# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe RuboCop::Cop::Style::TrailingComma, :config do subject(:cop) { described_class.new(config) } shared_examples 'single line lists' do |extra_info| it 'registers an offense for trailing comma in an Array literal' do inspect_source(cop, 'VALUES = [1001, 2020, 3333, ]') expect(cop.messages) .to eq(["Avoid comma after the last item of an array#{extra_info}."]) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([',']) end it 'registers an offense for trailing comma in a Hash literal' do inspect_source(cop, 'MAP = { a: 1001, b: 2020, c: 3333, }') expect(cop.messages) .to eq(["Avoid comma after the last item of a hash#{extra_info}."]) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([',']) end it 'registers an offense for trailing comma in a method call' do inspect_source(cop, 'some_method(a, b, c, )') expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Avoid comma after the last parameter of a method ' \ "call#{extra_info}."]) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([',']) end it 'registers an offense for trailing comma in a method call with hash' \ ' parameters at the end' do inspect_source(cop, 'some_method(a, b, c: 0, d: 1, )') expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Avoid comma after the last parameter of a method ' \ "call#{extra_info}."]) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([',']) end it 'accepts Array literal without trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, 'VALUES = [1001, 2020, 3333]') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts empty Array literal' do inspect_source(cop, 'VALUES = []') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts rescue clause' do # The list of rescued classes is an array. inspect_source(cop, ['begin', ' do_something', 'rescue RuntimeError', 'end']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts Hash literal without trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, 'MAP = { a: 1001, b: 2020, c: 3333 }') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts empty Hash literal' do inspect_source(cop, 'MAP = {}') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts method call without trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, 'some_method(a, b, c)') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts method call without parameters' do inspect_source(cop, 'some_method') expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'auto-corrects unwanted comma in an Array literal' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, 'VALUES = [1001, 2020, 3333, ]') expect(new_source).to eq('VALUES = [1001, 2020, 3333 ]') end it 'auto-corrects unwanted comma in a Hash literal' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, 'MAP = { a: 1001, b: 2020, c: 3333, }') expect(new_source).to eq('MAP = { a: 1001, b: 2020, c: 3333 }') end it 'auto-corrects unwanted comma in a method call' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, 'some_method(a, b, c, )') expect(new_source).to eq('some_method(a, b, c )') end it 'auto-corrects unwanted comma in a method call with hash parameters at' \ ' the end' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, 'some_method(a, b, c: 0, d: 1, )') expect(new_source).to eq('some_method(a, b, c: 0, d: 1 )') end end context 'with single line list of values' do context 'when EnforcedStyleForMultiline is no_comma' do let(:cop_config) { { 'EnforcedStyleForMultiline' => 'no_comma' } } include_examples 'single line lists', '' end context 'when EnforcedStyleForMultiline is comma' do let(:cop_config) { { 'EnforcedStyleForMultiline' => 'comma' } } include_examples 'single line lists', ', unless each item is on its own line' end end context 'with multi-line list of values' do context 'when EnforcedStyleForMultiline is no_comma' do let(:cop_config) { { 'EnforcedStyleForMultiline' => 'no_comma' } } it 'registers an offense for trailing comma in an Array literal' do inspect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [', ' 1001,', ' 2020,', ' 3333,', ' ]']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([',']) end it 'registers an offense for trailing comma in a Hash literal' do inspect_source(cop, ['MAP = { a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333,', ' }']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([',']) end it 'registers an offense for trailing comma in a method call with ' \ 'hash parameters at the end' do inspect_source(cop, ['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1,)']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([',']) end it 'accepts an Array literal with no trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [ 1001,', ' 2020,', ' 3333 ]']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts a Hash literal with no trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, ['MAP = {', ' a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333', ' }']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts a method call with ' \ 'hash parameters at the end and no trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, ['some_method(a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1', ' )']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts comma inside a heredoc parameters at the end' do inspect_source(cop, ['route(help: {', " 'auth' => <<-HELP.chomp", ',', 'HELP', '})']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'auto-corrects unwanted comma in an Array literal' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [', ' 1001,', ' 2020,', ' 3333,', ' ]']) expect(new_source).to eq(['VALUES = [', ' 1001,', ' 2020,', ' 3333', ' ]'].join("\n")) end it 'auto-corrects unwanted comma in a Hash literal' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, ['MAP = { a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333,', ' }']) expect(new_source).to eq(['MAP = { a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333', ' }'].join("\n")) end it 'auto-corrects unwanted comma in a method call with hash parameters' \ ' at the end' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, ['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1,)']) expect(new_source).to eq(['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1)'].join("\n")) end end context 'when EnforcedStyleForMultiline is comma' do let(:cop_config) { { 'EnforcedStyleForMultiline' => 'comma' } } context 'when closing bracket is on same line as last value' do it 'accepts Array literal with no trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [', ' 1001,', ' 2020,', ' 3333]']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts a method call with Hash as last parameter split on ' \ 'multiple lines' do inspect_source(cop, ['some_method(a: "b",', ' c: "d")']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end end it 'accepts Array literal with two of the values on the same line' do inspect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [', ' 1001, 2020,', ' 3333', ' ]']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'registers an offense for an Array literal with two of the values ' \ 'on the same line and a trailing comma' do inspect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [', ' 1001, 2020,', ' 3333,', ' ]']) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Avoid comma after the last item of an array, unless each ' \ 'item is on its own line.']) end it 'registers an offense for no trailing comma in a Hash literal' do inspect_source(cop, ['MAP = { a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333', '}']) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Put a comma after the last item of a multiline hash.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['c: 3333']) end it 'registers an offense for no trailing comma in a method call with' \ ' hash parameters at the end' do inspect_source(cop, ['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1', ' )']) expect(cop.messages) .to eq(['Put a comma after the last parameter of a multiline ' \ 'method call.']) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['d: 1']) end it 'accepts a method call with two parameters on the same line' do inspect_source(cop, ['some_method(a, b', ' )']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts trailing comma in an Array literal' do inspect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [1001,', ' 2020,', ' 3333,', ' ]']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts trailing comma in a Hash literal' do inspect_source(cop, ['MAP = {', ' a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333,', ' }']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts trailing comma in a method call with hash' \ ' parameters at the end' do inspect_source(cop, ['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1,', ' )']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end # this is a sad parse error it 'accepts no trailing comma in a method call with a block' \ ' parameter at the end' do inspect_source(cop, ['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1,', ' &block', ' )']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts a multiline word array' do inspect_source(cop, ['ingredients = %w(', ' sausage', ' anchovies', ' olives', ')']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'accepts missing comma after a heredoc' do # A heredoc that's the last item in a literal or parameter list can not # have a trailing comma. It's a syntax error. inspect_source(cop, ['route(help: {', " 'auth' => <<-HELP.chomp", '...', 'HELP', '})']) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end it 'auto-corrects an Array literal with two of the values on the same' \ ' line and a trailing comma' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, ['VALUES = [', ' 1001, 2020,', ' 3333,', ' ]']) expect(new_source).to eq(['VALUES = [', ' 1001, 2020,', ' 3333', ' ]'].join("\n")) end it 'auto-corrects missing comma in a Hash literal' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, ['MAP = { a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333', '}']) expect(new_source).to eq(['MAP = { a: 1001,', ' b: 2020,', ' c: 3333,', '}'].join("\n")) end it 'auto-corrects missing comma in a method call with hash parameters' \ ' at the end' do new_source = autocorrect_source(cop, ['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1', ' )']) expect(new_source).to eq(['some_method(', ' a,', ' b,', ' c: 0,', ' d: 1,', ' )'].join("\n")) end end end end