module Neo4j org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeProxy.class_eval do include Neo4j::Property include Neo4j::NodeRelationship include Neo4j::Equal include Neo4j::Index # Delete the node and all its relationship def del rels.each {|r| r.del} delete end # returns true if the node exists in the database def exist? Neo4j::Node.exist?(self) end # provide a hook for ruby class mapping def wrapped_entity self end def class Neo4j::Node end end class Node extend Neo4j::Index::ClassMethods self.indexer self class << self # Creates a new node using the default db instance when given no args # Same as Neo4j::Node#create def new(*args) # the first argument can be an hash of properties to set props = args[0].respond_to?(:each_pair) && args[0] # a db instance can be given, is the first argument if that was not a hash, or otherwise the second db = (!props && args[0]) || args[1] || Neo4j.started_db node = db.graph.create_node props.each_pair { |k, v| node.set_property(k.to_s, v) } if props node end # create is the same as new alias_method :create, :new def load(node_id, db = Neo4j.started_db) load_wrapper(db.graph.get_node_by_id(node_id.to_i)) rescue java.lang.IllegalStateException nil # the node has been deleted rescue org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException nil end def load_wrapper(node) return node unless to_class(node[:_classname]).load_wrapper(node) end def to_class(class_name) class_name.split("::").inject(Kernel) {|container, name| container.const_get(name.to_s) } end def exist?(node_or_node_id, db = Neo4j.started_db) id = node_or_node_id.kind_of?(Fixnum) ? node_or_node_id : load(id, db) != nil end end end end