module VagrantPlugins module FileUpload class Provisioner < Vagrant.plugin("2", :provisioner) def provision @machine.communicate.tap do |comm| source = File.expand_path(config.source, @machine.env.cwd) destination = expand_guest_path(config.destination) # If the source is a directory determine if any path modifications # need to be applied to the source for upload behavior. If the original # source value ends with a "." or if the original source does not end # with a "." but the original destination ends with a file separator # then append a "." character to the new source. This ensures that # the contents of the directory are uploaded to the destination and # not folder itself. if if config.source.end_with?(".") || (!config.destination.end_with?(File::SEPARATOR) && !config.source.end_with?("#{File::SEPARATOR}.")) source = File.join(source, ".") end end @machine.ui.detail(I18n.t("vagrant.actions.vm.provision.file.locations", src: config.source, dst: config.destination)) # now upload the file comm.upload(source, destination) end end private # Expand the guest path if the guest has the capability def expand_guest_path(destination) if machine.guest.capability?(:shell_expand_guest_path) machine.guest.capability(:shell_expand_guest_path, destination) else destination end end end end end