module RubySpeech module SSML ## # The emphasis element requests that the contained text be spoken with emphasis (also referred to as prominence or stress). The synthesis processor determines how to render emphasis since the nature of emphasis differs between languages, dialects or even voices. # # # class Emphasis < Element VALID_LEVELS = [:strong, :moderate, :none, :reduced].freeze VALID_CHILD_TYPES = [String, Break, Emphasis, Prosody, SayAs, Voice].freeze ## # Create a new SSML emphasis element # # @param [Hash] atts Key-value pairs of options mapping to setter methods # # @return [Emphasis] an element for use in an SSML document # def = {}, &block) super 'emphasis', atts, &block end ## # Indicates the strength of emphasis to be applied. Defined values are "strong", "moderate", "none" and "reduced". The default level is "moderate". The meaning of "strong" and "moderate" emphasis is interpreted according to the language being spoken (languages indicate emphasis using a possible combination of pitch change, timing changes, loudness and other acoustic differences). The "reduced" level is effectively the opposite of emphasizing a word. For example, when the phrase "going to" is reduced it may be spoken as "gonna". The "none" level is used to prevent the synthesis processor from emphasizing words that it might typically emphasize. The values "none", "moderate", and "strong" are monotonically non-decreasing in strength. # # @return [Symbol] # def level read_attr :level, :to_sym end ## # @param [Symbol] l the level. Must be one of VALID_LEVELS # # @raises ArgumentError if l is not one of VALID_LEVELS # def level=(l) raise ArgumentError, "You must specify a valid level (#{ ', '})" unless VALID_LEVELS.include? l write_attr :level, l end def <<(arg) raise InvalidChildError, "An Emphasis can only accept String, Audio, Break, Emphasis, Mark, Phoneme, Prosody, SayAs, Sub, Voice as children" unless VALID_CHILD_TYPES.include? arg.class super end def eql?(o) super o, :level end end # Emphasis end # SSML end # RubySpeech