is_defined = function(suspect) { return ((suspect === undefined) || (suspect === null)) ? false : true; }; is_undefined = function(suspect) { return (suspect === undefined) ? true : false; }; is_typeof = function(type, suspect) { if (is_undefined(type)) { throw new SyntaxError("is_typeof(Type, suspect): type is undefined"); } if (is_undefined(suspect)) { throw new SyntaxError("is_typeof(Type, suspect): suspect is undefined"); } return (suspect.constructor == type) ? true : false; }; is_numeric = function(suspect) { if(is_typeof(Number, suspect)) { return true; } else { var pattern = /^-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:e[+\-]?\d+)?$/i; return pattern.test(suspect); } }; is_string = function(suspect) { return is_typeof(String, suspect); }; is_array = function(suspect) { return is_typeof(Array, suspect); }; is_number = function(suspect) { return is_typeof(Number, suspect); }; is_date = function(suspect) { return is_typeof(Date, suspect); }; is_bool = function(suspect) { return is_typeof(Boolean, suspect); }; is_regex = function(suspect) { return is_typeof(RegExp, suspect); }; is_empty = function(suspect) { return suspect.length === 0; }; is_not_empty = function(suspect) { return suspect.length >= 1; }; unless = function(expression, callback, fallback) { if (is_undefined(callback)) { throw new SyntaxError("unless(expression, callback[, fallback]): callback is undefined"); } if (!!!expression) {; } else { if (is_defined(fallback)) {; } } }; var dom = (function() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; var browser = { agent: userAgent, mozilla: (/mozilla/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase())) && !(/(compatible|webkit)/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase())), webkit: /webkit/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase()), firefox: /firefox/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase()), chrome: /webkit/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase()), safari: /safari/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase()), opera: /opera/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase()), msie: (/msie/.test(userAgent.toLowerCase())) && !(/opera/.test( userAgent.toLowerCase() )) }; var readyBound = false; var isReady = false; var readyList = []; function domReady() { if (!isReady) { isReady = true; if (readyList) { for(var fn = 0; fn < readyList.length; fn++) { readyList[fn].call(window, []); } readyList = []; } } } function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); }; } } function bindReady() { if (readyBound) { return; } readyBound = true; if (document.addEventListener && !browser.opera) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", domReady, false); } if (browser.msie && window == top) { (function() { if (isReady) { return; } try { document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); } catch(error) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0); return; } domReady(); })(); } if (browser.opera) { document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function () { if (isReady) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { if (document.styleSheets[i].disabled) { setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); return; } domReady(); } }, false); } if (browser.safari) { var numStyles; (function() { if (isReady) { return; } if (document.readyState != "loaded" && document.readyState != "complete") { setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); return; } if (numStyles === undefined) { var links = document.getElementsByTagName("link"); for (var i=0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].getAttribute('rel') == 'stylesheet') { numStyles++; } } var styles = document.getElementsByTagName("style"); numStyles += styles.length; } if (document.styleSheets.length != numStyles) { setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); return; } domReady(); })(); } addLoadEvent(domReady); } return { bind: bindReady, is_ready: isReady, ready_list: readyList }; })(); NinjsDOM = function() { this.cached_selectors = {}; }; NinjsDOM.prototype.ready = function(fn, args) { dom.bind(); if (dom.is_ready()) {, args || []); } else { dom.ready_list.push( function() { return, args || []); } ); } }; dom.bind(); NinjsModule = function(name) { this.dom = new NinjsDOM(this); = {}; = name; }; NinjsModule.prototype.actions = function() {}; = function() { var mod = this; this.dom.ready(function() { mod.execute(); }); }; NinjsModule.prototype.execute = function() { this.actions(); }; NinjsModule.prototype.elements = function(elements) { if (is_undefined(elements)) { if (is_typeof(Object, elements)) { throw new SyntaxError("NinjsModule.elements(elements): elements is undefined"); } else if (is_string(elements)) { throw new SyntaxError("NinjsModule.elements(name): name is undefined"); } } if (is_string(elements)) { var name = elements; return this.dom.cached_selectors[name]; } else { var dom = this.dom; dom.ready(function() { for(var key in elements) { if (elements.hasOwnProperty(key)) { dom.cached_selectors[key] = elements[key]; } } }); } }; NinjsModule.prototype.set_data = function(key, value) { if (is_undefined(key)) { throw new SyntaxError('NinjsModule.set_data(key, value): key is undefined'); } if (is_typeof(String, key) && is_undefined(value)) { throw new SyntaxError('NinjsModule.set_data(key, value): value is undefined'); } if (is_typeof(String, key)) {[key] = value; } else if (is_typeof(Object, key)) { var data = key; for(var property in data) {[property] = data[property]; } } return this; }; NinjsApplication = function() {}; NinjsApplication.prototype.add_module = function(name) { if (is_undefined(name)) { throw new SyntaxError("NinjsApplication.add_module(name): name is undefined"); } if (is_defined(this[name])) { throw new SyntaxError("NinjsApplication.add_module(name): '" + name + "' already declared"); } if ( === name) { throw new SyntaxError("NinjsApplication.add_module(name): a module cannot have the same name as the application"); } return this[name] = new NinjsModule(name); }; var myapp = new NinjsApplication();