# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/rmagick/all/rmagick.rbi # # rmagick-4.2.2 module Magick def colors; end def fonts; end def init_formats; end def limit_resource(*arg0); end def self.colors; end def self.fonts; end def self.formats; end def self.init_formats; end def self.limit_resource(*arg0); end def self.set_cache_threshold(arg0); end def self.set_log_event_mask(*arg0); end def self.set_log_format(arg0); end def self.trace_proc=(p); end def set_cache_threshold(arg0); end def set_log_event_mask(*arg0); end def set_log_format(arg0); end end class Magick::Image def <=>(arg0); end def [](arg0); end def []=(arg0, arg1); end def __display__(*arg0); end def _dump(arg0); end def adaptive_blur(*arg0); end def adaptive_blur_channel(*arg0); end def adaptive_resize(*arg0); end def adaptive_sharpen(*arg0); end def adaptive_sharpen_channel(*arg0); end def adaptive_threshold(*arg0); end def add_compose_mask(arg0); end def add_noise(arg0); end def add_noise_channel(*arg0); end def add_profile(arg0); end def affine_transform(arg0); end def affinity(*arg0); end def alpha(*arg0); end def alpha?; end def annotate(draw, width, height, x, y, text, &block); end def auto_gamma_channel(*arg0); end def auto_level_channel(*arg0); end def auto_orient!; end def auto_orient; end def background_color; end def background_color=(arg0); end def base_columns; end def base_filename; end def base_rows; end def bias; end def bias=(arg0); end def bilevel_channel(*arg0); end def black_point_compensation; end def black_point_compensation=(arg0); end def black_threshold(*arg0); end def blend(*arg0); end def blue_shift(*arg0); end def blur_channel(*arg0); end def blur_image(*arg0); end def border!(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def border(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def border_color; end def border_color=(arg0); end def bounding_box; end def change_geometry!(arg0); end def change_geometry(arg0); end def changed?; end def channel(arg0); end def channel_compare(*arg0); end def channel_depth(*arg0); end def channel_entropy(*arg0); end def channel_extrema(*arg0); end def channel_mean(*arg0); end def charcoal(*arg0); end def check_destroyed; end def chop(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def chromaticity; end def chromaticity=(arg0); end def class_type; end def class_type=(arg0); end def clone; end def clut_channel(*arg0); end def color_fill_to_border(x, y, fill); end def color_flood_fill(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); end def color_floodfill(x, y, fill); end def color_histogram; end def color_point(x, y, fill); end def color_profile; end def color_profile=(arg0); end def color_reset!(fill); end def colorize(*arg0); end def colormap(*arg0); end def colors; end def colorspace; end def colorspace=(arg0); end def columns; end def compare_channel(*arg0); end def compose; end def compose=(arg0); end def composite!(*arg0); end def composite(*arg0); end def composite_affine(arg0, arg1); end def composite_channel!(*arg0); end def composite_channel(*arg0); end def composite_mathematics(*arg0); end def composite_tiled!(*arg0); end def composite_tiled(*arg0); end def compress_colormap!; end def compression; end def compression=(arg0); end def contrast(*arg0); end def contrast_stretch_channel(*arg0); end def convolve(arg0, arg1); end def convolve_channel(*arg0); end def copy; end def crop!(*arg0); end def crop(*arg0); end def crop_resized!(ncols, nrows = nil, gravity = nil); end def crop_resized(ncols, nrows = nil, gravity = nil); end def cur_image; end def cycle_colormap(arg0); end def decipher(arg0); end def define(arg0, arg1); end def delay; end def delay=(arg0); end def delete_compose_mask; end def delete_profile(arg0); end def density; end def density=(arg0); end def depth; end def deskew(*arg0); end def despeckle; end def destroy!; end def destroyed?; end def difference(arg0); end def directory; end def dispatch(*arg0); end def displace(*arg0); end def display; end def dispose; end def dispose=(arg0); end def dissolve(*arg0); end def distort(*arg0); end def distortion_channel(*arg0); end def dup; end def each_iptc_dataset; end def each_pixel; end def each_profile; end def edge(*arg0); end def emboss(*arg0); end def encipher(arg0); end def endian; end def endian=(arg0); end def enhance; end def equalize; end def equalize_channel(*arg0); end def erase!; end def excerpt!(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def excerpt(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def export_pixels(*arg0); end def export_pixels_to_str(*arg0); end def extent(*arg0); end def extract_info; end def extract_info=(arg0); end def filename; end def filesize; end def filter; end def filter=(arg0); end def find_similar_region(*arg0); end def flip!; end def flip; end def flop!; end def flop; end def format; end def format=(arg0); end def frame(*arg0); end def function_channel(*arg0); end def fuzz; end def fuzz=(arg0); end def fx(*arg0); end def gamma; end def gamma=(arg0); end def gamma_channel(*arg0); end def gamma_correct(*arg0); end def gaussian_blur(*arg0); end def gaussian_blur_channel(*arg0); end def geometry; end def geometry=(arg0); end def get_exif_by_entry(*entry); end def get_exif_by_number(*tag); end def get_iptc_dataset(ds); end def get_pixels(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def gravity; end def gravity=(arg0); end def gray?; end def grey?; end def histogram?; end def image_type; end def image_type=(arg0); end def implode(*arg0); end def import_pixels(*arg0); end def initialize(*arg0); end def initialize_copy(arg0); end def inspect; end def interlace; end def interlace=(arg0); end def iptc_profile; end def iptc_profile=(arg0); end def iterations; end def iterations=(arg0); end def level(black_point = nil, white_point = nil, gamma = nil); end def level2(*arg0); end def level_channel(*arg0); end def level_colors(*arg0); end def levelize_channel(*arg0); end def linear_stretch(*arg0); end def liquid_rescale(*arg0); end def magnify!; end def magnify; end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(arg0); end def mask(*arg0); end def matte_color; end def matte_color=(arg0); end def matte_fill_to_border(x, y); end def matte_flood_fill(*arg0); end def matte_floodfill(x, y); end def matte_point(x, y); end def matte_replace(x, y); end def matte_reset!; end def mean_error_per_pixel; end def median_filter(*arg0); end def mime_type; end def minify!; end def minify; end def modulate(*arg0); end def monitor=(arg0); end def monochrome?; end def montage; end def morphology(arg0, arg1, arg2); end def morphology_channel(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def motion_blur(*arg0); end def negate(*arg0); end def negate_channel(*arg0); end def normalize; end def normalize_channel(*arg0); end def normalized_maximum_error; end def normalized_mean_error; end def number_colors; end def offset; end def offset=(arg0); end def oil_paint(*arg0); end def opaque(arg0, arg1); end def opaque?; end def opaque_channel(*arg0); end def ordered_dither(*arg0); end def orientation; end def orientation=(arg0); end def page; end def page=(arg0); end def paint_transparent(*arg0); end def palette?; end def pixel_color(*arg0); end def pixel_interpolation_method; end def pixel_interpolation_method=(arg0); end def polaroid(*arg0); end def posterize(*arg0); end def preview(arg0); end def profile!(arg0, arg1); end def properties; end def quality; end def quantize(*arg0); end def quantum_depth; end def quantum_operator(*arg0); end def radial_blur(arg0); end def radial_blur_channel(*arg0); end def raise(*arg0); end def random_threshold_channel(*arg0); end def recolor(arg0); end def reduce_noise(arg0); end def remap(*arg0); end def rendering_intent; end def rendering_intent=(arg0); end def resample!(*arg0); end def resample(*arg0); end def resize!(*arg0); end def resize(*arg0); end def resize_to_fill!(ncols, nrows = nil, gravity = nil); end def resize_to_fill(ncols, nrows = nil, gravity = nil); end def resize_to_fit!(cols, rows = nil); end def resize_to_fit(cols, rows = nil); end def roll(arg0, arg1); end def rotate!(*arg0); end def rotate(*arg0); end def rows; end def sample!(*arg0); end def sample(*arg0); end def scale!(*arg0); end def scale(*arg0); end def scene; end def segment(*arg0); end def selective_blur_channel(*arg0); end def self._load(arg0); end def self.capture(*arg0); end def self.constitute(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3); end def self.from_blob(arg0); end def self.ping(arg0); end def self.read(arg0); end def self.read_inline(arg0); end def separate(*arg0); end def sepiatone(*arg0); end def set_channel_depth(arg0, arg1); end def shade(*arg0); end def shadow(*arg0); end def sharpen(*arg0); end def sharpen_channel(*arg0); end def shave!(arg0, arg1); end def shave(arg0, arg1); end def shear(arg0, arg1); end def sigmoidal_contrast_channel(*arg0); end def signature; end def sketch(*arg0); end def solarize(*arg0); end def sparse_color(*arg0); end def splice(*arg0); end def spread(*arg0); end def start_loop; end def start_loop=(arg0); end def stegano(arg0, arg1); end def stereo(arg0); end def store_pixels(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); end def strip!; end def swirl(arg0); end def texture_fill_to_border(x, y, texture); end def texture_flood_fill(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); end def texture_floodfill(x, y, texture); end def threshold(arg0); end def thumbnail!(*arg0); end def thumbnail(*arg0); end def ticks_per_second; end def ticks_per_second=(arg0); end def tint(*arg0); end def to_blob; end def to_color(arg0); end def total_colors; end def total_ink_density; end def transparent(*arg0); end def transparent_chroma(*arg0); end def transparent_color; end def transparent_color=(arg0); end def transpose!; end def transpose; end def transverse!; end def transverse; end def trim!(*arg0); end def trim(*arg0); end def undefine(arg0); end def unique_colors; end def units; end def units=(arg0); end def unsharp_mask(*arg0); end def unsharp_mask_channel(*arg0); end def view(x, y, width, height); end def vignette(*arg0); end def virtual_pixel_method; end def virtual_pixel_method=(arg0); end def watermark(*arg0); end def wave(*arg0); end def wet_floor(*arg0); end def white_threshold(*arg0); end def write(arg0); end def x_resolution; end def x_resolution=(arg0); end def y_resolution; end def y_resolution=(arg0); end include Comparable end class Magick::ImageList def &(other); end def *(other); end def +(other); end def -(other); end def <<(obj); end def <=>(other); end def [](*args); end def []=(*args); end def __display__(*arg0); end def __map__!(&block); end def __map__(&block); end def __respond_to__?(*arg0); end def affinity(*arg0); end def animate(*arg0); end def append(arg0); end def assert_image(obj); end def assert_image_array(ary); end def at(*args, &block); end def average; end def clear; end def clone; end def coalesce; end def collect!(&block); end def collect(&block); end def combine(*arg0); end def compact!; end def compact; end def composite_layers(*arg0); end def concat(other); end def copy; end def cur_image; end def deconstruct; end def delay=(d); end def delete(obj, &block); end def delete_at(ndx); end def delete_if(&block); end def display; end def dup; end def each(*args, &block); end def each_index(*args, &block); end def empty?(*args, &block); end def eql?(other); end def fetch(*args, &block); end def fill(*args, &block); end def find_all(&block); end def first(*args, &block); end def flatten_images; end def from_blob(*blobs, &block); end def get_current; end def hash(*args, &block); end def include?(*args, &block); end def index(*args, &block); end def indexes(*args); end def indices(*args); end def initialize(*filenames, &block); end def insert(index, *args); end def inspect; end def iterations=(n); end def last(*args); end def length(*args, &block); end def map!(&block); end def map(&block); end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(ary); end def method_missing(meth_id, *args, &block); end def montage; end def morph(arg0); end def mosaic; end def new_image(cols, rows, *fill, &info_blk); end def optimize_layers(arg0); end def partition(&block); end def ping(*files, &block); end def pop; end def push(*objs); end def quantize(*arg0); end def read(*files, &block); end def reject!(&block); end def reject(&block); end def remap(*arg0); end def replace(other); end def respond_to?(meth_id, priv = nil); end def reverse!; end def reverse; end def reverse_each; end def rindex(*args, &block); end def scene; end def scene=(n); end def select(&block); end def set_current(current); end def shift; end def size(*args, &block); end def slice!(*args); end def slice(*args); end def sort!(*args, &block); end def ticks_per_second=(t); end def to_a; end def to_blob; end def uniq!(*_args); end def uniq; end def unshift(obj); end def values_at(*args); end def write(arg0); end def |(other); end include Comparable include Enumerable end class Magick::Draw def affine(sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty); end def affine=(arg0); end def align=(arg0); end def alpha(x, y, method); end def annotate(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); end def arc(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, start_degrees, end_degrees); end def bezier(*points); end def check_opacity(opacity); end def circle(origin_x, origin_y, perim_x, perim_y); end def clip_path(name); end def clip_rule(rule); end def clip_units(unit); end def clone; end def color(x, y, method); end def composite(*arg0); end def decorate(decoration); end def decorate=(arg0); end def define_clip_path(name); end def density=(arg0); end def draw(arg0); end def dup; end def ellipse(origin_x, origin_y, width, height, arc_start, arc_end); end def encoding(encoding); end def encoding=(arg0); end def enquote(str); end def fill(colorspec); end def fill=(arg0); end def fill_color(colorspec); end def fill_opacity(opacity); end def fill_pattern(colorspec); end def fill_pattern=(arg0); end def fill_rule(rule); end def font(name); end def font=(arg0); end def font_family(name); end def font_family=(arg0); end def font_size(points); end def font_stretch(stretch); end def font_stretch=(arg0); end def font_style(style); end def font_style=(arg0); end def font_weight(weight); end def font_weight=(arg0); end def get_multiline_type_metrics(*arg0); end def get_type_metrics(*arg0); end def gravity(grav); end def gravity=(arg0); end def image(composite, x, y, width, height, image_file_path); end def initialize; end def initialize_copy(arg0); end def inspect; end def interline_spacing(space); end def interline_spacing=(arg0); end def interword_spacing(space); end def interword_spacing=(arg0); end def kerning(space); end def kerning=(arg0); end def line(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y); end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(arg0); end def opacity(opacity); end def path(cmds); end def pattern(name, x, y, width, height); end def point(x, y); end def pointsize(points); end def pointsize=(arg0); end def polygon(*points); end def polyline(*points); end def pop(*what); end def primitive(arg0); end def push(*what); end def rectangle(upper_left_x, upper_left_y, lower_right_x, lower_right_y); end def rotate(angle); end def rotation=(arg0); end def roundrectangle(center_x, center_y, width, height, corner_width, corner_height); end def scale(x, y); end def skewx(angle); end def skewy(angle); end def stroke(colorspec); end def stroke=(arg0); end def stroke_antialias(bool); end def stroke_color(colorspec); end def stroke_dasharray(*list); end def stroke_dashoffset(value = nil); end def stroke_linecap(value); end def stroke_linejoin(value); end def stroke_miterlimit(value); end def stroke_opacity(opacity); end def stroke_pattern(colorspec); end def stroke_pattern=(arg0); end def stroke_width(pixels); end def stroke_width=(arg0); end def text(x, y, text); end def text_align(alignment); end def text_anchor(anchor); end def text_antialias(boolean); end def text_antialias=(arg0); end def text_undercolor(color); end def tile=(arg0); end def translate(x, y); end def undercolor=(arg0); end end class Magick::Image::DrawOptions def affine=(arg0); end def align=(arg0); end def decorate=(arg0); end def density=(arg0); end def encoding=(arg0); end def fill=(arg0); end def fill_pattern=(arg0); end def font=(arg0); end def font_family=(arg0); end def font_stretch=(arg0); end def font_style=(arg0); end def font_weight=(arg0); end def gravity=(arg0); end def initialize; end def pointsize=(arg0); end def rotation=(arg0); end def stroke=(arg0); end def stroke_pattern=(arg0); end def stroke_width=(arg0); end def text_antialias=(arg0); end def tile=(arg0); end def undercolor=(arg0); end end class Magick::Pixel def <=>(arg0); end def ===(arg0); end def alpha; end def alpha=(arg0); end def black; end def black=(arg0); end def blue; end def blue=(arg0); end def clone; end def cyan; end def cyan=(arg0); end def dup; end def eql?(arg0); end def fcmp(*arg0); end def green; end def green=(arg0); end def hash; end def initialize(*arg0); end def initialize_copy(arg0); end def intensity; end def magenta; end def magenta=(arg0); end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(arg0); end def red; end def red=(arg0); end def self.from_color(arg0); end def self.from_hsla(*arg0); end def to_color(*arg0); end def to_hsla; end def to_s; end def yellow; end def yellow=(arg0); end include Observable end class Magick::ImageList::Montage def background_color=(arg0); end def border_color=(arg0); end def border_width=(arg0); end def compose=(arg0); end def filename=(arg0); end def fill=(arg0); end def font=(arg0); end def frame=(arg0); end def freeze; end def geometry=(arg0); end def gravity=(arg0); end def initialize; end def matte_color=(arg0); end def pointsize=(arg0); end def shadow=(arg0); end def stroke=(arg0); end def texture=(arg0); end def tile=(arg0); end def title=(arg0); end end class Magick::Image::Info def [](*arg0); end def []=(*arg0); end def antialias; end def antialias=(arg0); end def attenuate; end def attenuate=(arg0); end def authenticate; end def authenticate=(arg0); end def background_color; end def background_color=(arg0); end def border_color; end def border_color=(arg0); end def caption; end def caption=(arg0); end def channel(*arg0); end def colorspace; end def colorspace=(arg0); end def comment; end def comment=(arg0); end def compression; end def compression=(arg0); end def define(*arg0); end def delay; end def delay=(arg0); end def density; end def density=(arg0); end def depth; end def depth=(arg0); end def dispose; end def dispose=(arg0); end def dither; end def dither=(arg0); end def endian; end def endian=(arg0); end def extract; end def extract=(arg0); end def filename; end def filename=(arg0); end def fill; end def fill=(arg0); end def font; end def font=(arg0); end def format; end def format=(arg0); end def freeze; end def fuzz; end def fuzz=(arg0); end def gravity; end def gravity=(arg0); end def image_type; end def image_type=(arg0); end def initialize; end def interlace; end def interlace=(arg0); end def label; end def label=(arg0); end def matte_color; end def matte_color=(arg0); end def monitor=(arg0); end def monochrome; end def monochrome=(arg0); end def number_scenes; end def number_scenes=(arg0); end def orientation; end def orientation=(arg0); end def origin; end def origin=(arg0); end def page; end def page=(arg0); end def pointsize; end def pointsize=(arg0); end def quality; end def quality=(arg0); end def sampling_factor; end def sampling_factor=(arg0); end def scene; end def scene=(arg0); end def server_name; end def server_name=(arg0); end def size; end def size=(arg0); end def stroke; end def stroke=(arg0); end def stroke_width; end def stroke_width=(arg0); end def texture=(arg0); end def tile_offset; end def tile_offset=(arg0); end def transparent_color; end def transparent_color=(arg0); end def undefine(arg0, arg1); end def undercolor; end def undercolor=(arg0); end def units; end def units=(arg0); end def view; end def view=(arg0); end end class Magick::KernelInfo def clone; end def dup; end def initialize(arg0); end def scale(arg0, arg1); end def scale_geometry(arg0); end def self.builtin(arg0, arg1); end def unity_add(arg0); end end class Magick::Image::PolaroidOptions def align=(arg0); end def border_color=(arg0); end def decorate=(arg0); end def density=(arg0); end def encoding=(arg0); end def fill=(arg0); end def fill_pattern=(arg0); end def font=(arg0); end def font_family=(arg0); end def font_stretch=(arg0); end def font_style=(arg0); end def font_weight=(arg0); end def gravity=(arg0); end def initialize; end def pointsize=(arg0); end def shadow_color=(arg0); end def stroke=(arg0); end def stroke_pattern=(arg0); end def stroke_width=(arg0); end def text_antialias=(arg0); end def undercolor=(arg0); end end class Magick::GradientFill def fill(arg0); end def initialize(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); end end class Magick::TextureFill def fill(arg0); end def initialize(arg0); end end class Magick::ImageMagickError < StandardError def initialize(*arg0); end def magick_location; end end class Magick::Enum def <=>(arg0); end def ===(arg0); end def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def to_i; end def to_s; end def |(arg0); end end class Magick::AlignType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::AlphaChannelOption < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::AnchorType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::ChannelType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::ClassType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::ColorspaceType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::ComplianceType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::CompositeOperator < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::CompressionType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::DecorationType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::DisposeType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::DistortMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::DitherMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::EndianType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::FilterType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::GravityType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::ImageType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::InterlaceType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::MagickFunction < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::LayerMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::MetricType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::NoiseType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::OrientationType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::PaintMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::PixelInterpolateMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::PreviewType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::QuantumExpressionOperator < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::RenderingIntent < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::ResolutionType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::SparseColorMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::SpreadMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::StorageType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::StretchType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::StyleType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::VirtualPixelMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::WeightType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::GeometryFlags < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::MorphologyMethod < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::KernelInfoType < Magick::Enum def initialize(arg0, arg1); end def inspect; end def self.values; end end class Magick::AffineMatrix < Struct def rx; end def rx=(_); end def ry; end def ry=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def sx; end def sx=(_); end def sy; end def sy=(_); end def tx; end def tx=(_); end def ty; end def ty=(_); end end class Magick::Primary < Struct def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def to_s; end def x; end def x=(_); end def y; end def y=(_); end def z; end def z=(_); end end class Magick::Chromaticity < Struct def blue_primary; end def blue_primary=(_); end def green_primary; end def green_primary=(_); end def red_primary; end def red_primary=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def to_s; end def white_point; end def white_point=(_); end end class Magick::Color < Struct def color; end def color=(_); end def compliance; end def compliance=(_); end def name; end def name=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def to_s; end end class Magick::Point < Struct def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def x; end def x=(_); end def y; end def y=(_); end end class Magick::Rectangle < Struct def height; end def height=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def to_s; end def width; end def width=(_); end def x; end def x=(_); end def y; end def y=(_); end end class Magick::Segment < Struct def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def to_s; end def x1; end def x1=(_); end def x2; end def x2=(_); end def y1; end def y1=(_); end def y2; end def y2=(_); end end class Magick::Font < Struct def description; end def description=(_); end def encoding; end def encoding=(_); end def family; end def family=(_); end def format; end def format=(_); end def foundry; end def foundry=(_); end def name; end def name=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def stretch; end def stretch=(_); end def style; end def style=(_); end def to_s; end def weight; end def weight=(_); end end class Magick::TypeMetric < Struct def ascent; end def ascent=(_); end def bounds; end def bounds=(_); end def descent; end def descent=(_); end def height; end def height=(_); end def max_advance; end def max_advance=(_); end def pixels_per_em; end def pixels_per_em=(_); end def self.[](*arg0); end def self.inspect; end def self.members; end def self.new(*arg0); end def to_s; end def underline_position; end def underline_position=(_); end def underline_thickness; end def underline_thickness=(_); end def width; end def width=(_); end end class Magick::GeometryValue < Magick::Enum end class Magick::Geometry def flag; end def flag=(arg0); end def height; end def height=(arg0); end def initialize(width = nil, height = nil, x = nil, y = nil, flag = nil); end def self.from_s(str); end def to_s; end def width; end def width=(arg0); end def x; end def x=(arg0); end def y; end def y=(arg0); end end module Magick::IPTC end module Magick::IPTC::Envelope end module Magick::IPTC::Application end module Magick::IPTC::Pre_ObjectData_Descriptor end module Magick::IPTC::ObjectData end module Magick::IPTC::Post_ObjectData_Descriptor end class Magick::Image::View def [](*args); end def dirty; end def dirty=(arg0); end def height; end def initialize(img, x, y, width, height); end def sync(force = nil); end def update(rows); end def width; end def x; end def y; end end class Magick::Image::View::Pixels < Array def blue; end def blue=(v); end def green; end def green=(v); end def opacity; end def opacity=(v); end def red; end def red=(v); end include Observable end class Magick::Image::View::Rows def [](*args); end def []=(*args); end def cols(*args); end def each; end def initialize(view, width, height, rows); end def update(pixel); end include Observable end class Magick::OptionalMethodArguments def define(key, val = nil); end def highlight_color=(color); end def initialize(img); end def lowlight_color=(color); end def method_missing(mth, val); end end class Magick::HatchFill def fill(img); end def initialize(bgcolor, hatchcolor = nil, dist = nil); end end class Magick::SolidFill def fill(img); end def initialize(bgcolor); end end