module ThinkingSphinx class Property attr_accessor :alias, :columns, :associations, :model, :faceted, :admin def initialize(source, columns, options = {}) @source = source @model = source.model @columns = Array(columns) @associations = {} raise "Cannot define a field or attribute in #{} with no columns. Maybe you are trying to index a field with a reserved name (id, name). You can fix this error by using a symbol rather than a bare name (:id instead of id)." if @columns.empty? || @columns.any? { |column| !column.respond_to?(:__stack) } @alias = options[:as] @faceted = options[:facet] @admin = options[:admin] @alias = @alias.to_sym unless @alias.blank? @columns.each { |col| @associations[col] = association_stack(col.__stack.clone).each { |assoc| assoc.join_to(source.base) } } end # Returns the unique name of the attribute - which is either the alias of # the attribute, or the name of the only column - if there is only one. If # there isn't, there should be an alias. Else things probably won't work. # Consider yourself warned. # def unique_name if @columns.length == 1 @alias || @columns.first.__name else @alias end end def to_facet return nil unless @faceted end # Get the part of the GROUP BY clause related to this attribute - if one is # needed. If not, all you'll get back is nil. The latter will happen if # there isn't actually a real column to get data from, or if there's # multiple data values (read: a has_many or has_and_belongs_to_many # association). # def to_group_sql case when is_many?, is_string?, ThinkingSphinx.use_group_by_shortcut? nil else @columns.collect { |column| column_with_prefix(column) } end end def changed?(instance) return true if is_string? || @columns.any? { |col| !col.__stack.empty? } !@columns.all? { |col| instance.respond_to?("#{col.__name.to_s}_changed?") && !instance.send("#{col.__name.to_s}_changed?") } end def admin? admin end def public? !admin end private # Could there be more than one value related to the parent record? If so, # then this will return true. If not, false. It's that simple. # def is_many? associations.values.flatten.any? { |assoc| assoc.is_many? } end # Returns true if any of the columns are string values, instead of database # column references. def is_string? columns.all? { |col| col.is_string? } end def adapter @adapter ||= @model.sphinx_database_adapter end def quote_with_table(table, column) "#{quote_table_name(table)}.#{quote_column(column)}" end def quote_column(column) @model.connection.quote_column_name(column) end def quote_table_name(table_name) @model.connection.quote_table_name(table_name) end # Indication of whether the columns should be concatenated with a space # between each value. True if there's either multiple sources or multiple # associations. # def concat_ws? multiple_associations? || @columns.length > 1 end # Checks whether any column requires multiple associations (which only # happens for polymorphic situations). # def multiple_associations? associations.any? { |col,assocs| assocs.length > 1 } end # Builds a column reference tied to the appropriate associations. This # dives into the associations hash and their corresponding joins to # figure out how to correctly reference a column in SQL. # def column_with_prefix(column) if column.is_string? column.__name elsif associations[column].empty? "#{@model.quoted_table_name}.#{quote_column(column.__name)}" else associations[column].collect { |assoc| assoc.has_column?(column.__name) ? "#{quote_with_table(assoc.join.aliased_table_name, column.__name)}" : nil }.compact end end def columns_with_prefixes @columns.collect { |column| column_with_prefix column }.flatten end # Gets a stack of associations for a specific path. # def association_stack(path, parent = nil) assocs = [] if parent.nil? assocs = @source.association(path.shift) else assocs = parent.children(path.shift) end until path.empty? point = path.shift assocs = assocs.collect { |assoc| assoc.children(point) }.flatten end assocs end end end