module SecretSauce
module Helpers
# This module wraps the great jqGrid plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI (
module UiGridHelper
# Renders a table using jqGrid[]. This method can be used for quickly
# 'scaffolding' a model resource. It accepts arguments similiar to form_for. The first argument
# must be either Symbol, or an Array. If a Symbol, it should be the name of the resource to build
# the grid for.
# == Parameters
# Most of the documentation for the parameters are pulled from the jqGrid documentation found here:
# * :alternate_rows - Set a zebra-striped grid. Default is set to false.
# * :caption - Defines the caption for the grid. This caption appear above the
# table header. If caption is nil, no caption will be referenced. By default the
# caption will be guessed from the name_or_array arguement.
# * :cell_edit - Enables (disables) cell editing.
# See CellEditing[] for more details.
# * :cell_submit - Determines where the contents of the cell are saved: 'remote' or 'clientArray'.
# See CellEditing[] for more details.
# * :cell_url - The url where the cell is to be saved.
# See CellEditing[] for more details.
# * :column_model - Array which describes the parameters of the columns.
# For a full description of all valid values see
# colModel[]. By default column_model
# is set for ActiveRecord::Base#find_for_grid.
# * :column_names - Array which describes the column labels in the grid.
# * :datastring - The string of data when datatype parameter is set to xmlstring or jsonstring.
# * :datatype - Defines what type of information to expect to represent data in the grid.
# Valid options are xml - we expect xml data; xmlstring - we expect xml data as string;
# json - we expect JSON data; jsonstring - we expect JSON data as string;
# clientSide - we expect data defined at client side (array data)
# * :deselect_after_sort - Applicable only when we use datatype => "clientSide".
# Deselects currently-selected row(s) when a sort is applied.
# * :edit_url - Defines the url for inline and form editing.
# * :expand_column - Indicates which column (name from :column_model)
# should be used to expand the tree grid. If not set the first one is used. Valid only when
# treeGrid option is set to true.
# * :force_fit -If set to true, and resizing the width of a column,
# the adjacent column (to the right) will resize so that the overall grid width is
# maintained (e.g., reducing the width of column 2 by 30px will increase the size of column 3 by
# 30px). In this case there is no horizontal scrolbar. Note: this option is not compatible with
# shrink_to_fit option - i.e if :shrink_to_fit is set to false,
# :force_fit is ignored.
# * :grid_state - Determines the current state of the grid (i.e. when used with hiddengrid,
# :hide_grid and caption options). Can have either of two states: 'visible' or 'hidden'
# * :hidden_grid - If set to true the grid initially is hidden. The data is not
# loaded (no request is sent) and only the caption layer is shown. When the show/hide
# button is clicked the first time to show grid, the request is sent to the server,
# the data is loaded, and grid is shown. From this point we have a regular grid. This option
# has effect only if the caption property is not empty and the :hide_grid property (see below)
# is set to true.
# * :hide_grid - Enables or disables the show/hide grid button, which appears on the right side
# of the Caption layer. Takes effect only if the caption property is not an empty string.
# * :height - The height of the grid. Can be set as percentage or any valid measured value.
# * :image_path -Defines the path to the images that are used in the grid. Set this option
# without / at end.
# * :json_reader - Array which describes the structure of the expected json data. For a full
# description and default setting, see JSONData[].
# * :load_once - If this flag is set to true, the grid loads the data from the server
# only once (using the appropriate datatype). After the first request the :data_type parameter is
# automatically changed to clientSide and all further manipulations are done on the client side.
# The functions of the pager (if present) are disabled.
# * :load_text - The text which appear when requesting and sorting data.
# * :load_ui - This option controls what to do when an ajax operation is in progress.
# * disable - disables the jqGrid progress indicator. This way you can use your own indicator.
# * enable (default) - enables the red "Loading" message in the upper left of the grid.
# * block - enables the progress indicator using the characteristics you have specified in the
# css for div.loadingui and blocks all actions in the grid until the ajax request is finished.
# Note that this disables paging, sorting and all actions on toolbar, if any.
# * :request_type - Defines the type of request to make ("POST" or "GET").
# * :multikey - This parameter have sense only multiselect option is set to true.
# Defines the key which will be pressed when we make multiselection. The possible values are:
# shiftKey - the user should press Shift Key altKey - the user should press
# Alt Key ctrlKey - the user should press Ctrl Key.
# * :multibox - This option works only when :multiselect => true.
# When multiselect is set to true, clicking anywhere on a row selects that row;
# when multiboxonly is also set to true, the row is selected only when the checkbox
# is clicked (Yahoo style).
# * :multiselect - If this flag is set to true a multi selection of rows is enabled.
# A new column at left side is added. Can be used with any datatype option.
# * :param_keys - Customizes names of the fields sent to the server on a Post:
# default values for these fields are "page", "rows", "sidx", and "sord".
# For example, with this setting, you can change the sort order element from "sidx" to "mysort":
# The string that will be posted to the server will then be
# /foo/bars?page=1&rows=10&mysort=myindex&sord=asc rather than
# /foo/bars?page=1&rows=10&sidx=myindex&sord=asc.
# * :post_data - This array is passed directly to the url. This is associative
# array and can be used this way: {name1:value1...}.
# * :resize_class - Assigns a class to columns that are resizable so that we can show
# a resize handle only for ones that are resizable.
# * :scroll - Creates dynamic scrolling grids. When enabled, the pager elements are
# disabled and we can use the vertical scrollbar to load data. This option currently should be
# used carefully on big data sets, since the swapper isn't that intelligent, which means that
# all the data is loaded and a lot of memory will be used if the dataset is large.
# You must be sure to have a initial vertical scroll in grid, i.e. the height
# should not be set to auto.
# * :scroll_rows - When enabled, selecting a row with setSelection scrolls the grid so
# that the selected row is visible. This is especially useful when we have a verticall
# scrolling grid and we use form editing with navigation buttons (next or previous row).
# On navigating to a hidden row, the grid scrolls so the selected row becomes visible.
# * :sort_class - The class to be applied to the currently sorted column, i.e. applied
# to the th element.
# * :shrink_to_fit - This option describes the type of calculation of the initial width of
# each column against with the width of the grid. If the value is true and the value in width
# option is set then: Every column width is scaled according to the defined option width.
# Example: if we define two columns with a width of 80 and 120 pixels, but want the grid to
# have a 300 pixels - then the columns are recalculated as
# follows: 1- column = 300(new width)/200(sum of all width)*80(column width) = 120 and 2 column =
# 300/200*120 = 180. The grid width is 300px. If the value is false and the value in width option is set
# then: The width of the grid is the width set in option. The column width are not recalculated and have the
# values defined in colModel.
# * :sort_asc_image - Links to image url which are used when the user sort a column.
# * :sort_desc_image - Links to image url which are used when the user sort a column.
# * :sort_name - The initial sorting name when we use datatypes xml or json
# (data returned from server).
# * :sort_order - The initial sorting order when we use datatypes xml
# or json (data returned from server).
# * :toolbar - This option defines the toolbar of the grid. This is array with two
# values in which the first value enables the toolbar and the second defines the position
# relative to body Layer. Possible values "top" or "bottom".
# * :tree_grid - Enables (disables) the tree grid format. For more details see
# TreeGrid[]
# * :user_data - This array contain custom information from the request. Can be used at any time.
# * :width - If this option is not set, the width of the grid is a sum of the widths of the
# columns defined in the colModel (in pixels). If this option is set, the initial width of each
# column is set according to the value of :shrink_to_fit option.
# * :xml_reader - Array which describes the structure of the expected xml data.
# For a full description refer to Data Types.
def ui_grid_for(*args)
name_or_array = args.first
options = args.extract_options!
option_map = {
:alternate_rows => "altRows", # bool
:caption => "caption", # string
:cell_edit => "cellEdit", # bool
:cell_submit => "cellSubmit", # string
:cell_url => "cellUrl", # string
:column_model => "colModel", # array
:column_names => "colNames", # array
:datastring => "dataStr", # string
:datatype => "datatype", # string
:deslect_after_sort => "deselectAfterSort", # bool
:edit_url => "editUrl", # string
:expand_column => "ExpandColumn", # string
:footer_row => "footerrow", # bool TODO: ADD DOCUMENTATION
:force_fit => "forceFit", # bool
:grid_state => "gridstate", # string
:hidden_grid => "hiddengrid", # bool
:hide_grid => "hidegrid", # bool
:height => "height", # string
:image_path => "imgpath", # string
:json_reader => "jsonReader", # array
:load_complete => "loadComplete", # string TODO: ADD DOCUMENTATION
:load_once => "loadonce", # bool
:load_text => "load_text", # string
:load_ui => "loadui", # string
:request_method => "mtype", # string
:multikey => "multikey", # string
:multibox => "multiboxonly", # bool
:multiselect => "multiselect", # bool
:pager => "pager", # string TODO: ADD DOCUMENATION
:param_keys => "prmnames", # array
:post_data => "postData", # array
:resize_class => "resizeclass", # string
:restful => "restful", # bool
:row_num => "rowNum", # integer TODO: ADD DOCUMENATION
:row_list => "rowList", # array TODO: ADD DOCUMENATION
:scroll => "scroll", # bool
:scroll_rows => "scrollrows", # bool
:sort_class => "sortclass", # string
:shrink_to_fit => "shrinkToFit", # bool
:sort_asc_image => "sortascimg", # string
:sort_desc_image => "sortdescimg", # string
:sort_name => "sortname", # string
:sort_order => "sortorder", # string
:toolbar => "toolbar", # array
:tree_grid => "treeGrid", # bool
:user_data => "userData", # array
:url => "url", # string TODO: ADD DOCUMENATION
:view_records => "viewrecords", # bool TODO: ADD DOCUMENTATION
:width => "width", # string
:xml_reader => "xmlReader", # array
if name_or_array.class == Symbol
options[:grid] = {} unless options[:grid]
options[:nav] = {} unless options[:nav]
options[:actions] = {} unless options[:actions]
options[:url] = "/#{name_or_array}" unless options[:url]
column_model = do |m|
{:name => m, :index => m, :label => m.titleize, :width => (1024 /}
grid_options = {
#:url => "/#{name_or_array}.json",
:url => "#{options[:url]}.json",
:alternate_rows => true,
:caption => "#{name_or_array}".titleize,
:column_model => column_model,
:datatype => "json",
:restful => true,
:json_reader => {:repeatitems => false},
#:height => 22 * 30,
:height => :auto,
:row_num => 20,
:row_list => [10, 20, 30],
:pager => "#{name_or_array}_pager",
:hide_grid => false,
:view_records => true,
mapped_options = {}
grid_options.each do |k,v|
mapped_options[option_map[k]] = v
:edit => false,
:add => false,
:del => false
render(:file => 'ui/_ui_grid_for_without_block.js.haml', :locals => {:options => mapped_options, :name => name_or_array, :url => options[:url], :nav => options[:nav], :actions => options[:actions]})