import PbEnhancedElement from '../pb_enhanced_element' export default class PbTable extends PbEnhancedElement { private stickyLeftColumns: string[] = []; private handleStickyLeftColumnsRef: () => void; static get selector(): string { return '.table-responsive-collapse' } connect(): void { const tables = document.querySelectorAll('.table-responsive-collapse'); // Each Table [], (table: HTMLTableElement) => { // Header Titles const headers: string[] = []; []'th'), (header: HTMLTableCellElement) => { const colSpan = header.colSpan for (let i = 0; i < colSpan; i++) { headers.push(header.textContent.replace(/\r?\n|\r/, '')); } }); // for each row in tbody []'tbody tr'), (row: HTMLTableRowElement) => { // for each cell [], (cell: HTMLTableCellElement, headerIndex: number) => { // apply the attribute cell.setAttribute('data-title', headers[headerIndex]) }) }) }); // New sticky columns logic this.initStickyLeftColumns(); } private initStickyLeftColumns(): void { // Find tables with sticky-left-column class const tables = document.querySelectorAll('.sticky-left-column'); tables.forEach((table) => { // Extract sticky left column IDs by looking at the component's class const classList = Array.from(table.classList); // Look for classes in the format sticky-left-column-{ids} const stickyColumnClass = classList.find(cls => cls.startsWith('sticky-columns-')); if (stickyColumnClass) { // Extract the IDs from the class name this.stickyLeftColumns = stickyColumnClass .replace('sticky-columns-', '') .split('-'); if (this.stickyLeftColumns.length > 0) { setTimeout(() => { this.handleStickyLeftColumnsRef = this.handleStickyLeftColumns.bind(this); this.handleStickyLeftColumns(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleStickyLeftColumnsRef); }, 10); } } }); } private handleStickyLeftColumns(): void { let accumulatedWidth = 0; this.stickyLeftColumns.forEach((colId, index) => { const isLastColumn = index === this.stickyLeftColumns.length - 1; const header = document.querySelector(`th[id="${colId}"]`); const cells = document.querySelectorAll(`td[id="${colId}"]`); if (header) { header.classList.add('sticky'); (header as HTMLElement).style.left = `${accumulatedWidth}px`; if (!isLastColumn) { header.classList.add('with-border-right'); header.classList.remove('sticky-left-shadow'); } else { header.classList.remove('with-border-right'); header.classList.add('sticky-left-shadow'); } accumulatedWidth += (header as HTMLElement).offsetWidth; } cells.forEach((cell) => { cell.classList.add('sticky'); (cell as HTMLElement).style.left = `${accumulatedWidth - (header as HTMLElement).offsetWidth}px`; if (!isLastColumn) { cell.classList.add('with-border-right'); cell.classList.remove('sticky-left-shadow'); } else { cell.classList.remove('with-border-right'); cell.classList.add('sticky-left-shadow'); } }); }); } // Cleanup method to remove event listener disconnect(): void { if (this.handleStickyLeftColumnsRef) { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleStickyLeftColumnsRef); } } }