SUPER_SECRET_AUTH_TOKEN 0 # How to Get Started: # Create a Developer API Token here: # Fill in Stuff. Your answers don't matter much for the purpose of this rudimentary setup. # Submit that form and wait a short period (~2 min ) # Visit: # Gather Access Token and place it on line 1 of this file. # Copy this file to the root of your user's home folder: # - ~/.bufferapprc # Set Line 2 to 0 if you only have one account to post to. Otherwise it's more complicated ;). Find me on Twitter and I can explain (@_ZPH). # Structure: # Line 1: Access Token # Line 2: Buffer Account number, ie posting to first account in list, use 0 (ie zero) # #TODO: convert to yaml and improve instructions # remove need for user to create their own App on # Future versions will integrate with Buffer-OAuth system.