module Timing class TimeInZone extend Forwardable REGEXP = /[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/ def_delegators :time, :to_i, :to_f, :to_date, :to_datetime, :<, :<=, :==, :>, :>=, :between?, :eql?, :hash def_delegators :time_with_offset, :year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec, :wday, :yday attr_reader :zone_offset def initialize(time, zone_offset=nil) @time = time @zone_offset = build_zone_offset(zone_offset || time.utc_offset) end def zone_offset=(zone_offset) @zone_offset = build_zone_offset zone_offset end alias_method :utc_offset, :zone_offset alias_method :gmt_offset, :zone_offset alias_method :gmtoff, :zone_offset def +(seconds) raise ArgumentError, "#{seconds} must be a valid seconds count" unless seconds.is_a? Numeric (time + seconds), zone_offset end def -(seconds) raise ArgumentError, "#{seconds} must be a time or a valid seconds count" unless seconds.respond_to? :to_f result = (time.to_f - seconds.to_f), zone_offset seconds.is_a?(Numeric) ? result : result.to_f end def utc? zone_offset == 0 end alias_method :gmt?, :utc? def to_utc time, 0 end alias_method :getutc, :to_utc def to_zone(zone_offset) time, zone_offset end def to_time time end def to_s strftime '%F %T %z' end alias_method :inspect, :to_s def strftime(format) sanitized_format = format.gsub('%Z', '') .gsub('%z', zone_offset.to_s) .gsub('%:z', zone_offset.to_s(':')) .gsub('%::z', "#{zone_offset.to_s(':')}:00") time_with_offset.strftime sanitized_format end def iso8601 strftime "%FT%T#{zone_offset.iso8601}" end def as_json(*args) iso8601 end def to_json(*args) "\"#{as_json(*args)}\"" end %w(hour day week month year).each do |interval| beginning_method_name = "beginning_of_#{interval}" define_method beginning_method_name do Timing.send beginning_method_name, self end end_method_name = "end_of_#{interval}" define_method end_method_name do Timing.send end_method_name, self end end def months_ago(count) Timing.months_ago self, count end def months_after(count) Timing.months_after self, count end def years_ago(count) Timing.years_ago self, count end def years_after(count) Timing.years_after self, count end def new, zone_offset end def, zone_offset=nil) new, zone_offset end def self.parse(text) match = REGEXP.match text zone_offset = match ? match.to_s : nil new Time.parse(text), zone_offset end private attr_reader :time def build_zone_offset(zone_offset) case zone_offset when ZoneOffset then zone_offset when Numeric then else ZoneOffset.parse(zone_offset) end end def time_with_offset time.getutc + zone_offset end end end