presence_of(:completed_date) } it { should validate_presence_of(:aasm_state) } it { should validate_numericality_of(:total_price) } it { should validate_inclusion_of(:aasm_state).in_array(['in_progress', 'in_queue', 'in_delivery', 'delivered', 'canceled']) } it 'should have 5 specified aasm states' do expect( eq([:in_progress, :in_queue, :in_delivery, :delivered, :canceled]) end it 'should have in_progress state on initialize' do expect(order).to have_state(:in_progress) end it 'should change in_progress state to in_queue on queue event' do expect(order).to transition_from(:in_progress).to(:in_queue).on_event(:queued) end end end