# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'xml/mapping_extensions'
require 'datacite/mapping/date_value'
module Datacite
module Mapping
# Controlled vocabulary of date types.
class DateType < TypesafeEnum::Base
# @!parse ACCEPTED = Accepted
new :ACCEPTED, 'Accepted'
# @!parse AVAILABLE = Available
new :AVAILABLE, 'Available'
# @!parse COPYRIGHTED = Copyrighted
new :COPYRIGHTED, 'Copyrighted'
# @!parse COLLECTED = Collected
new :COLLECTED, 'Collected'
# @!parse CREATED = Created
new :CREATED, 'Created'
# @!parse ISSUED = Issued
new :ISSUED, 'Issued'
# @!parse OTHER = Other
new :OTHER, 'Other'
# @!parse SUBMITTED = Submitted
new :SUBMITTED, 'Submitted'
# @!parse UPDATED = Updated
new :UPDATED, 'Updated'
# @!parse VALID = Valid
new :VALID, 'Valid'
# @!parse WITHDRAWN = Withdrawn
new :WITHDRAWN, 'Withdrawn'
# Represents a DataCite `` field, which can be a year, date (year-month-day or just year-month),
# ISO8601 datetime, or [RKMS-ISO8601](http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/dcmi/collection-RKMS-ISO8601/) date range.
# @!attribute [r] date_value
# @return [DateValue, nil] the single date/time represented by this `` field,
# if it does not represent a ragne
# @!attribute [r] range_start
# @return [DateValue, nil] the start of the date range represented by this ` field`,
# if it represents a range, and the range is not open on the lower end
# @!attribute [r] range_end
# @return [DateValue, nil] the end of the date range represented by this ` field`,
# if it represents a range, and the range is not open on the upper end
class Date
include Comparable
include XML::Mapping
attr_reader :date_value, :range_start, :range_end
# Initializes a new `Date`
# @param type [DateType] the type of date. Cannot be nil.
# @param value [DateTime, Date, Integer, String] The value, as a `DateTime`, `Date`, or `Integer`,
# or as a `String` in any [W3C DateTime format](http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)
def initialize(type:, value:)
self.type = type
self.value = value
def type=(val)
raise ArgumentError, 'Date type cannot be nil' unless val
@type = val
# rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
def value=(val) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
parts = val.to_s.split('/', -1) # negative limit so we don't drop trailing empty string
@date_value, @range_start, @range_end = nil
case parts.size
when 1
@date_value = DateValue.new(val)
when 2
@range_start, @range_end = parts.map(&:strip).map { |part| DateValue.new(part) unless part == '' }
# puts "#{val} -> [#{range_start}, #{range_end}]"
raise ArgumentError, "Unable to parse date value #{val}"
@value = date_value ? date_value.to_s : "#{range_start}/#{range_end}"
# rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength
def <=>(other)
return nil unless other.instance_of?(self.class)
%i[date_value range_start range_end type].each do |v|
order = send(v) <=> other.send(v)
return order if order.nonzero?
def hash
[date_value, range_start, range_end, type].hash
def to_s
# @!attribute [rw] type
# @return [DateType] the type of date. Cannot be nil.
typesafe_enum_node :type, '@dateType', class: DateType
# @!attribute [rw] date_information
# @return [String] information to clarify a date
text_node :date_information, '@dateInformation', default_value: nil
# @!method value
# @return [String] The value as a string. May be any [W3C DateTime format](http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime).
text_node :value, 'text()'
fallback_mapping :datacite_3, :_default