# Zen Garden A Rails plugin that adds a few extra Rake tasks for describing common workflows with Postgres, Heroku, Travis and Rails. It allows you to use Travis as part of your continous deployment workflow. ## Features - **rake deploy** deploys your app to Heroku and if you have Airbrake installed, also notifies it of the deploy. - **rake db** uses database.yml to figure out your username, then creates a username and sets up the database with your schema. - **rake test** will be written if Rails doesn't implement its own test tasks, and create a combo task for RSpec and Teaspoon, as well as include the RSpec and Teaspoon Rake tasks if they haven't already been included. ## Usage You can use these Rake tasks manually, but they were designed for a continuous development workflow using Travis-CI. So that's probably their best use. Run `rails g travis:configuration` to get a .travis.yml that runs them all! ## Contributing Contributions can be made in Git or Github pull requests. You must include ample tests.