Sha256: 7a8567055eea5ba5464c7ce7d8b0f01c87f781a09519b7d3dcbc81be8c3de003
Contents?: true
Size: 1.06 KB
Versions: 5
Stored size: 1.06 KB
3.2.9 (Media Mark) a4109ddc9610cfbe56b9c087aec4a071449d6030 o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode :@value[I"A/* project specific variables and mixins and reset config */:ET: @type:silent;[ : @linei: @options{ o:Sass::Tree::ImportNode:@imported_filenameI"config; T;[ :@template0;i; @:@imported_file0o; ;[I"7/* framework should not be modified per project */; T; ;;[ ;i ; @o;;I"framework; T;[ ;0;i ; @;0o; ;[I"G/* each component style should be agnostic to it's surroundings */; T; ;;[ ;i; @o;;I"components; T;[ ;0;i ; @;0o; ;[I"A/* sturcture loaded last for proper media query cascading */; T; ;;[ ;i; @o;;I"structure; T;[ ;0;i; @;0;I":// project specific variables and mixins and reset config @import 'config'; // framework should not be modified per project @import 'framework'; // each component style should be agnostic to it's surroundings @import 'components'; // sturcture loaded last for proper media query cascading @import 'structure'; ; T;i:@has_childrenT; @
Version data entries
5 entries across 5 versions & 1 rubygems