require 'rexml/document' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # The National Australia Bank provide a payment gateway that seems to # be a rebadged Securepay Australia service, though some differences exist. class NabTransactGateway < Gateway API_VERSION = 'xml-4.2' PERIODIC_API_VERSION = "spxml-4.2" class_attribute :test_periodic_url, :live_periodic_url self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.test_periodic_url = '' self.live_periodic_url = '' self.supported_countries = ['AU'] # The card types supported by the payment gateway # Note that support for Diners, Amex, and JCB require extra # steps in setting up your account, as detailed in the NAB Transact API self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :jcb] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'NAB Transact' cattr_accessor :request_timeout self.request_timeout = 60 self.money_format = :cents self.default_currency = 'AUD' #Transactions currently accepted by NAB Transact XML API TRANSACTIONS = { :purchase => 0, #Standard Payment :refund => 4, #Refund :void => 6, #Client Reversal (Void) :authorization => 10, #Preauthorise :capture => 11 #Preauthorise Complete (Advice) } PERIODIC_TYPES = { :addcrn => 5, :editcrn => 5, :deletecrn => 5, :trigger => 8 } SUCCESS_CODES = [ '00', '08', '11', '16', '77' ] def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super end def purchase(money, credit_card_or_stored_id, options = {}) if credit_card_or_stored_id.respond_to?(:number) #Credit card for instant payment commit :purchase, build_purchase_request(money, credit_card_or_stored_id, options) else #Triggered payment for an existing stored credit card options[:billing_id] = credit_card_or_stored_id.to_s commit_periodic build_periodic_item(:trigger, money, nil, options) end end def refund(money, authorization, options = {}) commit :refund, build_reference_request(money, authorization) end def authorize(money, credit_card, options = {}) commit :authorization, build_purchase_request(money, credit_card, options) end def capture(money, authorization) commit :capture, build_reference_request(money, authorization) end def store(creditcard, options = {}) requires!(options, :billing_id, :amount) commit_periodic(build_periodic_item(:addcrn, options[:amount], creditcard, options)) end def unstore(identification, options = {}) options[:billing_id] = identification commit_periodic(build_periodic_item(:deletecrn, options[:amount], nil, options)) end private def add_metadata(xml, options) if options[:merchant_name] || options[:merchant_location] xml.tag! 'metadata' do xml.tag! 'meta', :name => 'ca_name', :value => options[:merchant_name] if options[:merchant_name] xml.tag! 'meta', :name => 'ca_location', :value => options[:merchant_location] if options[:merchant_location] end end end def build_purchase_request(money, credit_card, options) xml = xml.tag! 'amount', amount(money) xml.tag! 'currency', options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'purchaseOrderNo', options[:order_id].to_s.gsub(/[ ']/, '') xml.tag! 'CreditCardInfo' do xml.tag! 'cardNumber', credit_card.number xml.tag! 'expiryDate', expdate(credit_card) xml.tag! 'cvv', credit_card.verification_value if credit_card.verification_value? end add_metadata(xml, options)! end def build_reference_request(money, reference) xml = transaction_id, order_id, preauth_id, original_amount = reference.split('*') xml.tag! 'amount', (money ? amount(money) : original_amount) xml.tag! 'currency', options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'txnID', transaction_id xml.tag! 'purchaseOrderNo', order_id xml.tag! 'preauthID', preauth_id! end #Generate payment request XML # - API is set to allow multiple Txn's but currentlu only allows one # - txnSource = 23 - (XML) def build_request(action, body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'NABTransactMessage' do xml.tag! 'MessageInfo' do xml.tag! 'messageID', Utils.generate_unique_id.slice(0, 30) xml.tag! 'messageTimestamp', generate_timestamp xml.tag! 'timeoutValue', request_timeout xml.tag! 'apiVersion', API_VERSION end xml.tag! 'MerchantInfo' do xml.tag! 'merchantID', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'password', @options[:password] end xml.tag! 'RequestType', 'Payment' xml.tag! 'Payment' do xml.tag! 'TxnList', "count" => 1 do xml.tag! 'Txn', "ID" => 1 do xml.tag! 'txnType', TRANSACTIONS[action] xml.tag! 'txnSource', 23 xml << body end end end end! end def build_periodic_item(action, money, credit_card, options) xml = xml.tag! 'actionType', action.to_s xml.tag! 'periodicType', PERIODIC_TYPES[action] if PERIODIC_TYPES[action] xml.tag! 'currency', options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'crn', options[:billing_id] if credit_card xml.tag! 'CreditCardInfo' do xml.tag! 'cardNumber', credit_card.number xml.tag! 'expiryDate', expdate(credit_card) xml.tag! 'cvv', credit_card.verification_value if credit_card.verification_value? end end xml.tag! 'amount', amount(money)! end def build_periodic_request(body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'NABTransactMessage' do xml.tag! 'MessageInfo' do xml.tag! 'messageID', ActiveMerchant::Utils.generate_unique_id.slice(0, 30) xml.tag! 'messageTimestamp', generate_timestamp xml.tag! 'timeoutValue', request_timeout xml.tag! 'apiVersion', PERIODIC_API_VERSION end xml.tag! 'MerchantInfo' do xml.tag! 'merchantID', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'password', @options[:password] end xml.tag! 'RequestType', 'Periodic' xml.tag! 'Periodic' do xml.tag! 'PeriodicList', "count" => 1 do xml.tag! 'PeriodicItem', "ID" => 1 do xml << body end end end end! end def commit(action, request) response = parse(ssl_post(test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url, build_request(action, request))), message_from(response), response, :test => test?, :authorization => authorization_from(response) ) end def commit_periodic(request) response = parse(ssl_post(test? ? self.test_periodic_url : self.live_periodic_url, build_periodic_request(request))), message_from(response), response, :test => test?, :authorization => authorization_from(response) ) end def success?(response) SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:response_code]) end def authorization_from(response) [response[:txn_id], response[:purchase_order_no], response[:preauth_id], response[:amount]].join('*') end def message_from(response) response[:response_text] || response[:status_description] end def expdate(credit_card) "#{format(credit_card.month, :two_digits)}/#{format(credit_card.year, :two_digits)}" end def parse(body) xml = response = {} xml.root.elements.to_a.each do |node| parse_element(response, node) end response end def parse_element(response, node) if node.has_elements? node.elements.each{|element| parse_element(response, element) } else response[] = node.text end end # YYYYDDMMHHNNSSKKK000sOOO def generate_timestamp time = time.strftime("%Y%d%m%H%M%S#{time.usec}+000") end end end end