# Ld Practical small tools, For the sake of efficiency, The Module is my name abbreviations LD, Basically has the following Class. ```ruby module Ld class File end class Excel end class Project end class Print end end ``` ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'ld' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install ld ## Usage 1. Ld::Excel ```ruby # write excel Ld::Excel.create :file_path => 'config/excel_test.xls' do |excel| excel.write_sheet 'abc' do |sheet| sheet.set_format({color: :red, font_size: 20, font: '微软雅黑'}) sheet.set_point 'a1' sheet.set_headings ['A','B','C','D'] sheet.set_rows([ ['1','2','3','4'], ['2','3','4','5'], ['3','4','5','6'], ['4','5','6','7'] ]) end end # read excel excel = Ld::Excel.open('config/excel_test.xls') excel.read('abc?a1:b5') excel.read({sheet: 'abc', scope:'a1:b5'}) excel.read({sheet: 'abc', scope:'a1:b5', exclude:'3'}) excel.read({sheet: 'abc', scope:'a1:b5', exclude:'B'}) ``` 2. Ld::Project ```ruby # Check the project details project = Ld::Project.new(Rails.root.to_s) # create excel to 'config/project_details.xls' # Check model infos project.to_xls('config/project_details.xls') project.print :user, :fields project.print :user, :relations project.print :user, :routes project.print :user, :controllers project.print :user, :views ``` 3. Ld::File ```ruby # read file all lines file = Ld::File.open('config/application.rb') lines = file.lines # read dir dir = Ld::File.open('app/models') files = dir.children # search dir file by file name files = dir.search_files(/.rb$/) # Ld::File API Ld::File.open path Ld::File.new path file.children file.brothers file.father file.lines file.search_files(//) file.search_dirs(//) file.name file.path file.type # 0=file, 1=dir ``` 4. Ld::Print ```ruby users = User.first(10) Ld::Print.p users, 'id ,name, created_at' ``` ## API ### Ld::Project * `initialize table_hash = {}, project_root_path = Rails.root.to_s` * 作用:解析一个项目的代码获得结构化的数据 * `print model_name, type = :relations` * 作用:查看模型的相关信息(参数有:relations,fields,tables,routes,views,controllers) * `to_xls path = {:file_path => "#{@root.path}/project.xls"}` * 作用:将这个项目的代码分析结果保存到excel文件(默认在项目根目录下的project.xls) ### Ld::Document * `initialize file` * 作用:读一个rb文件生成api数据 ### Ld::Excel * `self.open path` * 作用:打开一个xls文件,返回Ld::Excel实例 * `self.write path, &block` * 作用:写excel(创建新的xls文件) * `self.create path, &block` * 作用:write的同名方法 * `read params, show_location = false` * 示例:Ld::Excel.read "Sheet1?A1:B2" * 作用:读xls文件中的内容,二维数组 * `read_with_location params` * 作用:与read方法相同(但会多返回坐标数据) ### Ld::Sheet * `set_headings headings` * 作用:在当前sheet的主体内容顶上方添加一个表头(传入二维数组),但不写入(只有调用Ld::Excel的实例方法save才会写入io) * `set_color color` * 作用:设置当前sheet页的字体颜色 * `set_font_size size` * 作用:设置当前sheet页的字体大小 * `set_font font` * 作用:设置当前sheet页的字体 * `set_weight weight` * 作用:设置当前sheet页的单元格宽度(暂时无效) * `set_point point` * 作用:设置当前sheet页的字体颜色 ### Ld::File * `self.open path` * 作用:打开一个文件 * `children ` * 作用:返回这个目录下的所有一级目录与一级文件,如果不是目录,会报错 * `self.current ` * 作用:返回当前所在目录(Dir.pwd) * `dir? ` * 作用:判断这是目录吗 * `file? ` * 作用:判断这是文件吗 * `find name` * 作用:查找文件或目录,返回一个一级目录或文件,如果不存在则返回nil * `search name, type = :all` * 作用:精确查找,返回所有匹配的目录和文件 * `search_regexp regexp, type = :all` * 作用:模糊查找,返回所有匹配的目录和文件 * `lines ` * 作用:如果是一个文本文件,返回所有行 * `rename new_name` * 作用:修改名称(目录或文件均可) * `delete ` * 作用:删除当前文件(有gets确认) * `files ` * 作用:返回所有文件 * `parent ` * 作用:返回父目录 * `siblings ` * 作用:返回所有兄弟 * `dirs ` * 作用:返回所有目录 * `ls ` * 作用:输出目录中所有条目 ### Ld::Print * `self.p models, fields` * 作用:格式化打印模型数组 ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/ld. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ##