# MongoDB input plugin for Embulk [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/hakobera/embulk-input-mongodb.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/hakobera/embulk-input-mongodb) MongoDB input plugin for Embulk loads records from MongoDB. This plugin loads documents as single-column records (column name is "record"). You can use filter plugins such as [embulk-filter-expand_json](https://github.com/civitaspo/embulk-filter-expand_json) or [embulk-filter-add_time](https://github.com/treasure-data/embulk-filter-add_time) to convert the json column to typed columns. [Rename filter](http://www.embulk.org/docs/built-in.html#rename-filter-plugin) is also useful to rename the typed columns. ## Overview This plugin only works with embulk >= 0.8.8. * **Plugin type**: input * **Guess supported**: no ## Configuration - **uri**: [MongoDB connection string URI](http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/) (e.g. 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb') (string, required) - **collection**: source collection name (string, required) - **fields**: **(deprecated)** ~~hash records that has the following two fields (array, required)~~ ~~- name: Name of the column~~ ~~- type: Column types as follows~~ ~~- boolean~~ ~~- long~~ ~~- double~~ ~~- string~~ ~~- timestamp~~ - **id_field_name** (string, optional, default: "_id") Name of Object ID field name. Set if you want to change the default name `_id` - **query**: a JSON document used for [querying](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/query-documents/) on the source collection. Documents are loaded from the colleciton if they match with this condition. (string, optional) - **projection**: A JSON document used for [projection](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/projection/positional/) on query results. Fields in a document are used only if they match with this condition. (string, optional) - **sort**: ordering of results (string, optional) - **stop_on_invalid_record** Stop bulk load transaction if a document includes invalid record (such as unsupported object type) (boolean, optional, default: false) - **json_column_name**: column name used in outputs (string, optional, default: "json") ## Example ### Exporting all objects ```yaml in: type: mongodb uri: mongodb://myuser:mypassword@localhost:27017/my_database collection: "my_collection" ``` ### Filtering documents by query and projection ```yaml in: type: mongodb uri: mongodb://myuser:mypassword@localhost:27017/my_database collection: "my_collection" query: '{ field1: { $gte: 3 } }' projection: '{ "_id": 1, "field1": 1, "field2": 0 }' sort: '{ "field1": 1 }' ``` ### Advanced usage with filter plugins ```yaml in: type: mongodb uri: mongodb://myuser:mypassword@localhost:27017/my_database collection: "my_collection" query: '{ "age": { $gte: 3 } }' projection: '{ "_id": 1, "age": 1, "ts": 1, "firstName": 1, "lastName": 1 }' filters: # convert json column into typed columns - type: expand_json json_column_name: record expanded_columns: - {name: _id, type: long} - {name: ts, type: string} - {name: firstName, type: string} - {name: lastName, type: string} # rename column names - type: rename columns: _id: id firstName: first_name lastName: last_name # convert string "ts" column into timestamp "time" column - type: add_time from_column: name: ts timestamp_format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%z" to_column: name: time type: timestamp ``` ## Build ``` $ ./gradlew gem ``` ## Test ``` $ ./gradlew test # -t to watch change of files and rebuild continuously ``` To run unit tests, we need to configure the following environment variables. When environment variables are not set, skip almost test cases. ``` MONGO_URI MONGO_COLLECTION ``` If you're using Mac OS X El Capitan and GUI Applications(IDE), like as follows. ```xml $ vi ~/Library/LaunchAgents/environment.plist Label my.startup ProgramArguments sh -c launchctl setenv MONGO_URI mongodb://myuser:mypassword@localhost:27017/my_database launchctl setenv MONGO_COLLECTION my_collection RunAtLoad $ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/environment.plist $ launchctl getenv MONGO_URI //try to get value. Then start your applications. ```