b0VIM 8.2aNjoshholtzJoshs-MacBook-Air.local~joshholtz/Developer/fastlane/fastlane/snapshot/lib/snapshot/options.rb 3210#"! Utp=4>/r724  >ad-==qD*)  2 1 ) u @ h V ! P+j7Rs>tIo=< type: Array, short_option: "-d", description: "A list of devices you want to take the screenshots from", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :devices, end), UI.user_error!("File not found at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") unless File.exist?(value) verify_block: proc do |value| optional: true, description: "Use an extra XCCONFIG file to build your app", env_name: "SNAPSHOT_XCCONFIG", short_option: "-y", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :xcconfig, type: :shell_string), optional: true, description: "Pass additional arguments to xcodebuild for the test phase. Be sure to quote the setting names and values e.g. OTHER_LDFLAGS=\"-ObjC -lstdc++\"", env_name: "SNAPSHOT_XCARGS", short_option: "-X", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :xcargs, end), UI.user_error!("Project file is not a project file, must end with .xcodeproj") unless v.include?(".xcodeproj") UI.user_error!("Project file invalid") unless File.directory?(v) UI.user_error!("Project file not found at path '#{v}'") unless File.exist?(v) v = File.expand_path(value.to_s) verify_block: proc do |value| description: "Path the project file", env_name: "SNAPSHOT_PROJECT", optional: true, short_option: "-p", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :project, end), UI.user_error!("Workspace file is not a workspace, must end with .xcworkspace") unless v.include?(".xcworkspace") UI.user_error!("Workspace file invalid") unless File.directory?(v) UI.user_error!("Workspace file not found at path '#{v}'") unless File.exist?(v) v = File.expand_path(value.to_s) verify_block: proc do |value| description: "Path the workspace file", optional: true, env_name: "SNAPSHOT_WORKSPACE", short_option: "-w", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :workspace, [ output_directory = (File.directory?("fastlane") ? "fastlane/screenshots" : "screenshots") def self.plain_options end @options ||= plain_options def self.available_options end UI.user_error!("'#{item_name}' should be of type #{acceptable_types.join(' or ')} but found: #{value.class.name}") unless type_ok type_ok = [Array, String].any? { |type| value.kind_of?(type) } def self.verify_type(item_name, acceptable_types, value) class Optionsmodule Snapshotrequire_relative 'module'require 'credentials_manager/appfile_config'require 'fastlane/helper/xcodebuild_formatter_helper'require 'fastlane_core/device_manager'require 'fastlane_core/configuration/config_item'adN {end end end ] default_value: false) type: Boolean, description: "Lets xcodebuild use system's scm configuration", env_name: "SNAPSHOT_USE_SYSTEM_SCM", FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :use_system_scm,