!!! 1.1
%html{ :xmlns => "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" }
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Amp | Version Control Revolution
= stylesheets :reset, :amp, :all_themes
= javascripts "jquery-1.3.2.min.js", "jquery.cookie.js"
= render("include/_header.haml", :selected => "home")
.floatleft{ :style => "width:100%; padding:8px 0em 6px;"}
.floatleft{ :style => "width: 50%; margin-left: 25%;" }
Get Amp
%span.red-text v0.2.3
%ul{:style => "margin-left:2px;"}
%li== 1. Get #{ruby_link}. 2. sudo gem install #{blue_amp} --no-wrappers
.floatleft{ :style => "width:100%;padding:10px 0em 6px;" }
.floatleft{ :style => "width: 45%;" }
%span.section-header== What is #{blue_amp("Amp:")}
.rounded.bigbox.half-border{:style => "padding-bottom:30px;"}
== #{blue_amp "Amp"} aims to change the way we approach VCS.
== #{blue_amp "Amp"} is:
%li== #{hg_link} in #{link_to "http://www.ruby-lang.org/", "Ruby"}. 100% compatible with hg.
%li== Uniquely #{link_to "/about/customization.html", "customizable"}
%li== Superbly #{link_to "/learn/docs/", "documented"} with #{link_to "http://yard.soen.ca/", "YARD"}
%li== Free and Open-Source (#{link_to "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html", "GPLv2"})
%li== #{link_to "/about/performance.html", "Performance"} Focused
%li Dependency-free (you just need Ruby!)
.floatleft{ :style => "width: 53%; margin-left:14px;" }
==Big Plans for #{blue_amp "Amp:"}
==#{blue_amp "Amp"} has bigger dreams. Here’s what we want to do:
== #{git_link}, #{link_to "http://bazaar-vcs.org/", "bazaar"}, #{link_to "http://subversion.tigris.org/", "svn"}, #{link_to "http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/", "cvs" }, #{link_to "http://darcs.net/", "darcs" } In #{link_to "http://www.ruby-lang.org/", "Ruby" }. 100% Compatible.
%li Common API to all repository formats.
%li== #{link_to "about/commands.html", "Command system"} independent of repository format
%li Workflows matching each major VCS system
%li== Run on #{link_to "http://www.microsoft.com/en/us/default.aspx", "Windows" }
%li== Demonstrate Ruby #{link_to "about/performance.html", "performance"}
%li A GUI application on top of all these features
== Ambitious? Perhaps. That’s why #{link_to "contribute/", "we'd like your help"}.
.floatleft{ :style => "width:100%;padding:6px 0em 6px 0em;" }
.floatleft{ :style => "width: 62%;" }
%span.section-header== Why #{blue_amp "Amp?"}
%p== #{blue_amp "Amp"} is unlike any other VCS software to date. #{blue_amp "Amp"}'s novel command system gives you the flexibility to customize and personalize the way you develop software. Create in your own workspace with full #{hg_link} compatibility, and no external dependencies.
.rounded.bigbox.dark{ :style => "margin-top:16px;" }
command "echo" do |c|
c.opt :noline, "Don't append newline", :short => "-n"
c.on_run do |opts, args|
print args.join(" ")
print "\n" unless opts[:noline]
.rounded.bigbox.teal{ :style => "margin-top:0px;" }
==Adds a new command to #{blue_amp}. Usage:
%tt amp echo Hello World.
== Once this is in your #{ampfile_link}, it’s usable in amp. #{link_to "about/commands.html", "Learn More"}
.floatleft{ :style => "width: 38%;margin-top:25px;" }
command "status" do |c|
c.default :"no-color", true
.rounded.bigbox.teal{ :style => "margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:8px;" }
Don’t like how a command works out-of-the-box? Change the default settings. It’s almost not even code.
.rounded.bigbox.dark{ :style => "margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:0px;" }
command :push do |c|
c.before { system "rake test" }
.rounded.bigbox.teal{ :style => "margin-top:0px;" }
== This one's from our own #{ampfile_link}. Run tests before every push. If your tests fail, no push.
.floatleft{ :style => "width:100%; padding:1em 0em 6px;" }
.floatleft{ :style => "width: 81%;margin-left:9.5%;" }
== Developing #{blue_amp "Amp:"}
%p== There's a lot we want to do, and #{blue_amp} needs developers. Want to help? Here's how #{blue_amp} rolls:
%span.shellscript hg clone http://bitbucket.org/carbonica/amp/
%li Make your changes
%span.shellscript hg diff -r rev1 -r rev2 -U 3 > your.patch
%li Create ticket on #{lighthouse_link "Lighthouse, attach your patch"}
%li Land one patch, you get commit rights
%p== Want more details? Check out our #{link_to "/contributing/", "contributing page." } Or join us at #{link_to "irc://irc.freenode.net/#amp", "#amp on freenode" }.
= render("include/_footer.haml")