#@announce-output Feature: The default application model prepared by Katapult Scenario: Generating the application model template Given a new Rails application with Katapult basics installed When I generate the application model Then the file "lib/katapult/application_model.rb" should contain "crud 'product'" And the file "lib/katapult/application_model.rb" should contain "product.attr :price, type: :money" And the file "lib/katapult/application_model.rb" should contain "product.belongs_to 'user'" And the file "lib/katapult/application_model.rb" should contain "model 'user'" And the file "lib/katapult/application_model.rb" should contain "web_ui 'user'" And the file "lib/katapult/application_model.rb" should contain "navigation" And the file "lib/katapult/application_model.rb" should contain "authenticate 'user'" When I successfully transform the application model including migrations And I run cucumber Then the features should pass When I run rspec Then the specs should pass