import React from 'react'; import api from 'foremanReact/API'; import { setModalOpen, setModalClosed, } from 'foremanReact/components/ForemanModal/ForemanModalActions'; import { actionHeaderCellFormatter, } from 'patternfly-react'; import { propsToSnakeCase, propsToCamelCase, } from 'foremanReact/common/helpers'; import { APPLICATION_INSTANCE_INIT, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_CLOSE_ALERT_MODAL, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_DELETE, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_ADD, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ACTIVATE, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_CONFIRM, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_CHANGE, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_CANCEL, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ERROR, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_FOREMAN_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_OPEN, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_FOREMAN_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_CLOSE, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ANSIBLE_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_OPEN, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ANSIBLE_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_CLOSE, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ADD_EXISTING_HOSTS_MODAL_OPEN, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ADD_EXISTING_HOSTS_MODAL_CLOSE, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_LOAD_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_REQUEST, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_LOAD_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_SUCCESS, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_LOAD_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_FAILURE, APPLICATION_INSTANCE_CHANGE_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODE, } from './ApplicationInstanceConstants'; import { supportedPluginsToHiddenParameterTypes, } from '../../helper'; export const initApplicationInstance = ( appDefinition, hosts, ansibleVarsAll, supportedPlugins, headerFormatter, inlineEditFormatter, inlineEditButtonsFormatter, ) => dispatch => { const initialState = {}; initialState.columns = [ { property: 'hostname', header: { label: 'Hostname', formatters: [headerFormatter], props: { index: 0, style: { width: '30%' } }, }, cell: { formatters: [inlineEditFormatter] } }, { property: 'description', header: { label: 'Description', formatters: [headerFormatter], props: { index: 1, style: { width: '30%' } }, }, cell: { formatters: [inlineEditFormatter] } }, { property: 'service', header: { label: 'Service', formatters: [headerFormatter], props: { index: 2, style: { width: '20%' } }, }, cell: { formatters: [inlineEditFormatter] } }, { property: 'actions', header: { label: 'Actions', formatters: [actionHeaderCellFormatter], props: { index: 4, style: { width: '20%' } }, }, cell: { formatters: [inlineEditButtonsFormatter] } } ]; initialState.appDefinition = appDefinition; initialState.hosts = hosts; initialState.ansibleVarsAll = ansibleVarsAll; initialState.hiddenForemanParameterTypes = supportedPluginsToHiddenParameterTypes(supportedPlugins); dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_INIT, payload: initialState, }); }; const errorHandler = (msg, err) => { const error = { errorMsg: 'Failed to fetch data from server.', statusText: err, }; return { type: msg, payload: { error } }; }; export const closeAlertModal = () => ({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_CLOSE_ALERT_MODAL, payload: {} }); export const loadApplicationDefinition = ( applicationDefinitionId, additionalData, ) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_LOAD_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_REQUEST }); const realUrl = additionalData.url.replace("__id__", applicationDefinitionId); return api .get(realUrl, {}, {}) .then(({ data }) => dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_LOAD_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_SUCCESS, payload: data, }) ) .catch(error => dispatch(errorHandler(APPLICATION_INSTANCE_LOAD_APPLICATION_DEFINITION_FAILURE, error))); }; export const addApplicationInstanceHost = (additionalData) => ({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_ADD, payload: { ...additionalData, }, }); export const deleteApplicationInstanceHost = (additionalData) => ({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_DELETE, payload: { ...additionalData, }, }); export const activateEditApplicationInstanceHost = (additionalData) => ({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ACTIVATE, payload: { ...additionalData, }, }); export const confirmEditApplicationInstanceHost = ( allData ) => async(dispatch) => { // Host name can not be empty if (allData.rowData.hostname == '') { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ERROR, payload: __("Every host needs to have a valid name"), }); return; } // Host name can only have specific characters const hostname = allData.rowData.hostname.toLowerCase(); const hostnameRegex = /^[0-9a-z]([0-9a-z\-]{0,61}[0-9a-z])$/; if (hostname.match(hostnameRegex) == undefined) { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ERROR, payload: __("The hostname uses not allowed characters. See for more details."), }); return; } // Service can not be empty if (allData.rowData.service == '') { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ERROR, payload: __("Every host needs to be assigned to a service."), }); return; } // Validation if host name is already used (only for new host entrys) const url = '/acd/ui_acd_validate_hostname' const validationData = {}; validationData['appDefId'] =; validationData['serviceId'] = allData.rowData.service; validationData['hostname'] = allData.rowData.hostname; if (allData.rowData.newEntry === true) { try { const response = await api.get(url, {}, validationData); if ( === true) { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_CONFIRM, payload: { ...allData, } }); } else { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ERROR, payload: __('Hostname \''+ allData.rowData.hostname +'\' is already used. This check also includes hosts outside this application instance.'), }); } } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_ERROR, payload: __('Error during validation if hostname is already used.'), }); } } else { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_CONFIRM, payload: { ...allData, } }); } }; export const cancelEditApplicationInstanceHost = (rowData) => ({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_CANCEL, payload: { ...rowData, }, }); export const changeEditApplicationInstanceHost = (value, additionalData) => ({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_HOST_EDIT_CHANGE, payload: { value, ...additionalData, }, }); export const openForemanParameterSelectionModal = (additionalData) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_FOREMAN_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_OPEN, payload: { ...additionalData, } }); dispatch( setModalOpen({ id: 'AppInstanceForemanParamSelection' }) ); } export const closeForemanParameterSelectionModal = (additionalData) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_FOREMAN_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_CLOSE, payload: { ...additionalData, } }); dispatch( setModalClosed({ id: 'AppInstanceForemanParamSelection' }) ); } export const openAnsibleParameterSelectionModal = (additionalData) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ANSIBLE_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_OPEN, payload: { ...additionalData, } }); dispatch( setModalOpen({ id: 'AppInstanceAnsibleParamSelection' }) ); } export const closeAnsibleParameterSelectionModal = (additionalData) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ANSIBLE_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODAL_CLOSE, payload: { ...additionalData, } }); dispatch( setModalClosed({ id: 'AppInstanceAnsibleParamSelection' }) ); } export const openAddExistingHostsModal = (additionalData) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ADD_EXISTING_HOSTS_MODAL_OPEN, payload: { ...additionalData, } }); dispatch( setModalOpen({ id: 'AppInstanceAddExistingHosts' }) ); } export const closeAddExistingHostsModal = (additionalData) => dispatch => { dispatch({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_ADD_EXISTING_HOSTS_MODAL_CLOSE, payload: { ...additionalData, } }); dispatch( setModalClosed({ id: 'AppInstanceAddExistingHosts' }) ); } export const changeParameterSelectionMode = (additionalData) => ({ type: APPLICATION_INSTANCE_CHANGE_PARAMETER_SELECTION_MODE, payload: { ...additionalData, }, })