module SportDb module Import class NationalTeamIndex attr_reader :teams ## all (national) team records def initialize( recs ) @teams = [] @teams_by_code = {} @teams_by_name = {} add( recs ) end include NameHelper ## incl. strip_year( name ) ## has_year?( name) ## strip_lang( name ) ## normalize( name ) def add( recs ) ########################################### ## auto-fill national teams ## pp recs recs.each do |rec| @teams << rec ## add fifa code lookup if @teams_by_code[ rec.code.downcase ] puts "** !! ERROR !! national team code (code) >#{rec.code}< already exits!!" exit 1 else @teams_by_code[ rec.code.downcase ] = rec end ## add all names (canonical name + alt names names = [] + rec.alt_names more_names = [] ## check "hand-typed" names for year (auto-add) ## check for year(s) e.g. (1887-1911), (-2013), ## (1946-2001,2013-) etc. names.each do |name| if has_year?( name ) more_names << strip_year( name ) end end names += more_names ## check for duplicates - simple check for now - fix/improve ## todo/fix: (auto)remove duplicates - why? why not? count = names.size count_uniq = names.uniq.size if count != count_uniq puts "** !!! ERROR !!! - #{count-count_uniq} duplicate name(s) in national teams:" pp names pp rec exit 1 end names.each_with_index do |name,i| ## check lang codes e.g. [en], [fr], etc. ## todo/check/fix: move strip_lang up in the chain - check for duplicates (e.g. only lang code marker different etc.) - why? why not? name = strip_lang( name ) norm = normalize( name ) old_rec = @teams_by_name[ norm ] if old_rec ## check if tame name already is included or is new team rec msg = "** !!! ERROR !!! - national team name conflict/duplicate - >#{name}< will overwrite >#{}< with >#{}<" puts msg exit 1 else @teams_by_name[ norm ] = rec end end end ## each record end # method initialize ## fix/todo: add find_by (alias for find_by_name/find_by_code) def find_by_code( code ) code = code.to_s.downcase ## allow symbols (and always downcase e.g. AUT to aut etc.) @teams_by_code[ code ] end def find_by_name( name ) name = normalize( name.to_s ) ## allow symbols too (e.g. use to.s first) @teams_by_name[ name ] end def find( q ) ## check longest match first (assume name is longer than code) ## try lookup / find by (normalized) name first team = find_by_name( q ) team = find_by_code( q ) if team.nil? team end def find!( q ) team = find( q ) if team.nil? puts "** !!! ERROR - no match for national team >#{q}< found" exit 1 end team end end # class NationalTeamIndex end # module Import end # module SportDb