set -e BUNDLE=${BUNDLE-"bundle exec"} MVN=${MVN-"mvn"} if [ 'GNU' != "$(tar --help | grep GNU | head -1 | awk '{print $1}')" ]; then echo 'Unable to release: make sure to use GNU tar' exit 1 fi if $(ruby -e'require "java"'); then # Good echo 'Detected JRuby' else echo 'Unable to release: make sure to use JRuby' exit 1 fi VERSION=`grep -E '([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)' pom.xml | sed 's/[\t \n]*\(.*\)<\/version>[\t \n]*/\1/'` if [[ -z "$NO_RELEASE" && "$VERSION" != "$(cat $PWD/VERSION)" ]]; then echo 'Unable to release: make sure the versions in pom.xml and VERSION match' exit 1 fi echo 'Cleaning up' $BUNDLE rake killbill:clean echo 'Building gem' $BUNDLE rake build if [[ -z "$NO_RELEASE" ]]; then echo 'Pushing the gem to Rubygems' $BUNDLE rake release fi echo 'Building artifact' $BUNDLE rake killbill:package ARTIFACT="$PWD/pkg/killbill-catalog-ruby-$VERSION.tar.gz" echo "Pushing $ARTIFACT to Maven Central" if [[ -z "$NO_RELEASE" ]]; then GOAL=gpg:sign-and-deploy-file REPOSITORY_ID=ossrh-releases URL= else GOAL=deploy:deploy-file REPOSITORY_ID=sonatype-nexus-snapshots URL= VERSION="$VERSION-SNAPSHOT" fi $MVN $GOAL \ -DgroupId=org.kill-bill.billing.plugin.ruby \ -DartifactId=killbill-catalog-ruby-plugin \ -Dversion=$VERSION \ -Dpackaging=tar.gz \ -DrepositoryId=$REPOSITORY_ID \ -Durl=$URL \ -Dfile=$ARTIFACT \ -DpomFile=pom.xml