class Specinfra::Command::Base::Host < Specinfra::Command::Base class << self def check_is_resolvable(name, type) if type == "dns" %Q[lookup=$(nslookup -timeout=1 #{escape(name)} | grep -A1 'Name:' | grep Address | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'); if [ "$lookup" ]; then $(exit 0); else $(exit 1); fi] elsif type == "hosts" "sed 's/#.*$//' /etc/hosts | grep -w -- #{escape(name)} /etc/hosts" else "getent hosts #{escape(name)}" end end def check_is_reachable(host, port, proto, timeout) if port.nil? "ping -w #{escape(timeout)} -c 2 -n #{escape(host)}" else "nc -w #{escape(timeout)} -vvvvz#{escape(proto[0].chr)} #{escape(host)} #{escape(port)}" end end # getent hosts on a dualstack machine will most likely # return the ipv6 address to ensure one can more cleary # define the outcome the ipv{4,6}_address are used. def get_ipaddress(name) "getent hosts #{escape(name)} | awk '{print $1}'" end def get_ipv4_address(name) # Will return multiple values pick the first and exit "getent ahostsv4 #{escape(name)} | awk '{print $1; exit}'" end def get_ipv6_address(name) # Will return multiple values pick the first and exit "getent ahostsv6 #{escape(name)} | awk '{print $1; exit}'" end end end