groonga - An open-source fulltext search engine and column store.

7.3.15. dump Summary

dump - データベースのスキーマとデータを出力する

Groonga組込コマンドの一つであるdumpについて説明します。組込コマンドは、groonga実行ファイルの引数、標準入力、 またはソケット経由でgroongaサーバにリクエストを送信することによって実行します。

dumpはデータベースのスキーマとデータを後から読み込めるフォーマットで出力します。dumpの結果は大きくなるため、 主にコマンドラインから使うことを想定しています。データベースのバックアップが主な利用方法です。


% groonga original/db dump > dump.grn
% mkdir backup
% groonga -n backup/db < dump.grn Syntax

dump [tables]
     [dump_indexes] Usage

Here is the sample schema and data to check dump behaviour:

plugin_register token_filters/stop_word
table_create Bookmarks TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
column_create Bookmarks title COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
table_create Lexicon TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText
table_create Sites TABLE_NO_KEY
column_create Sites url COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText
column_create Lexicon bookmark_title COLUMN_INDEX Bookmarks title
load --table Bookmarks
{"_key":"Groonga", "title":"Introduction to Groonga"},
{"_key":"Mroonga", "title":"Introduction to Mroonga"}
load --table Sites
{"_key": 1, "url":""},
{"_key": 2, "url":""}

Dump all data in database:

> dump
plugin_register token_filters/stop_word

table_create Sites TABLE_NO_KEY
column_create Sites url COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText

table_create Bookmarks TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
column_create Bookmarks title COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText

table_create Lexicon TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText

load --table Sites

load --table Bookmarks
["Groonga","Introduction to Groonga"],
["Mroonga","Introduction to Mroonga"]

create Lexicon bookmark_title COLUMN_INDEX Bookmarks title

Dump schema and specific table data:

> dump Bookmarks
plugin_register token_filters/stop_word

table_create Sites TABLE_NO_KEY
column_create Sites url COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText

table_create Bookmarks TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
column_create Bookmarks title COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText

table_create Lexicon TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText

load --table Bookmarks
["Groonga","Introduction to Groonga"],
["Mroonga","Introduction to Mroonga"]

column_create Lexicon bookmark_title COLUMN_INDEX Bookmarks title

Dump plugin only:

> dump --dump_schema no --dump_records no --dump_indexes no
plugin_register token_filters/stop_word

Dump records only:

> dump --dump_schema no --dump_plugins no --dump_indexes no
load --table Sites

load --table Bookmarks
["Groonga","Introduction to Groonga"],
["Mroonga","Introduction to Mroonga"]

Dump schema only:

> dump --dump_records no --dump_plugins no --dump_indexes no
table_create Sites TABLE_NO_KEY
column_create Sites url COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText

table_create Bookmarks TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
column_create Bookmarks title COLUMN_SCALAR ShortText

table_create Lexicon TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText Parameters

There are optional parameters. Optional parameters tables

出力対象のテーブルを「,」(カンマ)区切りで指定します。存在しないテーブルを指定した場合は無視されます。 dump_plugins

You can customize the output whether it contains registered plugins or not. To exclude registered plugins from the output, specify no.

The default value is yes. dump_schema

You can customize the output whether it contains database schema or not. To exclude database schema from the output, specify no.

The default value is yes. dump_records

You can customize the output whether it contains records or not. To exclude records from the output, specify no.

The default value is yes. dump_indexes

You can customize the output whether it contains indexes or not. To exclude indexes from the output, specify no.

The default value is yes. Return value
