# Ruby ยป
Vital signs logger for Ruby * Doc: * Gem: * Repo: * Email: Joel Parker Henderson, ## Introduction Vital has several methods to help with Ruby's typical logger. The methods automatically prepend helpful debugging information to each log message: * timestamp * class name * method name * process information * the original message The methods log using tab separated values, which make the log files easier to parse in our other tools (i.e. awk). For docs go to Want to help? We're happy to get pull requests. ## Install quickstart Install: gem install sixarm_ruby_vital Bundler: gem "sixarm_ruby_vital", "~>1.0.2" Require: require "sixarm_ruby_vital" ## Install with security (optional) To enable high security for all our gems: wget http://sixarm.com/sixarm.pem gem cert --add sixarm.pem gem sources --add http://sixarm.com To install with high security: gem install sixarm_ruby_vital --trust-policy HighSecurity