# # Author:: Tyler Ball () # Copyright:: Copyright 2014-2016, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "rspec/core/sandbox" require "chef/audit/runner" require "chef/audit/audit_event_proxy" require "chef/audit/rspec_formatter" require "rspec/support/spec/in_sub_process" require "rspec/support/spec/stderr_splitter" describe Chef::Audit::Runner do include RSpec::Support::InSubProcess let(:events) { double("events") } let(:run_context) { instance_double(Chef::RunContext, events: events) } let(:runner) { Chef::Audit::Runner.new(run_context) } around(:each) do |ex| RSpec::Core::Sandbox.sandboxed { ex.run } end context "when we run in audit mode" do let(:paths) { [ "/opt/chef/lib/chef/", 'C:\windows/here/lib/chef/' , "/opt/chef/extra/folders/lib/chef/"] } it "excludes the current path from backtrace" do paths.each do |path| expect(runner.exclusion_pattern).to match(path) end end end describe "#initialize" do it "correctly sets the run_context during initialization" do expect(runner.instance_variable_get(:@run_context)).to eq(run_context) end end context "during #run" do describe "#setup" do let(:log_location) { File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "audit_log") } let(:color) { false } before do Chef::Config[:log_location] = log_location Chef::Config[:color] = color end it "sets all the config values" do # This runs the Serverspec includes - we don't want these hanging around in all subsequent tests so # we run this in a forked process. Keeps Serverspec files from getting loaded into main process. in_sub_process do runner.send(:setup) expect(RSpec.configuration.output_stream).to eq(Chef::Audit::Logger) expect(RSpec.configuration.error_stream).to eq(Chef::Audit::Logger) expect(RSpec.configuration.formatters.size).to eq(2) expect(RSpec.configuration.formatters).to include(instance_of(Chef::Audit::AuditEventProxy)) expect(RSpec.configuration.formatters).to include(instance_of(Chef::Audit::RspecFormatter)) expect(Chef::Audit::AuditEventProxy.class_variable_get(:@@events)).to eq(run_context.events) expect(RSpec.configuration.expectation_frameworks).to eq([RSpec::Matchers]) expect(RSpec::Matchers.configuration.syntax).to eq([:expect]) expect(RSpec.configuration.color).to eq(color) expect(RSpec.configuration.expose_dsl_globally?).to eq(false) expect(RSpec.configuration.backtrace_exclusion_patterns).to include(runner.exclusion_pattern) expect(Specinfra.configuration.backend).to eq(:exec) end end end describe "#register_control_groups" do let(:audits) { [] } let(:run_context) { instance_double(Chef::RunContext, audits: audits) } it "adds the control group aliases" do runner.send(:register_control_groups) expect(RSpec::Core::DSL.example_group_aliases).to include(:__control_group__) expect(RSpec::Core::DSL.example_group_aliases).to include(:control) end context "audits exist" do let(:audits) { { "audit_name" => group } } let(:group) { Struct.new(:args, :block).new(["group_name"], nil) } it "sends the audits to the world" do runner.send(:register_control_groups) expect(RSpec.world.example_groups.size).to eq(1) # For whatever reason, `kind_of` is not working # expect(RSpec.world.example_groups).to include(kind_of(RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup)) => FAIL g = RSpec.world.example_groups[0] expect(g.ancestors).to include(RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup) expect(g.description).to eq("group_name") end end end describe "#do_run" do let(:rspec_runner) { instance_double(RSpec::Core::Runner) } it "executes the runner" do expect(RSpec::Core::Runner).to receive(:new).with(nil).and_return(rspec_runner) expect(rspec_runner).to receive(:run_specs).with([]) runner.send(:do_run) end end end describe "counters" do it "correctly calculates failed?" do expect(runner.failed?).to eq(false) end it "correctly calculates num_failed" do expect(runner.num_failed).to eq(0) end it "correctly calculates num_total" do expect(runner.num_total).to eq(0) end end end