require 'spec_helper' namespace :db do task :setup do #noop end end describe 'MigrationTasks' do let(:conf) {, POSTGRES_DB_URI) } let!(:container) { ROM.container(conf) } let(:migrator) { container.gateways[:default].migrator } before do allow(ROM::SQL::RakeSupport).to receive(:env) { conf } end context 'db:reset' do it 'calls proper commands' do expect(migrator).to receive(:run).with(target: 0) expect(migrator).to receive(:run) expect { Rake::Task["db:reset"].invoke }.to output("<= db:reset executed\n").to_stdout end end context 'db:migrate' do context 'with VERSION' do it 'calls proper commands' do expect(migrator).to receive(:run).with(target: 1) expect { Rake::Task["db:migrate"].invoke(1) }.to output("<= db:migrate version=[1] executed\n").to_stdout end end context 'without VERSION' do it 'calls proper commands' do expect(migrator).to receive(:run) expect { Rake::Task["db:migrate"].execute }.to output("<= db:migrate executed\n").to_stdout end end end context 'db:clean' do it 'calls proper commands' do expect(migrator).to receive(:run).with(target: 0) expect { Rake::Task["db:clean"].invoke }.to output("<= db:clean executed\n").to_stdout end end context 'db:create_migration' do context 'without NAME' do it 'exit without creating any file' do expect(File).to_not receive(:write) expect { expect { Rake::Task["db:create_migration"].execute }.to output(/No NAME specified/).to_stdout }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end context 'with NAME' do let(:dirname) { 'tmp/db/migrate' } let(:name) { 'foo_bar' } let(:version) { '001' } let(:filename) { "#{version}_#{name}.rb" } let(:path) { File.join(dirname, filename) } it 'calls proper commands with default VERSION' do expect(migrator).to receive(:create_file).with(name).and_return(path) expect { Rake::Task["db:create_migration"].execute([:name], [name])) }.to output("<= migration file created #{path}\n").to_stdout end it 'calls proper commands with manualy set VERSION' do expect(migrator).to receive(:create_file).with(name, version).and_return(path) expect { Rake::Task["db:create_migration"].execute([:name, :version], [name, version])) }.to output("<= migration file created #{path}\n").to_stdout end end end end