# rails3-jquery-autocomplete An easy way to use jQuery's autocomplete with Rails 3. Supports both ActiveRecord and [mongoid](http://github.com/mongoid/mongoid). Works with [Formtastic](http://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic) and [SimpleForm](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form) ## ActiveRecord You can find a [detailed example](http://github.com/crowdint/rails3-jquery-autocomplete-app) on how to use this gem with ActiveRecord [here](http://github.com/crowdint/rails3-jquery-autocomplete-app). ## MongoID You can find a [detailed example](http://github.com/crowdint/rails3-jquery-autocomplete-app/tree/mongoid) on how to use this gem with MongoID [here](http://github.com/crowdint/rails3-jquery-autocomplete-app/tree/mongoid). (Same thing, different branch) ## Before you start Make sure your project is using jQuery-ui with the autocomplete widget before you continue. You can find more info about that here: * http://jquery.com/ * http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/ * http://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs I'd encourage you to understand how to use those 3 amazing tools before attempting to use this gem. ## Installing Include the gem on your Gemfile gem 'rails3-jquery-autocomplete' Install it bundle install Run the generator rails generate autocomplete And include autocomplete-rails.js on your layouts javascript_include_tag "autocomplete-rails.js" ## Upgrading from older versions If you are upgrading from a previous version, run the generator after installing to replace the javascript file. rails generate autocomplete I'd recommend you do this every time you update to make sure you have the latest JS file. ## Usage ### Model Example Assuming you have a Brand model: class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base end create_table :brand do |t| t.column :name, :string end ### Controller To set up the required action on your controller, all you have to do is call it with the class name and the method as in the following example: class ProductsController < Admin::BaseController autocomplete :brand, :name end This will create an action _autocomplete_brand_name_ on your controller, don't forget to add it on your routes file resources :products do get :autocomplete_brand_name, :on => :collection end ### Options #### :full => true By default, the search starts from the beginning of the string you're searching for. If you want to do a full search, set the _full_ parameter to true. class ProductsController < Admin::BaseController autocomplete :brand, :name, :full => true end The following terms would match the query 'un': * Luna * Unacceptable * Rerun #### :full => false (default behavior) Only the following terms mould match the query 'un': * Unacceptable #### :extra_data By default, your search will only return the required columns from the database needed to populate your form, namely id and the column you are searching (name, in the above example). Passing an array of attributes/column names to this option will fetch and return the specified data. class ProductsController < Admin::BaseController autocomplete :brand, :name, :extra_data => [:slogan] end #### :display_value If you want to display a different version of what you're looking for, you can use the :display_value option. This options receives a method name as the parameter, and that method will be called on the instance when displaying the results. class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base def funky_method "#{self.name}.camelize" end end class ProductsController < Admin::BaseController autocomplete :brand, :name, :display_value => :funky_method end In the example above, you will search by _name_, but the autocomplete list will display the result of _funky_method_ This wouldn't really make much sense unless you use it with the :id_element HTML tag. (See below) Only the object's id and the column you are searching on will be returned in JSON, so if your display_value method requires another parameter, make sure to fetch it with the :extra_data option #### :scopes Added option to use scopes. Pass scopes in an array. e.g `:scopes => [:scope1, :scope2]` #### :column_name By default autocomplete uses method name as column name. Now it can be specified using column_name options `:column_name => 'name'` ### View On your view, all you have to do is include the attribute autocomplete on the text field using the url to the autocomplete action as the value. form_for @product do |f| f.autocomplete_field :brand_name, autocomplete_brand_name_products_path end This will generate an HTML tag that looks like: If you are not using a FormBuilder (form_for) or you just want to include an autocomplete field without the form, you can use the *autocomplete_field_tag* helper. form_tag 'some/path' autocomplete_field_tag 'address', '', address_autocomplete_path, :size => 75 end Now your autocomplete code is unobtrusive, Rails 3 style. ### Getting the object id If you need to use the id of the selected object, you can use the *:id_element* HTML tag too: f.autocomplete_field :brand_name, autocomplete_brand_name_products_path, :id_element => '#some_element' This will update the field with id *#some_element with the id of the selected object. The value for this option can be any jQuery selector. ### Getting extra object data If you need to extra data about the selected object, you can use the *:update_elements* HTML attribute. The :update_elements attribute accepts a hash where the keys represent the object attribute/column data to use to update and the values are jQuery selectors to retrieve the HTML element to update: f.autocomplete_field :brand_name, autocomplete_brand_name_products_path, :update_elements => {:id => '#id_element', :slogan => '#some_other_element'} class ProductsController < Admin::BaseController autocomplete :brand, :name, :extra_data => [:slogan] end The previous example would fetch the extra attribute slogan and update jQuery('#some_other_element') with the slogan value. ### Running custom code on selection A javascript event named *railsAutocomplete.select* is fired on the input field when a value is selected from the autocomplete drop down. If you need to do something more complex than update fields with data, you can hook into this event, like so: $('#my_autocomplete_field').bind('railsAutocomplete.select', function(){ /* Do something here */}); ## Formtastic If you are using [Formtastic](http://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic), you automatically get the *autocompleted_input* helper on *semantic_form_for*: semantic_form_for @product do |f| f.autocompleted_input :brand_name, :url => autocomplete_brand_name_path end The only difference with the original helper is that you must specify the autocomplete url using the *:url* option. ## SimpleForm If you want to use it with simple_form, all you have to do is use the :as option on the input and set the autocomplete path with the :url option. simple_form_for @product do |form| form.input :name form.input :brand_name, :url => autocomplete_brand_name_path, :as => :autocomplete # Cucumber I have created a step to test your autocomplete with Cucumber and Capybara, all you have to do is add the following lines to your *env.rb* file: require 'cucumber/autocomplete' Then you'll have access to the following step: I choose "([^"]*)" in the autocomplete list An example on how to use it: @javascript Scenario: Autocomplete Given the following brands exists: | name | | Alpha | | Beta | | Gamma | And I go to the home page And I fill in "Brand name" with "al" And I choose "Alpha" in the autocomplete list Then the "Brand name" field should contain "Alpha" I have only tested this using Capybara, no idea if it works with something else, to see it in action, check the [example app](http://github.com/crowdint/rails3-jquery-autocomplete-app). # Steak I have created a helper to test your autocomplete with Steak and Capybara, all you have to do is add the following lines to your *acceptance_helper.rb* file: require 'steak/autocomplete' Then you'll have access to the following helper: choose_autocomplete_result An example on how to use it: scenario "Autocomplete" do lambda do Brand.create! [ {:name => "Alpha"}, {:name => "Beta"}, {:name => "Gamma"} ] end.should change(Brand, :count).by(3) visit home_page fill_in "Brand name", :with => "al" choose_autocomplete_result "Alpha" find_field("Brand name").value.should include("Alpha") end I have only tested this using Capybara, no idea if it works with something else. # Development If you want to make changes to the gem, first install bundler 1.0.0: gem install bundler And then, install all your dependencies: bundle install ## Running the test suite You need to have an instance of MongoDB running on your computer or all the mongo tests will fail miserably. rake test ## Integration tests If you make changes or add features to the jQuery part, please make sure you write a cucumber test for it. You can find an example Rails app on the *integration* folder. You can run the integration tests with the cucumber command while on the integration folder: cd integration rake db:migrate cucumber # Changelog * 0.7.2 Steak helper * 0.7.1 Fixed joined scopes (Issue #43) * 0.7.0 Scopes * 0.6.6 ILIKE for postgres * 0.6.5 JS select event * 0.6.4 Use YAJL instead of JSON * 0.6.3 SimpleForm plugin * 0.6.2 Fix Issue #8 * 0.6.1 Allow specifying fully qualified class name for model object as an option to autocomplete * 0.6.0 JS Code cleanup * 0.5.1 Add STI support * 0.5.0 Formtastic support * 0.4.0 MongoID support * 0.3.6 Using .live() to put autocomplete on dynamic fields # Thanks to Everyone on [this list](https://github.com/crowdint/rails3-jquery-autocomplete/contributors) # About the Author [Crowd Interactive](http://www.crowdint.com) is an American web design and development company that happens to work in Colima, Mexico. We specialize in building and growing online retail stores. We don’t work with everyone – just companies we believe in. Call us today to see if there’s a fit. Find more info [here](http://www.crowdint.com)!