module MessageTrain class Message < ActiveRecord::Base # Serializations serialize :recipients_to_save, Hash # Relationships belongs_to :conversation belongs_to :sender, polymorphic: true has_many :attachments has_many :receipts # Validations validates_presence_of :sender, :subject # Callbacks before_create :create_conversation_if_blank after_create :generate_sender_receipt after_save :generate_receipts_or_set_draft after_save :set_conversation_subject_if_alone # Scopes default_scope { order('updated_at DESC') } scope :filter_by_receipt_method_ids, ->(receipt_method, participant) { all.collect { |x| x.receipts.send(receipt_method, participant).message_ids }.flatten } scope :filter_by_receipt_method, ->(receipt_method, participant) { where('id IN (?)', filter_by_receipt_method_ids(receipt_method, participant)) } scope :filter_out_by_receipt_method, ->(receipt_method, participant) { where('NOT(id IN (?))', filter_by_receipt_method_ids(receipt_method, participant)) } scope :ready, -> { where('draft = ?', false) } scope :drafts, -> { where('draft = ?', true) } scope :by, ->(participant) { where('sender_type = ? AND sender_id = ?',, } scope :drafts_by, ->(participant) { } def mark(mark_to_set, participant) receipt_to_mark = receipts.for(participant).first unless receipt_to_mark.nil? receipt_to_mark.mark(mark_to_set) end end def self.mark(mark_to_set, participant) all.each do |message| message.mark(mark_to_set, participant) end end def recipients receipts.recipient_receipt.collect { |x| x.recipient } end def self.conversation_ids all.collect { |y| y.conversation_id } end def self.conversations MessageTrain::Conversation.where('id IN (?)', conversation_ids ) end def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) # the first argument is a Symbol, so you need to_s it if you want to pattern match if method_sym.to_s =~ /^is_((.*)_(by|to|for))\?$/ !receipts.send($1.to_sym, arguments.first).empty? elsif method_sym.to_s =~ /^mark_(.*)_for$/ receipts.for(arguments.first).first.mark($1.to_sym) else super end end def self.method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) # the first argument is a Symbol, so you need to_s it if you want to pattern match if method_sym.to_s =~ /^with_(.*_(by|to|for))$/ filter_by_receipt_method($1.to_sym, arguments.first) else super end end # It's important to know Object defines respond_to to take two parameters: the method to check, and whether to include private methods # def respond_to?(method_sym, include_private = false) if method_sym.to_s =~ /^is_.*_(by|to|for)\?$/ || method_sym.to_s =~ /^mark_.*_for\?$/ true else super end end def self.respond_to?(method_sym, include_private = false) if method_sym.to_s =~ /^.*_(by|to|for)$/ true else super end end private def create_conversation_if_blank if conversation.nil? self.conversation = Conversation.create(subject: subject) end end def generate_sender_receipt receipts.first_or_create!(recipient_type:, recipient_id:, sender: true) end def generate_receipts_or_set_draft unless draft recipients_to_save.each do |table, slugs| model_name = table.classify model = model_name.constantize slugs.split(',').each do |slug| slug = slug.strip slug_column = MessageTrain.configuration.slug_columns[table.to_sym] || :slug if model.exists?(slug_column => slug) recipient = model.find_by(slug_column => slug) unless conversation.is_ignored?(recipient) receipts.create!(recipient_type: model_name, recipient_id: end else errors.add :recipients_to_save, :name_not_found.l(name: slug) end end end reload if recipients.empty? update_attribute :draft, true else conversation.update_attribute(:updated_at, end end end def set_conversation_subject_if_alone if conversation.messages.count == 1 conversation.update_attribute(:subject, subject) end end end end