module Invokable # A collection of helper methods for working with invokables where they accept and invokable # as an argument they will "coerce" the value (see {coerce}). This enables any method that # implements `call` or `to_proc` to be treated as an invokable. # # @version 0.7.0 module Helpers # Return a proc that returns the value that is passed to it. # # @version 0.7.0 # # @return [Proc] def identity lambda do |x| x end end # Return a proc that will always return the value given it. # # @version 0.7.0 # # @return [Proc] def always(x) lambda do x end end # If the invokable passed responds to :call it will be returned. If it responds to to_proc to_proc # is called and the resulting proc is returned. Otherwise a TypeError will be raised. # # @version 0.7.0 def coerce(invokable) return invokable if invokable.respond_to?(:call) return invokable.to_proc if invokable.respond_to?(:to_proc) raise TypeError, "#{invokable.inspect} is not a valid invokable" end # Return a proc that passes it's arguments to the given invokables and returns an array of results. # The invokables passed will be coerced before they are called (see {coerce}). # # @version 0.7.0 # # @example # juxtapose(:first, :count).call('A'..'Z') # => ["A", 26] # # @return [Proc] def juxtapose(*invokables) lambda do |*args| do |invokable| coerce(invokable).call(*args) end end end alias juxt juxtapose # A relative of {juxtapose}--return a proc that takes a collection and calls the invokables # on their corresponding values (in sequence) in the collection. The invokables passed # will be coerced before they are called (see {coerce}). # # @version 0.7.0 # # @example # knit(:upcase, :downcase).call(['FoO', 'BaR']) # => ["FOO", "bar"] # # @return [Proc] def knit(*invokables) lambda do |enumerable| results = [] enumerable.each_with_index do |x, i| return results if invokables[i].nil? results << coerce(invokables[i]).call(x) end results end end # Return a proc that is a composition of the given invokables from right-to-left. The invokables # passed will be coerced before they are called (see {coerce}). # # @version 0.7.0 # # @example # compose(:to_s, :upcase).call(:this_is_a_test) # => "THIS_IS_A_TEST" # # @return [Proc] def compose(*invokables) return identity if invokables.empty? return coerce(invokables[0]) if invokables.count == 1 if invokables.count == 2 f, g = invokables return lambda do |*args| coerce(f).call(coerce(g).call(*args)) end end invokables.reduce do |a, b| compose(a, b) end end # Return a proc that guards it's arguments from nil by replacing nil values with the alternative # value that corresponds to it's place in the argument list. The invokable passed will be coerced # before they are called (see {coerce}). # # @version 0.7.0 # # @example # count = guarded(:count, []) # # => 0 #[1]) # => 1 # # @return [Proc] def guarded(invokable, *alternatives) lambda do |*args| new_args = do |x, i| x.nil? ? alternatives[i] : x end coerce(invokable).call(*new_args) end end alias fnil guarded alias nil_safe guarded # Given an invokable and and a fewer number of arguments that the invokable takes return # a proc that will accept the rest of the arguments (i.e. a partialy applied function). # # @version 0.7.0 # # @return [Proc] def partial(invokable, *args) lambda do |*other_args| coerce(invokable).call(*(args + other_args)) end end end end