require 'image_optim/bin_resolver' require 'image_optim/config' require 'image_optim/handler' require 'image_optim/image_path' require 'image_optim/worker' require 'in_threads' require 'shellwords' class ImageOptim # Nice level attr_reader :nice # Number of threads to run with attr_reader :threads # Verbose output? def verbose? @verbose end # Initialize workers, specify options using worker underscored name: # # pass false to disable worker # # => false) # # or hash with options to worker # # => {:level => 3}, :optipng => {:level => 2}) # # use :threads to set number of parallel optimizers to run (passing true or nil determines number of processors, false disables parallel processing) # # => 8) # # use :nice to specify optimizers nice level (true or nil makes it 10, false makes it 0) # # => 20) def initialize(options = {}) config = @nice = config.nice @threads = config.threads @verbose = config.verbose if verbose? $stderr << config $stderr << "Nice level: #{nice}\n" $stderr << "Using threads: #{threads}\n" end @bin_resolver = @workers_by_format = {} Worker.klasses.each do |klass| if worker_options = config.for_worker(klass) worker =, worker_options) worker.image_formats.each do |format| @workers_by_format[format] ||= [] @workers_by_format[format] << worker end end end @workers_by_format.values.each(&:sort!) config.assert_no_unused_options! end # Get workers for image def workers_for_image(path) @workers_by_format[ImagePath.convert(path).format] end # Optimize one file, return new path as OptimizedImagePath or nil if optimization failed def optimize_image(original) original = ImagePath.convert(original) if workers = workers_for_image(original) handler = workers.each do |worker| handler.process do |src, dst| worker.optimize(src, dst) end end handler.cleanup if handler.result, original) end end end # Optimize one file in place, return original as OptimizedImagePath or nil if optimization failed def optimize_image!(original) original = ImagePath.convert(original) if result = optimize_image(original) result.replace(original), result.original_size) end end # Optimize image data, return new data or nil if optimization failed def optimize_image_data(original_data) format = ImagePath.temp_file %W[image_optim .#{format}] do |temp| temp.binmode temp.write(original_data) temp.close if result = optimize_image(temp.path)'rb', &:read) end end end # Optimize multiple images # if block given yields path and result for each image and returns array of yield results # else return array of results def optimize_images(paths, &block) run_method_for(paths, :optimize_image, &block) end # Optimize multiple images in place # if block given yields path and result for each image and returns array of yield results # else return array of results def optimize_images!(paths, &block) run_method_for(paths, :optimize_image!, &block) end # Optimize multiple image datas # if block given yields original and result for each image data and returns array of yield results # else return array of results def optimize_images_data(datas, &block) run_method_for(datas, :optimize_image_data, &block) end # Optimization methods with default options def self.method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method_defined?(method) && method.to_s =~ /^optimize_image/ new.send(method, *args, &block) else super end end # Version of image_optim gem spec loaded def self.version Gem.loaded_specs['image_optim'].version.to_s rescue 'DEV' end # Are there workers for file at path? def optimizable?(path) !!workers_for_image(path) end # Check existance of binary, create symlink if ENV contains path for key XXX_BIN where XXX is upper case bin name def resolve_bin!(bin) @bin_resolver.resolve!(bin) end # Join resolve_dir, default path and vendor path for PATH environment variable def env_path @bin_resolver.env_path end private # Run method for each path and yield each path and result if block given def run_method_for(paths, method_name, &block) apply_threading(paths).map do |path| result = send(method_name, path) if block, result) else result end end end # Apply threading if threading is allowed def apply_threading(enum) if threads > 1 enum.in_threads(threads) else enum end end end %w[ pngcrush pngout optipng advpng jhead jpegoptim jpegtran gifsicle svgo ].each do |worker| require "image_optim/worker/#{worker}" end require 'image_optim/railtie' if defined?(Rails)