# Geomancer This is just an extremely simple wrapper around some geolocation code we use at [WebKite](http://webkite.com). By default it will just try to extract a US Zip Code from an address and geolocate coordinates based on an [extremely sophisticated in-memory NoSQL store](./lib/geomancer/zips.rb?raw=true) known as a ["hash"](http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.1/Hash.html). But if configured, it can use [geocoder](https://github.com/alexreisner/geocoder) to do more refined geolocation. This way we ge (albeit bad) results in development and test environments without having to pay a commercial service, but (good) results which we're gladly willing to pay for in production environments. Usage: ``` require 'geomancer' # Get a hash with lat/long Geomancer.geolocate("700 River Avenue Suite 440 Pittsburgh, PA 15217") # Use yahoo boss Geomancer.configure(:yahoo, :api_key => [*id*, *secret*]) # Explicitly force bad zip code lookups Geomancer.configure(:zip_code) ```