module SearchFlip # The SearchFlip::Aggregation class puts together everything # required to use the Elasticsearch aggregation framework via mixins and # adds a method to convert it to a hash format to be used in the request. class Aggregation include Filterable include Aggregatable include Paginatable include Highlightable include Explainable include Sourceable include Sortable include Customable attr_reader :target def initialize(target:) @target = target end # @api private # # Converts the aggregation to a hash format that can be used in the request. # # @return [Hash] A hash version of the aggregation def to_hash res = {} res[:aggregations] = aggregation_values if aggregation_values if must_values || must_not_values || filter_values if target.connection.distribution || target.connection.version.to_i >= 2 res[:filter] = { bool: {} .merge(must_values ? { must: must_values } : {}) .merge(must_not_values ? { must_not: must_not_values } : {}) .merge(filter_values ? { filter: filter_values } : {}) } else filters = (filter_values || []) + (must_not_values || []).map { |must_not_value| { not: must_not_value } } queries = must_values ? { must: must_values } : {} filters_and_queries = filters + (queries.size > 0 ? [{ bool: queries }] : []) res[:filter] = filters_and_queries.size > 1 ? { and: filters_and_queries } : filters_and_queries.first end end res.update(from: offset_value_with_default, size: limit_value_with_default) if offset_value || limit_value res[:explain] = explain_value unless explain_value.nil? res[:highlight] = highlight_values if highlight_values res[:sort] = sort_values if sort_values res[:_source] = source_value unless source_value.nil? res.update(custom_value) if custom_value res end # @api private # # Merges a criteria into the aggregation. # # @param other [SearchFlip::Criteria] The criteria to merge in # # @return [SearchFlip::Aggregation] A fresh aggregation including the merged criteria def merge(other) other = other.criteria fresh.tap do |aggregation| unsupported_methods = [ :profile_value, :failsafe_value, :terminate_after_value, :timeout_value, :scroll_args, :suggest_values, :includes_values, :preload_values, :eager_load_values, :post_must_values, :post_must_not_values, :post_filter_values, :preference_value, :search_type_value, :routing_value ] unsupported_methods.each do |unsupported_method| unless other.send(unsupported_method).nil? raise(SearchFlip::NotSupportedError, "Using #{unsupported_method} within aggregations is not supported") end end aggregation.source_value = other.source_value if other.source_value aggregation.offset_value = other.offset_value if other.offset_value aggregation.limit_value = other.limit_value if other.limit_value aggregation.scroll_args = other.scroll_args if other.scroll_args aggregation.explain_value = other.explain_value unless other.explain_value.nil? aggregation.sort_values = (aggregation.sort_values || []) + other.sort_values if other.sort_values aggregation.must_values = (aggregation.must_values || []) + other.must_values if other.must_values aggregation.must_not_values = (aggregation.must_not_values || []) + other.must_not_values if other.must_not_values aggregation.filter_values = (aggregation.filter_values || []) + other.filter_values if other.filter_values aggregation.highlight_values = (aggregation.highlight_values || {}).merge(other.highlight_values) if other.highlight_values aggregation.custom_value = (aggregation.custom_value || {}).merge(other.custom_value) if other.custom_value aggregation.aggregation_values = (aggregation.aggregation_values || {}).merge(other.aggregation_values) if other.aggregation_values end end def respond_to_missing?(name, *args) target.respond_to?(name, *args) || super end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if target.respond_to?(name) merge(target.send(name, *args, &block)) else super end end ruby2_keywords :method_missing # @api private # # Simply dups the object for api compatability. # # @return [SearchFlip::Aggregation] The dupped object def fresh dup end end end