// GLOBAL VARIABLES - include your variables here or alter the predefined vars // See skeleton file for copyright info // MY VARIABLES // $foo: "bar"; // background vars $backgroundColor: white // default background information // font vars $fontSize: 14px // default font size. Change here will adjust sizes across the board. $fontFamily: "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif // default fonts $fontColor: #444444 // default font color // form vars $formFont: $fontFamily // default font font // link vars $linkColor: #333333 // default link INERT color $linkHoverColor: black // default link HOVER color $linkDecoration: underline // default link decoration // heading vars $headingFamily: "Georgia", "Times New Roman", serif // default heading font $headingColor: #181818 // default heading color // grid variables $baseWidth: 960px // change this to alter the overall width of the grid $baseWidthMQ: 960px // base width for media query calculations in layout file $baseColWidth: 40px // change this the alter the grid calculation, see _mixins file for more details $baseGutterWidth: 20px // calculation has changed, this is mainly here for consistency with 960.gs $isFluid: false // want a fluid grid by default? // ------ CHANGE MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED RESULTS $baseColCount: 16 // number of cols to generate // media query dimensions $tabletWidth: 768px $mobilePortraitWidth: 300px $mobileLandscapeWidth: 420px