require 'rdf/kv/version' require 'rdf' require 'uri' require 'uuidtools' require 'uuid-ncname' class RDF::KV private # some xml grammar NCNSCHAR = 'A-Za-z_\\u00c0-\\u00d6\\u00d8-\\u00f6\\u00f8-\\u02ff' \ '\\u0370-\\u037d\\u037f-\\u1fff\\u200c-\\u200d\\u2070-\\u218f' \ '\\u2c00-\\u2fef\\u3001-\\ud7ff\\uf900-\\ufdcf\\ufdf0-\\ufffd' \ '\\u{10000}-\\u{effff}'.freeze NSCHAR = "[:#{NCNSCHAR}]".freeze NCNAMECHAR = "-.0-9#{NCNSCHAR}\\u00b7\\u0300-\\u036f\\u203f-\\u2040".freeze NCNAME = "[#{NCNSCHAR}][#{NCNAMECHAR}]*".freeze # the actual rdf-kv grammar MODIFIER = '(?:[!=+-]|[+-]!|![+-])'.freeze PREFIX = "(?:#{NCNAME}|[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z.+-]*)".freeze TERM = "(?:#{PREFIX}:\\S*)".freeze RFC5646 = '(?:[A-Za-z]+(?:-[0-9A-Za-z]+)*)'.freeze DESIGNATOR = "(?:[:_']|@#{RFC5646}|\\^#{TERM})".freeze DECLARATION = "^\\s*\\$\\s+(#{NCNAME})(?:\\s+(\\$))?\s*$".freeze MACRO = "(?:\\$\\{(#{NCNAME})\\}|\\$(#{NCNAME}))".freeze NOT_MACRO = "(?:(?!\\$#{NCNAME}|\\$\\{#{NCNAME}\\}).)*".freeze MACROS = "(#{NOT_MACRO})(?:#{MACRO})?(#{NOT_MACRO})".freeze PARTIAL_STMT = "^\\s*(?:(#{MODIFIER})\\s+)?" \ "(?:(#{TERM})(?:\\s+(#{TERM}))?(?:\\s+(#{DESIGNATOR}))?|" \ "(#{TERM})\\s+(#{DESIGNATOR})\\s+(#{TERM})|" \ "(#{TERM})\\s+(#{TERM})(?:\\s+(#{DESIGNATOR}))?\\s(#{TERM}))" \ "(?:\\s+(\\$))?\\s*$".freeze GRAMMAR = /#{PARTIAL_STMT}/o MAP = %i[modifier term1 term2 designator term1 designator graph term1 term2 designator graph deref].freeze # these should be instance_exec'd SPECIALS = { SUBJECT: -> val { @subject = resolve_term val[-1] unless val.empty? }, GRAPH: -> val { @graph = resolve_term val[-1] unless val.empty? }, PREFIX: -> val { val.each do |v, _| next unless m = /^\s*(#{NCNAME}):\s+(.*)$/o.match(v) prefix, uri = m.captures @prefixes[prefix.to_sym] = uri end }, }.freeze # macros are initially represented as a pair: the macro value and a # flag denoting whether or not the macro itself contains macros and to # try to dereference it. GENERATED = { NEW_UUID: [[-> { UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s }, false]], NEW_UUID_URN: [[-> { UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_uri }, false]], NEW_BNODE: [[-> { "_:#{UUID::NCName.to_ncname_64( UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s, version: 1) }" }, false]], }.freeze # just the classics DEFAULT_NS = { rdf: RDF::RDFV, rdfs: RDF::RDFS, owl: RDF::OWL, xsd: RDF::XSD, }.freeze # Given a (massaged) set of macros, dereference the given array of # strings and return it. def deref_content strings, macros strings = [strings] unless strings.is_a? Array # bail out early if there is nothing to do return strings unless strings.any? { |s| /#{MACRO}/o.match s } out = [] strings.each do |s| # chunks are parallel output; each element is a value chunks = [] s.scan(/\G#{MACROS}/o) do |m| pre = m.first macro = m[1] || m[2] post = m[3] # skip if there was no macro unless macro # nothing to do next if pre + post == "" chunks = chunks.empty? ? [pre, post] : do |x| "#{x}#{pre}#{post}" end next end # dereference the macro (or noop if unbound) macro = macro.to_sym x = if macros[macro] macros[macro].map do |m| '%s%s%s' % [pre, m.respond_to?(:call) ? : m, post] end else # this is a noop ["#{pre}$#{macro}#{post}"] end # initialize chunks if chunks.empty? chunks = x next elsif !x.empty? # replace chunks with the product of itself and x y = [] chunks.each { |c| x.each { |d| y << "#{c}#{d}" } } chunks = y end end out.concat chunks end out end # Given the structure of macro declarations, dereference any # recursively-defined macros, and return a new structure with a key # and array of _values_, rather than an array of `[value, deref]` # pairs. def massage_macros macros seen = {} done = GENERATED.transform_values { |v| { |w| w.first } } pending = macros.reject { |k, _| GENERATED.key? k } queue = pending.keys.slice 0..0 # take a zero-or-one-element slice until queue.empty? k = queue.shift seen[k] = true vals = macros[k] # done and pending macros within the macros dm = {} pm = {} vals.each do |pair| val, deref = pair next unless deref if deref.is_a? Array deref.each { |m| done[m] ? dm[m] = true : pm[m] = true } else m = {} val.scan(/#{MACRO}/o).compact.each do |x| x = x.to_sym next unless macros[x] raise "Self-reference found: #{x}" if x == k m[x] = true done[m] ? dm[m] = true : pm[m] = true end # replace the deref flag with the elements to deref with pair[1] = m.empty? ? false : m.keys.sort end end # macro values have pending matches if !pm.empty? q = [] pm.keys.each do |m| raise "Cycle detected between #{k} and #{m}" if seen[m] q << m end # put the current key back on the queue but put the dependencies first queue = q + [k] + queue next end unless dm.empty? done[k] = deref_content vals, done else done[k] = end # remember to remove this guy or we'll loop forever pending.delete k # replenish the queue with another pending object queue << pending.keys.first if queue.empty? and !pending.keys.empty? end done end # unconditionally return a uri or bnode def resolve_term term return term if term.is_a? RDF::Term term = term.to_s # bnode ahoy return term.delete_prefix '_:' if term.start_with? '_:' # ugh now we gotta do urls if m = /^(#{NCNAME}):(\S*)$/o.match(term) prefix, slug = m.captures if !slug.start_with?(?/) and vocab = prefixes[prefix.to_sym] return vocab[slug] end end # now resolve against base RDF::URI((URI(subject.to_s) + term).to_s) end # may accept and respond with nil def coerce_term token, hint = nil, langdt = nil return unless token return token if token.is_a? RDF::Term hint ||= ?: term = nil if [?:, ?_].include? hint return if token.empty? token = '_:' + token if hint == ?_ and !token.start_with? '_:' term = resolve_term token elsif hint == ?@ term = RDF::Literal(token, language: langdt.to_s.to_sym) elsif hint == ?^ raise 'datatype must be an RDF::Resource' unless langdt.is_a? RDF::Resource term = RDF::Literal(token, datatype: langdt) elsif hint == ?' term = RDF::Literal(token) else raise ArgumentError, "Unrecognized hint (#{hint})" end # call the callback if we have one term = term if callback term end public attr_reader :subject, :graph, :prefixes, :callback # why is this :target, :source alias_method :namespaces, :prefixes # Initialize the processor. # # @param subject [RDF::URI] The default subject. Required. # @param graph [RDF::URI] The default context. Optional. # @param prefixes [Hash] Namespace/prefix mappings. Optional. # @param callback [#call] A callback that expects and returns a term. # Optional. # def initialize subject: nil, graph: nil, prefixes: {}, callback: nil # look at all of our pretty assertions raise ArgumentError, 'subject must be an RDF::Resource' unless subject.is_a? RDF::Resource raise ArgumentError, 'graph must be an RDF::Resource' unless graph.nil? or graph.is_a? RDF::Resource raise ArgumentError, 'prefixes must be hashable' unless prefixes.respond_to? :to_h rase ArgumentError, 'callback must be callable' unless callback.nil? or callback.respond_to? :call @subject = subject @graph = graph @callback = callback @prefixes = DEFAULT_NS.merge( do |k, v| k = k.to_s.to_sym unless k.is_a? Symbol # coerce to uri v = RDF::URI(v.to_s) unless v.is_a? RDF::Resource # now coerce to vocabulary v = v unless v.is_a? RDF::Vocabulary [k, v] end.to_h) end # Process a hash of form input. # @note This operation may change the state of the processor, so # while this object can be reused for multiple hashes, it is unwise # to reuse it across requests. # # @param data [Hash] The data coming, e.g., from the Web form. # @return [RDF::Changeset] A changeset containing the results. # def process data raise ArgumentError, 'data must be a hash' unless data.is_a? Hash macros = GENERATED.dup maybe = {} # candidates neither = {} # discard pile data.each do |k, *v| # step 0: get the values to a homogeneous list k = k.to_s v = # step 1: pull out all the macro declarations if (m = /#{DECLARATION}/o.match k) name = m[1].to_sym sigil = !!(m[2] && !m[2].empty?) # skip over generated macros next if GENERATED.key? name # step 1.0.1: create [content, deref flag] pairs (macros[name] ||= []).concat { |x| [x, sigil] } elsif (m = /(?:^\s*\S+\s+\S+.*?$|[:\$])/.match k) (maybe[k] ||= []).concat v else (neither[k] ||= []).concat v end end # step 2: dereference all the macros (that asked to be dereferenced) begin macros = massage_macros macros rescue e # XXX we should do something more here raise e end # step 3: apply special control macros (which modify self) begin SPECIALS.each do |k, macro| instance_exec macros[k], ¯o if macros[k] end rescue Exception => e # again this should be nicer raise e end # this will be our output patch = maybe.each do |k, v| # this will return an array now k = deref_content(k, macros).compact v = # this is only this way because of macros k.each do |template| tokens = GRAMMAR.match(template) or next tokens = tokens.captures raise 'INTERNAL ERROR: Regexp captures do not match template' unless tokens.length == MAP.length # i had something much cleverer here but of course it didn't DWIW contents = {} MAP.each_index { |i| contents[MAP[i]] ||= tokens[i] } contents.compact! contents[:modifier] = (contents[:modifier] || '') do |c| [c, true] end.to_h if contents[:designator] sigil, symbol = contents[:designator].split '', 2 symbol = resolve_term symbol if sigil == ?^ contents[:designator] = symbol.to_s.empty? ? [sigil] : [sigil, symbol] else contents[:designator] = [contents[:modifier][?!] ? ?: : ?'] end %i[term1 term2 graph].filter { |t| contents[t] }.each do |which| contents[which] = resolve_term contents[which] end # these are the values we actually use; ensure they are duplicated values = (contents[:deref] ? deref_content(v, macros) : v).dup g = coerce_term(contents[:graph]) || graph # initialize the triple s, p, o = nil # shorthand for reverse if reverse = !!contents[:modifier][?!] # literals make no sense on reverse statements # (XXX this is a candidate for diagnostics) next unless [?_, ?:].include? contents[:designator].first # these terms have already been resolved/coerced p = contents[:term1] o = contents[:term2] || subject else s, p = (contents[:term2] ? contents.values_at(:term1, :term2) : [subject, contents[:term1]]).map { |t| resolve_term t } end # the operation depends on whether the `-` modifier is present op = contents[:modifier][?-] ? :delete : :insert # if we're deleting triples and the values contain an empty # string then we're deleting a wildcard, same if we `=` overwrite if !reverse and op == :delete && values.include?('') || contents[:modifier][?=] # i can't remember why we don't do this in reverse, probably # because it is too easy to shoot yourself in the foot patch.delete RDF::Statement(s, p, nil, graph_name: g) # nuke these since it will be pointless to evaluate further values.clear if op == :delete end # otherwise the code is basically the same values.each do |x| # get what should be guaranteed to be an RDF term or nil x = coerce_term(x, *contents[:designator]) or next # now we assign the appropriate direction reverse ? s = x : o = x # this will be either insert or delete patch.send op, RDF::Statement(s, p, o, graph_name: g) end end end patch end class Error < RuntimeError; end end