require 'resolv' module ManageIQ module ApplianceConsole CANCEL = 'Cancel'.freeze module Prompts CLEAR_CODE = `clear` IPV4_REGEXP = Resolv::IPv4::Regex IPV6_REGEXP = Resolv::IPv6::Regex IP_REGEXP = Regexp.union(Resolv::IPv4::Regex, Resolv::IPv6::Regex).freeze DOMAIN_REGEXP = /^[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,13})?$/ INT_REGEXP = /^[0-9]+$/ NONE_REGEXP = /^('?NONE'?)?$/i.freeze HOSTNAME_REGEXP = /^(([a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\.)*([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*[A-Za-z0-9])$/ SAMPLE_URLS = { 'nfs' => 'nfs://', 'smb' => 'smb://', } def sample_url(scheme) SAMPLE_URLS[scheme] end def ask_for_uri(prompt, expected_scheme) require 'uri' just_ask(prompt, nil, nil, 'a valid URI') do |q| q.validate = lambda do |a| # Convert all backslashes in the URI to forward slashes and strip whitespace!('\\', '/') a.strip! u = URI(a) # validate it has a hostname/ip and a share u.scheme == expected_scheme && ( =~ HOSTNAME_REGEXP || u.hostname =~ IP_REGEXP) && !u.path.empty? end end end def press_any_key say("\nPress any key to continue.") begin system("stty raw -echo") STDIN.getc ensure system("stty -raw echo") end end def clear_screen print CLEAR_CODE end def are_you_sure?(clarifier = nil) clarifier = " you want to #{clarifier}" if clarifier && !clarifier.include?("want") agree("Are you sure#{clarifier}? (Y/N): ") end def ask_yn?(prompt, default = nil) ask("#{prompt}? (Y/N): ") do |q| q.default = default if default q.validate = ->(p) { (p.blank? && default) || %w(y n).include?(p.downcase[0]) } q.responses[:not_valid] = "Please provide yes or no." end.downcase[0] == 'y' end def ask_for_domain(prompt, default = nil, validate = DOMAIN_REGEXP, error_text = "a valid Domain.", &block) just_ask(prompt, default, validate, error_text, &block) end def ask_for_ip(prompt, default, validate = IP_REGEXP, error_text = "a valid IP Address.", &block) just_ask(prompt, default, validate, error_text, &block) end def ask_for_ipv4(prompt, default) ask_for_ip(prompt, default, IPV4_REGEXP) end def ask_for_ipv4_or_none(prompt, default = nil) ask_for_ip(prompt, default, Regexp.union(NONE_REGEXP, IPV4_REGEXP)).gsub(NONE_REGEXP, "") end def ask_for_ipv6(prompt, default) ask_for_ip(prompt, default, IPV6_REGEXP) end def ask_for_ipv6_or_none(prompt, default = nil) ask_for_ip(prompt, default, Regexp.union(IPV6_REGEXP, NONE_REGEXP)).gsub(NONE_REGEXP, '') end def ask_for_hostname(prompt, default = nil, validate = HOSTNAME_REGEXP, error_text = "a valid Hostname.", &block) just_ask(prompt, default, validate, error_text, &block) end def ask_for_ip_or_hostname(prompt, default = nil) validation = ->(h) { (h =~ HOSTNAME_REGEXP || h =~ IP_REGEXP) && h.length > 0 } ask_for_ip(prompt, default, validation, "a valid Hostname or IP Address.") end def ask_for_ip_or_hostname_or_none(prompt, default = nil) validation = Regexp.union(NONE_REGEXP, HOSTNAME_REGEXP, IP_REGEXP) ask_for_ip(prompt, default, validation, "a valid Hostname or IP Address.").gsub(NONE_REGEXP, "") end def ask_for_schedule_frequency(prompt, default = nil) validation = ->(h) { %w(hourly daily weekly monthly).include?(h) } just_ask(prompt, default, validation, "hourly, daily, weekly or monthly") end def ask_for_hour_number(prompt) ask_for_integer(prompt, (0..23)) end def ask_for_week_day_number(prompt) ask_for_integer(prompt, (0..6)) end def ask_for_month_day_number(prompt) ask_for_integer(prompt, (1..31)) end def ask_for_many(prompt, collective = nil, default = nil, max_length = 255, max_count = 6) collective ||= "#{prompt}s" validate = ->(p) { (p.length < max_length) && (p.split(/[\s,;]+/).length <= max_count) } error_message = "up to #{max_count} #{prompt}s separated by a space and up to #{max_length} characters" just_ask(collective, default, validate, error_message).split(/[\s,;]+/).collect(&:strip) end def ask_for_password(prompt, default = nil) pass = just_ask(prompt, default.present? ? "********" : nil) do |q| q.echo = '*' yield q if block_given? end pass == "********" ? (default || "") : pass end def ask_for_string(prompt, default = nil) just_ask(prompt, default) end def ask_for_integer(prompt, range = nil, default = nil) just_ask(prompt, default, INT_REGEXP, "an integer", Integer) { |q| = range if range } end def ask_for_disk(disk_name, verify = true, silent = false) require "linux_admin" disks = { |d| d.partitions.empty? } if disks.empty? say("No partition found for #{disk_name}. You probably want to add an unpartitioned disk and try again.") unless silent else default_choice = disks.size == 1 ? "1" : nil disk = ask_with_menu( disk_name, disks.collect { |d| [("#{d.path}: #{d.size.to_i / 1.megabyte} MB"), d] }, default_choice ) do |q| q.choice("Don't partition the disk") { nil } end end if verify && disk.nil? say("") raise MiqSignalError unless are_you_sure?(" you don't want to partition the #{disk_name}") end disk end # use the integer index for menu prompts # ensure default is a string def default_to_index(default, options) return unless default default_index = if options.kind_of?(Hash) options.values.index(default) || options.keys.index(default) else options.index(default) end default_index ? (default_index.to_i + 1).to_s : default.to_s end def ask_with_menu(prompt, options, default = nil, clear_screen_after = true) say("#{prompt}\n\n") default = default_to_index(default, options) selection = nil choose do |menu| menu.default = default menu.index = :number menu.index_suffix = ") " menu.prompt = "\nChoose the #{prompt.downcase}:#{" |#{default}|" if default} " options.each { |o, v| menu.choice(o) { |c| selection = v || c } } yield menu if block_given? end clear_screen if clear_screen_after selection end def just_ask(prompt, default = nil, validate = nil, error_text = nil, klass = nil) ask("Enter the #{prompt}: ", klass) do |q| q.readline = true q.default = default.to_s if default q.validate = validate if validate q.responses[:not_valid] = error_text ? "Please provide #{error_text}" : "Please provide in the specified format" yield q if block_given? end end end end end