module Trailblazer class Finder module Features module Sorting def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.instance_eval do filter_by :sort do |entity_type, value| next sort_it(entity_type, [sort_orders(sort_attribute(value), sort_direction(value))]) if value.nil? sort_attributes = value.split(',') sorters = [] sort_attributes.each do |sort_attr| sorters << sort_orders(sort_attribute(sort_attr), sort_direction(sort_attr)) end sort_it(entity_type, sorters) end end end def sort?(attribute) sort.include?(attribute.to_s) end def sort_direction_for(attribute) return 'asc' if !sort.nil? && sort.include?("#{attribute} asc") 'desc' end def reverse_sort_direction_for(attribute) return 'desc' if sort_direction_for(attribute) == 'asc' 'asc' end def sort_params_for(attribute, options = {}) options['sort'] = if sort.nil? "#{attribute} #{sort_direction_for(attribute)}" elsif sort.include?(attribute.to_s) sort else "#{attribute} #{sort_direction_for(attribute)}" end params options end def new_sort_params_for(attribute, options = {}) options['sort'] = "#{attribute} #{sort_direction_for(attribute)}" params options end def add_sort_params_for(attribute, options = {}) options['sort'] = if sort.nil? "#{attribute} #{sort_direction_for(attribute)}" elsif sort.include?(attribute.to_s) sort.gsub(/#{attribute} #{sort_direction_for(attribute)}/, "#{attribute} #{reverse_sort_direction_for(attribute)}") else "#{sort}, #{attribute} #{sort_direction_for(attribute)}" end params options end private # ORM Adapters will overwite this method def sort_it(entity_type, sort_attributes) entity_type.sort do |this, that| sort_attributes.reduce(0) do |diff, order| next diff if diff != 0 # this and that have differed at an earlier order entry key, direction = order # deal with nil cases next 0 if this[key].nil? && that[key].nil? next 1 if this[key].nil? next -1 if that[key].nil? # do the actual comparison comparison = this[key] <=> that[key] comparison * direction end end end # ORM Adapters will overwite this method def sort_orders(sort_attr, sort_dir) [sort_attr.to_sym, (sort_dir.to_sym == :asc ? 1 : -1)] end def sort_attribute(attribute) result = Utils::Extra.ensure_included attribute.to_s.split(' ', 2).first, self.class.sort_attributes result end def sort_direction(attribute) return Utils::Extra.ensure_included attribute.to_s.split(' ', 2).last, %w[desc asc] unless attribute.nil? 'desc' end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :sorted_attributes def sortable_by(*attributes) config[:sort_attributes] = end def sort_attributes config[:sort_attributes] ||= [] end end end end end end