module Neo4j::Shared module Property extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveAttr::Attributes include ActiveAttr::MassAssignment include ActiveAttr::TypecastedAttributes include ActiveAttr::AttributeDefaults include ActiveAttr::QueryAttributes include ActiveModel::Dirty class UndefinedPropertyError < RuntimeError; end class MultiparameterAssignmentError < StandardError; end class IllegalPropertyError < StandardError; end ILLEGAL_PROPS = %w[from_node to_node start_node end_node] attr_reader :_persisted_obj def initialize(attributes={}, options={}) attributes = process_attributes(attributes) @relationship_props = self.class.extract_association_attributes!(attributes) writer_method_props = extract_writer_methods!(attributes) validate_attributes!(attributes) send_props(writer_method_props) unless writer_method_props.nil? @_persisted_obj = nil super(attributes, options) end # Returning nil when we get ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError from ActiveAttr def read_attribute(name) super(name) rescue ActiveAttr::UnknownAttributeError nil end alias_method :[], :read_attribute def default_properties=(properties) keys = self.class.default_properties.keys @default_properties = {|key| keys.include?(key) } end def default_property(key) default_properties[key.to_sym] end def default_properties @default_properties ||= # keys = self.class.default_properties.keys # _persisted_obj.props.reject{|key| !keys.include?(key)} end def send_props(hash) hash.each do |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value) end end private # Changes attributes hash to remove relationship keys # Raises an error if there are any keys left which haven't been defined as properties on the model def validate_attributes!(attributes) invalid_properties = - self.attributes.keys raise UndefinedPropertyError, "Undefined properties: #{invalid_properties.join(',')}" if invalid_properties.size > 0 end def extract_writer_methods!(attributes) attributes.keys.inject({}) do |writer_method_props, key| writer_method_props[key] = attributes.delete(key) if self.respond_to?("#{key}=") writer_method_props end end # Gives support for Rails date_select, datetime_select, time_select helpers. def process_attributes(attributes = nil) multi_parameter_attributes = {} new_attributes = {} attributes.each_pair do |key, value| if key =~ /\A([^\(]+)\((\d+)([if])\)$/ found_key, index = $1, $2.to_i (multi_parameter_attributes[found_key] ||= {})[index] = value.empty? ? nil : value.send("to_#{$3}") else new_attributes[key] = value end end multi_parameter_attributes.empty? ? new_attributes : process_multiparameter_attributes(multi_parameter_attributes, new_attributes) end def process_multiparameter_attributes(multi_parameter_attributes, new_attributes) multi_parameter_attributes.each_pair do |key, values| begin values = (values.keys.min..values.keys.max).map { |i| values[i] } field = self.class.attributes[key.to_sym] new_attributes[key] = instantiate_object(field, values) rescue => e raise MultiparameterAssignmentError, "error on assignment #{values.inspect} to #{key}" end end new_attributes end def instantiate_object(field, values_with_empty_parameters) return nil if values_with_empty_parameters.all? { |v| v.nil? } values = values_with_empty_parameters.collect { |v| v.nil? ? 1 : v } klass = field[:type] klass ?*values) : values end module ClassMethods # Defines a property on the class # # See active_attr gem for allowed options, e.g which type # Notice, in Neo4j you don't have to declare properties before using them, see the neo4j-core api. # # @example Without type # class Person # # declare a property which can have any value # property :name # end # # @example With type and a default value # class Person # # declare a property which can have any value # property :score, type: Integer, default: 0 # end # # @example With an index # class Person # # declare a property which can have any value # property :name, index: :exact # end # # @example With a constraint # class Person # # declare a property which can have any value # property :name, constraint: :unique # end def property(name, options={}) check_illegal_prop(name) magic_properties(name, options) attribute(name, options) constraint_or_index(name, options) end def undef_property(name) raise ArgumentError, "Argument `#{name}` not an attribute" if not attribute_names.include?(name.to_s) attribute_methods(name).each do |method| undef_method(method) end undef_constraint_or_index(name) end def default_property(name, &block) reset_default_properties(name) if default_properties.respond_to?(:size) default_properties[name] = block end # @return [Hash] def default_properties @default_property ||= {} end def reset_default_properties(name_to_keep) default_properties.each_key do |property| undef_method(property) unless property == name_to_keep end @default_property = {} end def default_property_values(instance) default_properties.each_with_object({}) do |(key, block),result| result[key] = end end def attribute!(name, options={}) super(name, options) define_method("#{name}=") do |value| typecast_value = typecast_attribute(typecaster_for(self.class._attribute_type(name)), value) send("#{name}_will_change!") unless typecast_value == read_attribute(name) super(value) end end def cached_class? !!Neo4j::Config[:cache_class_names] end private def constraint_or_index(name, options) # either constraint or index, do not set both if options[:constraint] raise "unknown constraint type #{options[:constraint]}, only :unique supported" if options[:constraint] != :unique constraint(name, type: :unique) elsif options[:index] raise "unknown index type #{options[:index]}, only :exact supported" if options[:index] != :exact index(name, options) if options[:index] == :exact end end def check_illegal_prop(name) if ILLEGAL_PROPS.include?(name.to_s) raise IllegalPropertyError, "#{name} is an illegal property" end end # Tweaks properties def magic_properties(name, options) set_stamp_type(name, options) set_time_as_datetime(options) end def set_stamp_type(name, options) options[:type] = DateTime if (name.to_sym == :created_at || name.to_sym == :updated_at) end # ActiveAttr does not handle "Time", Rails and Neo4j.rb 2.3 did # Convert it to DateTime in the interest of consistency def set_time_as_datetime(options) options[:type] = DateTime if options[:type] == Time end end end end