require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../redjs_helper.rb" describe "Ruby Javascript API" do describe "Basic Evaluation" do it "can evaluate some javascript" do Context.eval("5 + 3") end it "can pass back null to ruby" do Context.eval("null").should be_nil end it "can pass back undefined to ruby" do Context.eval("this.undefined").should be_nil end it "can pass the empty string back to ruby" do Context.eval("''").should == "" end it "can pass doubles back to ruby" do Context.eval("2.5").should == 2.5 end it "can pass fixed numbers back to ruby" do Context.eval("1").should == 1 end it "can pass boolean values back to ruby" do Context.eval("true").should be(true) Context.eval("false").should be(false) end it "treats nil and the empty string as the same thing when it comes to eval" do Context.eval(nil).should == Context.eval('') end it "can pass back strings to ruby" do do |cxt| cxt['foo'] = "Hello World" cxt.eval("foo").should == "Hello World" end end it "can pass back very long strings to ruby" do lorem = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis faucibus, diam vel pellentesque aliquet, nisl sapien molestie eros, vitae vehicula libero massa vel neque. Phasellus tempor pharetra ipsum vel venenatis. Quisque vitae nisl vitae quam mattis pellentesque et in sapien. Sed at lectus quis eros pharetra feugiat non ac neque. Vivamus lacus eros, feugiat at volutpat at, viverra id nisl. Vivamus ac dolor eleifend libero venenatis pharetra ut iaculis arcu. Donec neque nibh, vehicula non porta a, consectetur eu erat. Sed eleifend, metus vel euismod placerat, lectus lectus sollicitudin nisl, ac elementum sem quam nec dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin vitae suscipit orci. Suspendisse a ipsum vel lorem tempus scelerisque et vitae neque. Proin sodales, tellus sit amet consequat cursus, odio massa ultricies enim, eu fermentum velit lectus in lacus. Quisque eu porttitor diam. Nunc felis purus, facilisis non tristique ac, pulvinar nec nulla. Duis dolor risus, egestas nec tristique ac, ullamcorper cras amet." do |cxt| cxt.eval("'#{lorem}'").should == lorem end end it "can pass objects back to ruby" do do |cxt| cxt.eval("({foo: 'bar', baz: 'bang', '5': 5, embedded: {badda: 'bing'}})").tap do |object| object.should_not be_nil object['foo'].should == 'bar' object['baz'].should == 'bang' object['5'].should == 5 object['embedded'].tap do |embedded| embedded.should_not be_nil embedded['badda'].should == 'bing' end end end end it "unwraps ruby objects returned by embedded ruby code to maintain referential integrity" do do |o| do |cxt| cxt['get'] = lambda {o} cxt.eval('get()').should be(o) end end end end describe "Calling Ruby Code From Within Javascript" do before(:each) do @class = @instance = end it "can embed a closure into a context and call it" do do |cxt| cxt["say"] = lambda {|word, times| word * times} cxt.eval("say('Hello',2)").should == "HelloHello" end end it "can embed a ruby object into a context and call its methods" do class_eval do def say_hello(to) "Hello #{to}!" end end evaljs('o.say_hello("Gracie")').should == "Hello Gracie!" end it "can call a bound ruby method" do five = class_eval do def initialize(lhs) @lhs = lhs end def times(rhs) @lhs * rhs end new(5) end do |cxt| cxt['timesfive'] = five.method(:times) cxt.eval('timesfive(3)').should == 15 end end it "can call public locally defined ruby methods" do class_eval do def voo "doo" end end evaljs("o.voo").should_not be_nil evaljs("o.voo()").should == "doo" end it "translates ruby naming conventions into javascript naming conventions, but you can still access them by their original names" do class_eval do def my_special_method "hello" end end evaljs("o.mySpecialMethod").should_not be_nil evaljs("o.mySpecialMethod()").should == "hello" evaljs("o.my_special_method").should_not be_nil evaljs("o.my_special_method()").should == "hello" end it "hides methods not defined directly on this instance's class" do class_eval do def bar end end evaljs("o.to_s").should be_nil end it "translated camel case properties are enumerated by default, but perl case are not" do class_eval do def foo_bar end def baz_bang end end pending "why the hell isn't the return value of getIds() being respected?!?" evaljs(<<-EOJS).should == ["fooBar,bazBang"] var names = []; for (var p in o) { names.push(p); } names; EOJS end it "will see a method that appears after the wrapper was first created" do do |cxt| cxt['o'] = @instance class_eval do def bar "baz!" end end cxt.eval("").should_not be_nil cxt.eval("").should == "baz!" end end it "treats ruby methods that have an arity of 0 as javascript properties by default" it "will call ruby accesssor function when setting a property from javascript" def evaljs(str) do |cxt| cxt['puts'] = lambda {|o| puts o.inspect} cxt['o'] = @instance cxt.eval(str) end end def class_eval(&body) @class.class_eval &body end end describe "Setting up the Host Environment" do it "can eval javascript with a given ruby object as the scope." do scope = do def plus(lhs, rhs) lhs + rhs end def minus(lhs, rhs) lhs - rhs end new end => scope) do |cxt| cxt.eval("plus(1,2)").should == 3 cxt.eval("minus(10, 20)").should == -10 cxt.eval("this").should be(scope) end end it "can directly embed ruby values into javascript" do do |cxt| cxt["bar"] = 9 cxt['foo'] = "bar" cxt['num'] = 3.14 cxt['trU'] = true cxt['falls'] = false cxt.eval("bar + 10").should be(19) cxt.eval('foo').should == "bar" cxt.eval('num').should == 3.14 cxt.eval('trU').should be(true) cxt.eval('falls').should be(false) end end it "extends object to allow for the arbitrary execution of javascript with any object as the scope" do do def initialize @lhs = 5 end def timesfive(rhs) @lhs * rhs end new.eval_js("timesfive(6)").should == 30 end end it "can limit the number of instructions that are executed in the context" do lambda { do |cxt| cxt.instruction_limit = 100 * 1000 timeout(1) do cxt.eval('while (true);') end end }.should raise_error(RunawayScriptError) end end describe "loading javascript source into the interpreter" do it "can take an IO object in the eval method instead of a string" do source =<<-EOJS) /* * we want to have a fairly verbose function so that we can be assured tha * we overflow the buffer size so that we see that the reader is chunking * it's payload in at least several fragments. * * That's why we're wasting space here */ function five() { return 5 } foo = 'bar' five(); EOJS do |cxt| cxt.eval(source, "StringIO").should == 5 cxt['foo'].should == "bar" end end it "can load a file into the runtime" do mock(:JavascriptSourceFile).tap do |file| File.should_receive(:open).with("path/to/mysource.js").and_yield(file) do |cxt| cxt.should_receive(:evaluate).with(file, "path/to/mysource.js", 1) cxt.load("path/to/mysource.js") end end end end describe "A Javascript Object Reflected Into Ruby" do before(:each) do @o = do |cxt| @cxt = cxt cxt.eval("o = new Object(); o") end end def evaljs(js) do @cxt.eval(js) end end it "can have its properties manipulated via ruby style [] hash access" do @o["foo"] = 'bar' evaljs('').should == "bar" evaljs(' = "blam"') @o["blue"].should == "blam" end it "doesn't matter if you use a symbol or a string to set a value" do @o[:foo] = "bar" @o['foo'].should == "bar" @o['baz'] = "bang" @o[:baz].should == "bang" end it "returns nil when the value is null, null, or not defined" do @o[:foo].should be_nil end it "traverses the prototype chain when hash accessing properties from the ruby object" do do |cxt| cxt.eval(< 'bar', "bang" => 'baz', 5 => 'flip'} end end end describe "Exception Handling" do it "raises javascript exceptions as ruby exceptions" do lambda { do |cxt| cxt.eval('foo') end }.should raise_error(JavascriptError) end end end