require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../vcr/vcr_setup" require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper" require 'securerandom' # examples related to Hawkular Metrics # time constants t4h = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000 v16_version_string = '0.16.0.Final' # test contexts v8_context = :metrics_0_8_0 services_context = :metrics_services v16_context = :metrics_0_16_0 [v8_context, services_context, v16_context].each do |metrics_context| if ENV['SKIP_V8_METRICS'] == '1' && metrics_context == v8_context puts 'skipping v8 metrics' next end if ENV['SKIP_SERVICES_METRICS'] == '1' && metrics_context == services_context puts 'skipping services metrics' next end describe "#{metrics_context}" do let(:cassette_name) do |example| if example.respond_to?(:example_group) && !example.example_group.description.start_with?(metrics_context.to_s) example.example_group.description + '/' else '' end + example.description end around(:each) do |example| run_for = example.metadata[:run_for] if run_for.nil? || run_for.empty? || run_for.include?(metrics_context) @random_id = SecureRandom.uuid if example.metadata[:skip_auto_vcr] else record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", { id: @random_id }, cassette_name, example: example) end end end after(:all) do require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_rf "#{VCR.configuration.cassette_library_dir}/Metrics/#{metrics_context}/tmp" end describe 'Simple' do it 'Should be Cool' do url = metrics_context == v8_context ? config['url_v8'] : config['url'] Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)) end end describe 'Tenants', run_for: [v8_context, services_context, v16_context] do before(:all) do if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client else metrics_context == v16_context ? setup_client(mocked_version: v16_version_string) : setup_client end end it 'Should create and return tenant' do tenant = @random_id @client.tenants.create(tenant) created = { |t| == tenant } expect(created).not_to be nil end end describe 'No Tenant', run_for: [services_context, v16_context] do it 'Should fail' do setup_client_without_tenant begin @client.counters.push_data(@random_id, value: 4) rescue # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions # This is good else fail 'The call should have failed due to missing tenant' end end end describe 'Mixed metrics', run_for: [v8_context, services_context, v16_context] do before(:all) do if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client tenant: 'vcr-test-tenant-123' else if metrics_context == v16_context setup_client_new_tenant(mocked_version: v16_version_string) else setup_client_new_tenant end end end it 'Should requests raw data for multiple metrics', :skip_auto_vcr, run_for: [services_context, v16_context] do id1 = SecureRandom.uuid id2 = SecureRandom.uuid id3 = SecureRandom.uuid ids = [id1, id2, id3] bindings = { id1: id1, id2: id2, id3: id3 } example = proc do if (metrics_context == v16_context) @client = setup_client(username: 'jdoe', password: 'password', tenant: 'vcr-test', mocked_version: v16_version_string) else @client = setup_client(username: 'jdoe', password: 'password', tenant: 'vcr-test') end expect(@client.counters.raw_data(ids).size).to be 0 expect(@client.gauges.raw_data(ids).size).to be 0 expect(@client.avail.raw_data(ids).size).to be 0 @client.push_data( counters: [ { id: id1, data: [{ value: 1 }] }, { id: id2, data: [{ value: 2 }] }, { id: id3, data: [{ value: 3 }] } ], availabilities: [ { id: id1, data: [{ value: 'up' }] }, { id: id2, data: [{ value: 'down' }] }, { id: id3, data: [{ value: 'up' }] } ], gauges: [ { id: id1, data: [{ value: 1.1 }] }, { id: id2, data: [{ value: 2.2 }] }, { id: id3, data: [{ value: 3.3 }] } ] ) c_metrics = @client.counters.raw_data(ids) g_metrics = @client.gauges.raw_data(ids) a_metrics = @client.avail.raw_data(ids) expect(c_metrics.size).to be 3 expect(c_metrics).to include( { 'id' => id1, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 1 }] }, { 'id' => id2, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 2 }] }, { 'id' => id3, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 3 }] } ) expect(g_metrics.size).to be 3 expect(g_metrics).to include( { 'id' => id1, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 1.1 }] }, { 'id' => id2, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 2.2 }] }, { 'id' => id3, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 3.3 }] } ) expect(a_metrics.size).to be 3 expect(a_metrics).to include( { 'id' => id1, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 'up' }] }, { 'id' => id2, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 'down' }] }, { 'id' => id3, 'data' => [{ 'timestamp' => a_kind_of(Integer), 'value' => 'up' }] } ) end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end it 'Should send mixed metric request of a single type' do @client.push_data(counters: [{ id: @random_id, data: [{ value: 1 }] }]) data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 1 @client.push_data(availabilities: [{ id: @random_id, data: [{ value: 'down' }] }]) data = @client.avail.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 1 @client.push_data(gauges: [{ id: @random_id, data: [{ value: 1.1 }] }]) data = @client.gauges.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 1 end it 'Should send mixed metric request' do expect(@client.counters.get_data(@random_id).size).to be 0 expect(@client.gauges.get_data(@random_id).size).to be 0 expect(@client.avail.get_data(@random_id).size).to be 0 @client.push_data( counters: [{ id: @random_id, data: [{ value: 1 }] }], availabilities: [{ id: @random_id, data: [{ value: 'down' }] }], gauges: [{ id: @random_id, data: [{ value: 1.1 }] }] ) expect(@client.counters.get_data(@random_id).size).to be 1 expect(@client.gauges.get_data(@random_id).size).to be 1 expect(@client.avail.get_data(@random_id).size).to be 1 end end describe 'Counter metrics' do before(:all) do @tenant = 'vcr-test-tenant-123' if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client tenant: @tenant else if metrics_context == v16_context setup_client_new_tenant(mocked_version: v16_version_string) else setup_client_new_tenant end end end it 'Should create and return counter using Hash parameter' do create_metric_using_hash @client.counters, @random_id, @tenant end it 'Should create counter definition using MetricDefinition parameter' do create_metric_using_md @client.counters, @random_id end it 'Should push metric data to existing counter', :skip_auto_vcr do now = minus10 = now - 10 minus20 = now - 20 minus30 = now - 30 minus8h = now - (2 * t4h) minus4h = now - t4h bindings = { id: @random_id, minus10: minus10, minus20: minus20, minus30: minus30, minus8h: minus8h, minus4h: minus4h } example = proc do # create counter @client.counters.create(id: @random_id) # push 3 values with timestamps @client.counters.push_data(@random_id, [{ value: 1, timestamp: minus30 }, { value: 2, timestamp: minus20 }, { value: 3, timestamp: minus10 }]) data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 3 # push one value without timestamp (which means now) @client.counters.push_data(@random_id, value: 4) data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 4 # retrieve values from past data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id, starts: minus8h, ends: minus4h) expect(data.empty?).to be true end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end # limit and order were introduced in 0.11.0 => skipping for 0.8.0 it 'Should get metrics with limit and order', run_for: [services_context, v16_context], skip_auto_vcr: true do now = minus10 = now - 10 minus20 = now - 20 minus30 = now - 30 minus8h = now - (2 * t4h) minus4h = now - t4h bindings = { id: @random_id, minus10: minus10, minus20: minus20, minus30: minus30, minus8h: minus8h, minus4h: minus4h } example = proc do # create counter @client.counters.create(id: @random_id) # push 3 values with timestamps @client.counters.push_data(@random_id, [{ value: 1, timestamp: minus30 }, { value: 2, timestamp: minus20 }, { value: 3, timestamp: minus10 }]) data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 3 # push one value without timestamp (which means now) @client.counters.push_data(@random_id, value: 4) data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 4 # retrieve values with limit data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id, limit: 1, order: 'DESC') expect(data.size).to be 1 expect(data.first['value']).to be 4 # retrieve values from past data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id, starts: minus8h, ends: minus4h) expect(data.empty?).to be true end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end it 'Should get metrics as bucketed results', :skip_auto_vcr do now = minus5 = now - 5 minus10 = now - 10 minus20 = now - 20 minus30 = now - 30 minus40 = now - 40 minus50 = now - 50 minus60 = now - 60 minus70 = now - 70 minus80 = now - 80 minus90 = now - 90 minus100 = now - 100 minus105 = now - 105 minus110 = now - 110 bindings = { id: @random_id, minus5: minus5, minus10: minus10, minus20: minus20, minus30: minus30, minus40: minus40, minus50: minus50, minus60: minus60, minus70: minus70, minus80: minus80, minus90: minus90, minus100: minus100, minus105: minus105, minus110: minus110 } example = proc do # create counter @client.counters.create(id: @random_id) # push 10 values with timestamps @client.counters.push_data(@random_id, [{ value: 110, timestamp: minus110 }, { value: 100, timestamp: minus100 }, { value: 90, timestamp: minus90 }, { value: 80, timestamp: minus80 }, { value: 70, timestamp: minus70 }, { value: 60, timestamp: minus60 }, { value: 50, timestamp: minus50 }, { value: 40, timestamp: minus40 }, { value: 30, timestamp: minus30 }, { value: 20, timestamp: minus20 }, { value: 10, timestamp: minus10 }]) err = 0.001 data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id, starts: minus105, ends: minus5, buckets: 5) expect(data.size).to be 5 expect(data.first['avg']).to be_within(err).of(95.0) expect(data.first['max']).to be_within(err).of(100.0) expect(data.first['samples']).to be 2 data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id, starts: minus105, ends: minus5, buckets: 2) expect(data.size).to be 2 expect(data.first['avg']).to be_within(err).of(80.0) expect(data.first['samples']).to be 5 data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id, starts: minus105, ends: minus5, bucketDuration: '50ms') expect(data.size).to be 2 expect(data.first['avg']).to be_within(err).of(80.0) end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end it 'Should push metric data to non-existing counter' do push_data_to_non_existing_metric @client.counters, { value: 4 }, @random_id end end describe 'Availability metrics' do before(:all) do @tenant = 'vcr-test-tenant-123' if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client tenant: @tenant else if metrics_context == v16_context setup_client_new_tenant(mocked_version: v16_version_string) else setup_client_new_tenant end end end it 'Should create and return Availability using Hash parameter' do create_metric_using_hash @client.avail, @random_id, @tenant end it 'Should create Availability definition using MetricDefinition parameter' do create_metric_using_md @client.avail, @random_id end it 'Should push metric data to non-existing Availability' do push_data_to_non_existing_metric @client.avail, { value: 'UP' }, @random_id end it 'Should update tags for Availability definition' do update_metric_by_tags @client.avail, @random_id end it 'Should raise ArgumentError, availability does not accept percentiles param' do expect { @client.avail.get_data(@random_id, percentiles: 50) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'Should group contiguous values', :skip_auto_vcr, run_for: [services_context, v16_context] do now = minus10 = now - 10 minus20 = now - 20 minus30 = now - 30 minus40 = now - 40 minus50 = now - 50 bindings = { id: @random_id, minus10: minus10, minus20: minus20, minus30: minus30, minus40: minus40, minus50: minus50, now: now } example = proc do if (metrics_context == v16_context) @client = setup_client(username: 'jdoe', password: 'password', tenant: 'vcr-test', mocked_version: v16_version_string) else @client = setup_client(username: 'jdoe', password: 'password', tenant: 'vcr-test') end @client.avail.push_data(@random_id, [ { timestamp: minus50, value: 'up' }, { timestamp: minus40, value: 'up' }, { timestamp: minus30, value: 'down' }, { timestamp: minus20, value: 'down' }, { timestamp: minus10, value: 'down' }, { timestamp: now, value: 'up' } ]) result = @client.avail.get_data(@random_id, distinct: true, order: 'ASC') expect(result).to eq([ { 'timestamp' => minus50, 'value' => 'up' }, { 'timestamp' => minus30, 'value' => 'down' }, { 'timestamp' => now, 'value' => 'up' } ]) end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end end describe 'Gauge metrics' do before(:all) do @tenant = 'vcr-test-tenant-123' if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client tenant: @tenant else if metrics_context == v16_context setup_client_new_tenant(mocked_version: v16_version_string) else setup_client_new_tenant end end end it 'Should create gauge definition using MetricDefinition' do create_metric_using_md @client.gauges, @random_id end it 'Should create gauge definition using Hash' do create_metric_using_hash @client.gauges, @random_id, @tenant end it 'Should push metric data to non-existing gauge' do push_data_to_non_existing_metric @client.gauges, { value: 3.1415926 }, @random_id end # let's do the recording manually it 'Should push metric data to existing gauge', :skip_auto_vcr do now = ends = now - t4h starts = now - (2 * t4h) now10 = now - 10 now20 = now - 20 now30 = now - 30 bindings = { id: @random_id, ends: ends, starts: starts, now10: now10, now20: now20, now30: now30 } example = proc do # create gauge @client.gauges.create(id: @random_id) # push 3 values with timestamps @client.gauges.push_data(@random_id, [{ value: 1, timestamp: now30 }, { value: 2, timestamp: now20 }, { value: 3, timestamp: now10 }]) data = @client.gauges.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 3 # push one value without timestamp (which means now) @client.gauges.push_data(@random_id, value: 4) data = @client.gauges.get_data(@random_id) expect(data.size).to be 4 # retrieve values from past data = @client.counters.get_data(@random_id, starts: starts, ends: ends) expect(data.empty?).to be true end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end it 'Should update tags for gauge definition' do update_metric_by_tags @client.gauges, @random_id end it 'Should return periods', :skip_auto_vcr do now = before4h = now - t4h minus20 = now - 20 minus30 = now - 30 bindings = { id: @random_id, start: now, before4h: before4h, minus20: minus20, minus30: minus30 } example = proc do # push 3 values with timestamps @client.gauges.push_data(@random_id, [{ value: 1, timestamp: minus30 }, { value: 2, timestamp: minus20 }, { value: 3, timestamp: now }]) data = @client.gauges.get_periods(@random_id, operation: 'lte', threshold: 4, starts: before4h) expect(data.size).to be 1 expect(data[0][0]).to eql(now - 30) expect(data[0][1]).to eql(now) end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end it 'Should return platform memory def', :skip_auto_vcr, run_for: [services_context] do # this id depends on OS and the feed id feed = 'b37ba088-6bfa-4877-83af-b3747696bfb1' mem_id = "MI~R~[#{feed}/platform~/OPERATING_SYSTEM=#{feed}_OperatingSystem/MEMORY=Memory]~MT~Total Memory" bindings = { id: @random_id, mem_id: mem_id } example = proc do tenant_id = 'hawkular' if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client tenant: tenant_id else setup_client tenant: tenant_id end data = @client.gauges.get(mem_id) expect(data).not_to be_nil expect( be_nil expect(data.tenant_id).to eq(tenant_id) end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end it 'Should return platform memory', :skip_auto_vcr, run_for: [services_context] do # this id depends on OS and the feed id feed = 'b37ba088-6bfa-4877-83af-b3747696bfb1' mem_id = "MI~R~[#{feed}/platform~/OPERATING_SYSTEM=#{feed}_OperatingSystem/MEMORY=Memory]~MT~Total Memory" bindings = { id: @random_id, mem_id: mem_id } example = proc do tenant_id = 'hawkular' if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client tenant: tenant_id else setup_client tenant: tenant_id end data = @client.gauges.get_data(mem_id) expect(data.size).to be > 2 # needs the services to be running for more than 2 minutes end record("Metrics/#{metrics_context}", bindings, cassette_name, example: example) end end it 'Status/Should return the version' do if metrics_context == v8_context setup_v8_client else setup_client end data = @client.fetch_version_and_status expect(data).not_to be_nil end end end describe 'Metric ID with special characters' do before(:all) do setup_client(username: 'jdoe', password: 'password', tenant: 'vcr-test') end id_gauge = 'MI~R~[8b*}{\'\\14#?/5-7%92e[-c9_.r1//;/74eddf/L=c~~]~MT~ * / Met@ics~Aggre&? ated s Active" Ses;ns' id_avail = 'AA~R~[8b*}{\'\\14#?/5-7%92[d-c9_.r1///7;:4eddf/L=c~~]~MT~ A * %-Met@ics~Aggre&?ated " Sess{ons' id_counter = 'AA~R~[8b*}{\'\\14#?/5-7%92[d-c9_.r1///7;:4eddf/L=c~~]~MT~ %-Met@ics~Aggre&?ated " Sess{ons' it 'Should create gauge definition' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Should create gauge definition') do create_metric_using_md @client.gauges, id_gauge end end it 'Should create Availability definition' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Should create Availability definition') do create_metric_using_md @client.avail, id_avail end end it 'Should create Counter definition' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Should create Counter definition') do create_metric_using_md @client.counters, id_counter end end it 'Should push metric data to existing gauge' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Should push metric data to existing gauge') do @client.gauges.push_data(id_gauge, [ { value: 0.1, tags: { tagName: 'myMin' } }, { value: 99.9, tags: { tagName: 'myMax' } } ]) end end it 'Should update tags for gauge definition' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Should update tags for gauge definition') do deff = @client.gauges.get(id_gauge) deff.tags = { name1: 'value1', name2: 'value2', name3: 'value3' } @client.gauges.update_tags(deff) deff_updated = @client.gauges.get(id_gauge) expected_result = { 'name1' => 'value1', 'name2' => 'value2', 'name3' => 'value3', 'tag' => 'value' } expect(deff_updated.tags).to eq(expected_result) end end it 'Should update tags for Availability definition' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Should update tags for Availability definition') do deff_avail = @client.avail.get(id_avail) deff_avail.tags = { name1: 'value1', name2: 'value2', name3: 'value3' } @client.avail.update_tags(deff_avail) deff_avail_updated = @client.avail.get(id_avail) expected_result = { 'name1' => 'value1', 'name2' => 'value2', 'name3' => 'value3', 'tag' => 'value' } expect(deff_avail_updated.tags).to eq(expected_result) end end it 'Get metric definition by id' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Get metric definition by id') do @client.gauges.get(id_gauge) end end it 'Retrieve metric rate points' do VCR.use_cassette('Metric ID with special characters/Retrieve metric rate points') do @client.gauges.get(id_gauge) @client.counters.get_rate id_counter end end end