@cli Feature: Upgrading BrowserCMS As a developer who has a lot of module to maintain, I really don't want to have to work off a checklist and would rather have an idiot proof script that will upgrade my module for me. Background: Given I am working on a BrowserCMS v3.3.x module named "bcms_petstore" Scenario: Verify a Rails 3.0 app was created Then the following directories should exist: | script | | app | And the following files should exist: | config.ru | Scenario: Avoid accidently updating projects Given I am working on a BrowserCMS v3.3.x project named "petstore" When I run `bcms-upgrade module` Then the output should contain "This does not appear to be a BrowserCMS module. Skipping update" And the following files should exist: | config.ru | Scenario: Upgrade a Module from 3.3.x to 3.4.x When I run `bcms-upgrade module` And the output should not contain "Upgrading to BrowserCMS 3.3.x..." Then the file "script/rails" should contain "test/dummy/script/rails" And the following files should not exist: | config.ru | | MIT-LICENSE | | README.rdoc | | config/database.yml | | app/controllers/application_controller.rb | | app/helpers/application_helper.rb | | app/views/layouts | # Confirm a Rails 3 mountable app was created And the following directories should exist: | app/assets/javascripts | | test/dummy | And the following directories should not exist: | public | And the file "test/dummy/config/database.yml" should contain "@original-yml" And the file "config/routes.rb" should not contain "@original-routes" And the file "config/routes.rb" should contain "BcmsPetstore::Engine.routes.draw" And the file "lib/bcms_petstore/engine.rb" should contain "require 'browsercms'" And the file "lib/bcms_petstore/engine.rb" should contain "@original-engine" And the file "lib/bcms_petstore/version.rb" should contain "@original-version" And the file "app/assets/test.html" should contain "@original-html" And the file "app/assets/js/test.js" should contain "@original-js" And the file "test/dummy/config/routes.rb" should contain "mount_browsercms" And the following files should not exist: | db/migrate/20080815014337_browsercms_3_0_0.rb | | db/migrate/20091109175123_browsercms_3_0_5.rb | | db/schema.rb | | db/seeds.rb | | db/development.sqlite3 | And the following files should exist: | db/migrate/my_module_migration.rb | And the file "bcms_petstore.gemspec" should contain "@original-gemspec" And the following files should exist: | test/dummy/db/seeds.rb |