require "sproutcore/builders/base" require "fileutils" require "chance" module SC # This builder builds CSS using Chance. class Builder::ChanceFile < Builder::Base def build(dst_path) instances = entry[:chance_instances] || [entry[:chance_instance]] # Ensure all entries are staged. When Abbot updates, it may skip regenerating # the manifest and just run us, in which case, the previous staged version # will be out-of-date. entry[:source_entries].each {|e| e.stage! if entry[:build_required] } chance_file = entry[:chance_file] src = {|chance| # Because files were restaged, they could be out-of-date. # Let's double-check them all. chance.check_all_files src = "" src = chance.output_for chance_file unless chance.nil? src = "" if src.nil? if (chance_file.end_with?("css") or chance_file.end_with?("js")) and src.length > 0 src = rewrite_inline_code(src) if chance_file.end_with?("css") src += "\n" end src }.join("") # Don't write empty files... but keep in mind that hte if src.length > 0 writeline dst_path, src end end # Rewrites any inline content such as static urls. Subclasseses can # override this to rewrite any other inline content. # # The default will rewrite calls to static_url(). def rewrite_inline_code(code) # chance_files refer, usually, to sprites. code.gsub!(/chance_file\(["'](.*?)['"]\)/) {|match| path = entry[:resource_name] + "-" + $1 "static_url('#{path}')" } code.gsub!(/external_file\(["'](.*?)['"]\)/) {|match| "static_url('#{$1}')" } # look for sc_require, require or sc_resource. wrap in comment code.gsub!(/((sc_require|require|sc_resource)\(\s*['"].*["']\s*\)\s*\;)/, '/* \1 */') replace_static_url(code) code end def static_url(url=''); "url('#{url}')" ; end end end