# # Fluentd ViaQ data model Filter Plugin # # Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'time' require 'date' require 'fluent/filter' require 'fluent/log' require 'fluent/match' require_relative 'filter_viaq_data_model_systemd' begin ViaqMatchClass = Fluent::Match rescue # Fluent::Match not provided with 0.14 class ViaqMatchClass def initialize(pattern_str, unused) patterns = pattern_str.split(/\s+/).map {|str| Fluent::MatchPattern.create(str) } if patterns.length == 1 @pattern = patterns[0] else @pattern = Fluent::OrMatchPattern.new(patterns) end end def match(tag) @pattern.match(tag) end def to_s "#{@pattern}" end end end module Fluent class ViaqDataModelFilter < Filter include ViaqDataModelFilterSystemd Fluent::Plugin.register_filter('viaq_data_model', self) desc 'Default list of comma-delimited fields to keep in each record' config_param :default_keep_fields, default: [] do |val| val.split(',') end desc 'Optional extra list of comma-delimited fields to keep in each record' config_param :extra_keep_fields, default: [] do |val| val.split(',') end # The kibana pod emits log records with an empty message field # we want to preserve these empty messages desc 'List of fields to keep as empty fields - also added to extra_keep_fields' config_param :keep_empty_fields, default: ['message'] do |val| val.split(',') end desc 'Use "undefined" field to store fields not in above lists' config_param :use_undefined, :bool, default: false desc 'Name of undefined field to store fields not in above lists if use_undefined is true' config_param :undefined_name, :string, default: 'undefined' # we can't directly add a field called @timestamp in a record_transform # filter because the '@' is special to fluentd desc 'Rename timestamp field to Elasticsearch compatible name' config_param :rename_time, :bool, default: true desc 'Rename timestamp field to Elasticsearch compatible name only if the destination field does not already exist' config_param :rename_time_if_missing, :bool, default: false desc 'Name of source timestamp field' config_param :src_time_name, :string, default: 'time' desc 'Name of destination timestamp field' config_param :dest_time_name, :string, default: '@timestamp' # # type sys_journal # tag "journal.system**" # remove_keys log,stream,MESSAGE,_SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP,__REALTIME_TIMESTAMP,CONTAINER_ID,CONTAINER_ID_FULL,CONTAINER_NAME,PRIORITY,_BOOT_ID,_CAP_EFFECTIVE,_CMDLINE,_COMM,_EXE,_GID,_HOSTNAME,_MACHINE_ID,_PID,_SELINUX_CONTEXT,_SYSTEMD_CGROUP,_SYSTEMD_SLICE,_SYSTEMD_UNIT,_TRANSPORT,_UID,_AUDIT_LOGINUID,_AUDIT_SESSION,_SYSTEMD_OWNER_UID,_SYSTEMD_SESSION,_SYSTEMD_USER_UNIT,CODE_FILE,CODE_FUNCTION,CODE_LINE,ERRNO,MESSAGE_ID,RESULT,UNIT,_KERNEL_DEVICE,_KERNEL_SUBSYSTEM,_UDEV_SYSNAME,_UDEV_DEVNODE,_UDEV_DEVLINK,SYSLOG_FACILITY,SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER,SYSLOG_PID # # formatters will be processed in the order specified, so make sure more specific matches # come before more general matches desc 'Formatters for common data model, for well known record types' config_section :formatter, param_name: :formatters do desc 'one of the well known formatter types' config_param :type, :enum, list: [:sys_journal, :k8s_journal, :sys_var_log, :k8s_json_file] desc 'process records with this tag pattern' config_param :tag, :string desc 'remove these keys from the record - same as record_transformer "remove_keys" field' config_param :remove_keys, :string, default: nil end desc 'Which part of the pipeline is this - collector, normalizer, etc. for pipeline_metadata' config_param :pipeline_type, :enum, list: [:collector, :normalizer], default: :collector # e.g. # # tag "journal.system** system.var.log** **_default_** **_openshift_** **_openshift-infra_** mux.ops" # name_type operations_full # # # tag "**" # name_type project_full # # operations_full - ".operations.YYYY.MM.DD" # operations_prefix - ".operations" # project_full - "project.${kubernetes.namespace_name}.${kubernetes.namespace_id}.YYYY.MM.DD" # project_prefix - "project.${kubernetes.namespace_name}.${kubernetes.namespace_id}" # index names will be processed in the order specified, so make sure more specific matches # come before more general matches e.g. make sure tag "**" is last desc 'Construct Elasticsearch index names or prefixes based on the matching tags pattern and type' config_section :elasticsearch_index_name, param_name: :elasticsearch_index_names do config_param :tag, :string config_param :name_type, :enum, list: [:operations_full, :project_full, :operations_prefix, :project_prefix] end desc 'Store the Elasticsearch index name in this field' config_param :elasticsearch_index_name_field, :string, default: 'viaq_index_name' desc 'Store the Elasticsearch index prefix in this field' config_param :elasticsearch_index_prefix_field, :string, default: 'viaq_index_prefix' def configure(conf) super @keep_fields = {} @default_keep_fields.each{|xx| @keep_fields[xx] = true} @extra_keep_fields.each{|xx| @keep_fields[xx] = true} @keep_empty_fields_hash = {} @keep_empty_fields.each do |xx| @keep_empty_fields_hash[xx] = true @keep_fields[xx] = true end if @use_undefined && @keep_fields.key?(@undefined_name) raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Do not put [#{@undefined_name}] in default_keep_fields or extra_keep_fields" end if (@rename_time || @rename_time_if_not_exist) && @use_undefined && !@keep_fields.key?(@src_time_name) raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Field [#{@src_time_name}] must be listed in default_keep_fields or extra_keep_fields" end if @formatters @formatters.each do |fmtr| matcher = ViaqMatchClass.new(fmtr.tag, nil) fmtr.instance_eval{ @params[:matcher] = matcher } fmtr.instance_eval{ @params[:fmtr_type] = fmtr.type } if fmtr.remove_keys fmtr.instance_eval{ @params[:fmtr_remove_keys] = fmtr.remove_keys.split(',') } else fmtr.instance_eval{ @params[:fmtr_remove_keys] = nil } end case fmtr.type when :sys_journal, :k8s_journal fmtr_func = method(:process_journal_fields) when :sys_var_log fmtr_func = method(:process_sys_var_log_fields) when :k8s_json_file fmtr_func = method(:process_k8s_json_file_fields) end fmtr.instance_eval{ @params[:fmtr_func] = fmtr_func } end @formatter_cache = {} @formatter_cache_nomatch = {} end begin @docker_hostname = File.open('/etc/docker-hostname') { |f| f.readline }.rstrip rescue @docker_hostname = nil end @ipaddr4 = ENV['IPADDR4'] || '' @ipaddr6 = ENV['IPADDR6'] || '::1' @pipeline_version = (ENV['FLUENTD_VERSION'] || 'unknown fluentd version') + ' ' + (ENV['DATA_VERSION'] || 'unknown data version') # create the elasticsearch index name tag matchers unless @elasticsearch_index_names.empty? @elasticsearch_index_names.each do |ein| matcher = ViaqMatchClass.new(ein.tag, nil) ein.instance_eval{ @params[:matcher] = matcher } end end end def start super end def shutdown super end # if thing doesn't respond to empty? then assume it isn't empty e.g. # 0.respond_to?(:empty?) == false - the FixNum 0 is not empty def isempty(thing) thing.respond_to?(:empty?) && thing.empty? end # recursively delete empty fields and empty lists/hashes from thing def delempty(thing) if thing.respond_to?(:delete_if) if thing.kind_of? Hash thing.delete_if{|k,v| v.nil? || isempty(delempty(v)) || isempty(v)} else # assume single element iterable thing.delete_if{|elem| elem.nil? || isempty(delempty(elem)) || isempty(elem)} end end thing end def process_sys_var_log_fields(tag, time, record, fmtr_type = nil) record['systemd'] = {"t" => {"PID" => record['pid']}, "u" => {"SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER" => record['ident']}} rectime = record['time'] || time # handle the case where the time reported in /var/log/messages is for a previous year if Time.at(rectime) > Time.now record['time'] = Time.new((rectime.year - 1), rectime.month, rectime.day, rectime.hour, rectime.min, rectime.sec, rectime.utc_offset).utc.to_datetime.rfc3339(6) else record['time'] = rectime.utc.to_datetime.rfc3339(6) end if record['host'].eql?('localhost') && @docker_hostname record['hostname'] = @docker_hostname else record['hostname'] = record['host'] end end def process_k8s_json_file_fields(tag, time, record, fmtr_type = nil) record['message'] = record['message'] || record['log'] record['level'] = (record['stream'] == 'stdout') ? 'info' : 'err' if record['kubernetes'] && record['kubernetes']['host'] record['hostname'] = record['kubernetes']['host'] elsif @docker_hostname record['hostname'] = @docker_hostname end record['time'] = record['time'].utc.to_datetime.rfc3339(6) end def check_for_match_and_format(tag, time, record) return unless @formatters return if @formatter_cache_nomatch[tag] fmtr = @formatter_cache[tag] unless fmtr idx = @formatters.index{|fmtr| fmtr.matcher.match(tag)} if idx fmtr = @formatters[idx] @formatter_cache[tag] = fmtr else @formatter_cache_nomatch[tag] = true return end end fmtr.fmtr_func.call(tag, time, record, fmtr.fmtr_type) if record['time'].nil? record['time'] = Time.at(time).utc.to_datetime.rfc3339(6) end if fmtr.fmtr_remove_keys fmtr.fmtr_remove_keys.each{|k| record.delete(k)} end end def add_pipeline_metadata (tag, time, record) (record['pipeline_metadata'] ||= {})[@pipeline_type.to_s] = { "ipaddr4" => @ipaddr4, "ipaddr6" => @ipaddr6, "inputname" => "fluent-plugin-systemd", "name" => "fluentd", "received_at" => Time.at(time).utc.to_datetime.rfc3339(6), "version" => @pipeline_version } end def add_elasticsearch_index_name_field(tag, time, record) found = false @elasticsearch_index_names.each do |ein| if ein.matcher.match(tag) found = true if ein.name_type == :operations_full || ein.name_type == :project_full field_name = @elasticsearch_index_name_field need_time = true else field_name = @elasticsearch_index_prefix_field need_time = false end case ein.name_type when :operations_full, :operations_prefix prefix = ".operations" when :project_full, :project_prefix if (k8s = record['kubernetes']).nil? log.error("record cannot use elasticsearch index name type #{ein.name_type}: record is missing kubernetes field: #{record}") break elsif (name = k8s['namespace_name']).nil? log.error("record cannot use elasticsearch index name type #{ein.name_type}: record is missing kubernetes.namespace_name field: #{record}") break elsif (uuid = k8s['namespace_id']).nil? log.error("record cannot use elasticsearch index name type #{ein.name_type}: record is missing kubernetes.namespace_id field: #{record}") break else prefix = "project." + name + "." + uuid end end if ENV['CDM_DEBUG'] unless tag == ENV['CDM_DEBUG_IGNORE_TAG'] log.error("prefix #{prefix} need_time #{need_time} time #{record[@dest_time_name]}") end end if need_time ts = DateTime.parse(record[@dest_time_name]) record[field_name] = prefix + "." + ts.strftime("%Y.%m.%d") else record[field_name] = prefix end if ENV['CDM_DEBUG'] unless tag == ENV['CDM_DEBUG_IGNORE_TAG'] log.error("record[#{field_name}] = #{record[field_name]}") end end break end end unless found log.warn("no match for tag #{tag}") end end def filter(tag, time, record) if ENV['CDM_DEBUG'] unless tag == ENV['CDM_DEBUG_IGNORE_TAG'] log.error("input #{time} #{tag} #{record}") end end check_for_match_and_format(tag, time, record) add_pipeline_metadata(tag, time, record) if @use_undefined # undefined contains all of the fields not in keep_fields undefined = record.reject{|k,v| @keep_fields.key?(k)} # only set the undefined field if there are undefined fields unless undefined.empty? record[@undefined_name] = undefined # remove the undefined fields from the record top level record.delete_if{|k,v| undefined.key?(k)} end end # remove the field from record if it is not in the list of fields to keep and # it is empty record.delete_if{|k,v| !@keep_empty_fields_hash.key?(k) && (v.nil? || isempty(delempty(v)) || isempty(v))} # probably shouldn't remove everything . . . log.warn("Empty record! tag [#{tag}] time [#{time}]") if record.empty? # rename the time field if (@rename_time || @rename_time_if_missing) && record.key?(@src_time_name) val = record.delete(@src_time_name) unless @rename_time_if_missing && record.key?(@dest_time_name) record[@dest_time_name] = val end end if !@elasticsearch_index_names.empty? add_elasticsearch_index_name_field(tag, time, record) elsif ENV['CDM_DEBUG'] unless tag == ENV['CDM_DEBUG_IGNORE_TAG'] log.error("not adding elasticsearch index name or prefix") end end if ENV['CDM_DEBUG'] unless tag == ENV['CDM_DEBUG_IGNORE_TAG'] log.error("output #{time} #{tag} #{record}") end end record end end end