#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module Lorj class BaseDefinition private # ------------------------------------------------------ # Class Definition internal function. # ------------------------------------------------------ def _ask_encrypted(sDesc, sDefault) # Checking key file used to encrypt/decrypt passwords key_file = File.join($FORJ_CREDS_PATH, '.key') if not File.exists?(key_file) # Need to create a random key. entr = { :key => rand(36**10).to_s(36), :salt => Time.now.to_i.to_s, :iv => Base64::strict_encode64(OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc').random_iv) } Lorj.debug(2, "Writing '%s' key file" % key_file) File.open(key_file, 'w') do |out| out.write(Base64::encode64(entr.to_yaml)) end else Lorj.debug(2, "Loading '%s' key file" % key_file) encoded_key = IO.read(key_file) entr = YAML.load(Base64::decode64(encoded_key)) end enc_value = sDefault if not enc_value.nil? begin value_hidden = '*' * Encryptor.decrypt( :value => Base64::strict_decode64(enc_value), :key => entr[:key], :iv => Base64::strict_decode64(entr[:iv]), :salt => entr[:salt] ).length rescue => e Lorj.error("Unable to decrypt your %s. You will need to re-enter it." % sDesc) enc_value = "" else value_hidden="[%s]" % value_hidden PrcLib.message("%s is already set. If you want to keep it, just press Enter" % [sDesc]) end else value_hidden = "" end value_free = "" while value_free == "" # ask for encrypted data. value_free = ask("Enter %s: [%s]" % [sDesc, value_hidden]) do |q| q.echo = '*' end if value_free == "" and enc_value value_free = Encryptor.decrypt( :value => Base64::strict_decode64(enc_value), :key => entr[:key], :iv => Base64::strict_decode64(entr[:iv]), :salt => entr[:salt] ) else PrcLib.message("%s cannot be empty." % sDesc) if value_free == "" end end enc_value = Base64::strict_encode64( Encryptor.encrypt( :value => value_free, :key => entr[:key], :iv => Base64::strict_decode64(entr[:iv]), :salt => entr[:salt] ) ) end def _ask(sDesc, sDefault, rValidate, bEncrypted, bRequired) if bEncrypted value = _ask_encrypted(sDesc, sDefault) if bRequired and value == "" say "%sThis information is required!%s" % [ANSI.bold, ANSI.clear] while value == "" value = _ask_encrypted(sDesc, sDefault) end end else value = ask('Enter %s:' % [sDesc]) do |q| q.default = sDefault unless sDefault.nil? q.validate = rValidate unless rValidate.nil? end if bRequired and value == "" say "%sThis information is required!%s" % [ANSI.bold, ANSI.clear] while value == "" value = ask('Enter %s:[%s]' % [sDesc, sDefault]) do |q| q.default = sDefault unless sDefault.nil? q.validate = rValidate unless rValidate.nil? end end end end value.to_s end # return Object data meta data. def _get_meta_data(sKey) hMetaDefault = Lorj::Default.get_meta(sKey) return nil if hMetaDefault.nil? hMetaDefault = hMetaDefault.clone sSection = Lorj::Default.get_meta_section(sKey) return hMetaDefault if sSection.nil? hMeta = Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_data, sSection, sKey) return hMetaDefault if hMeta.nil? hMetaDefault.merge!(hMeta) end def _return_map(sCloudObj, oControlerObject) return nil if oControlerObject.nil? attr_value = {} pProc = Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj, sCloudObj, :lambdas, :get_attr_e) bController = Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj, sCloudObj, :options, :controller) return nil if not pProc and not bController hMap = Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj, sCloudObj, :returns) hMap.each { |key, map| oKeyPath = KeyPath.new(key) oMapPath = KeyPath.new(map) next if not map if pProc Lorj::debug(4, "Calling process function '%s' to retrieve/map Controller object '%s' data " % [pProc, sCloudObj]) controller_attr_value = @oForjProcess.method(pProc).call(sCloudObj, oControlerObject) else Lorj::debug(4, "Calling controller function 'get_attr' to retrieve/map Controller object '%s' data " % [sCloudObj]) controller_attr_value = @oProvider.get_attr(oControlerObject, oMapPath.aTree) if bController end hValueMapping = Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj, sCloudObj, :value_mapping, oKeyPath.sFullPath) if hValueMapping and not controller_attr_value.nil? hValueMapping.each { | map_key, map_value | if controller_attr_value == map_value Lorj::rhSet(attr_value, map_key ,oKeyPath.aTree) Lorj::debug(5, "Object '%s' value mapped '%s': '%s' => '%s'" % [sCloudObj, oKeyPath.aTree, controller_attr_value, map_value]) break end } raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "'%s.%s': No controller value mapping for '%s'." % [sCloudObj, oKeyPath.sKey, controller_attr_value] if attr_value.nil? else Lorj::debug(5, "Object '%s' value '%s' extracted: '%s'" % [sCloudObj, oKeyPath.aTree, controller_attr_value]) Lorj::rhSet(attr_value, controller_attr_value ,oKeyPath.aTree) end } attr_value end def _build_data(sCloudObj, oParam, oKeyPath, hParams, bController = false) sKey = oKeyPath.sKey sDefault = Lorj::rhGet(hParams, :default_value) if Lorj::rhExist?(hParams, :extract_from) == 1 value = oParam[hParams[:extract_from]] end value = @oForjConfig.get(sKey, sDefault) if not value if bController hValueMapping = Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj, sCloudObj, :value_mapping, oKeyPath.sFullPath) # Mapping from Object/data definition if hValueMapping raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "'%s.%s': No value mapping for '%s'" % [sCloudObj, sKey, value] if Lorj::rhExist?(hValueMapping, value) != 1 value = hValueMapping[value] # Will be moved to the setup section or while setting it for a controller attached account. #~ else #~ # Or mapping from Config/data definition #~ section = Lorj::Default.get_meta_section(sKey) #~ section = :runtime if section.nil? #~ hValueMapping = Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_data, section, sKey, :value_mapping) #~ if hValueMapping #~ raise PrcError.new(), "'%s.%s': No Config value mapping for '%s'" % [section, sKey, value] if Lorj::rhExist?(hValueMapping, value) != 1 #~ value = hValueMapping[value] #~ end end if Lorj::rhExist?(hParams, :mapping) == 1 # NOTE: if mapping is set, the definition subtree # is ignored. # if key map to mykey # [:section1][subsect][key] = value # oParam => [:hdata][mykey] = value # not oParam => [:hdata][:section1][subsect][mykey] = value Lorj::rhSet(oParam[:hdata], value, Lorj::rhGet(hParams, :mapping)) end end oParam[oKeyPath.aTree] = value end def _get_object_params(sCloudObj, sEventType, fname, bController = false) oParams = ObjectData.new(not(bController)) # hdata is built for controller. ie, ObjectData is NOT internal. hTopParams= Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj,sCloudObj, :params) hkeyPaths = Lorj::rhGet(hTopParams, :keys) raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "'%s' Object data needs not set. Forgot obj_needs?" % [sCloudObj] if hkeyPaths.nil? if sEventType == :delete_e if @ObjectData.exist?(sCloudObj) oParams.add(@ObjectData[sCloudObj, :ObjectData]) end end hkeyPaths.each { | sKeypath, hParams| next if not hParams[:for].include?(sEventType) oKeyPath = KeyPath.new(sKeypath) sKey = oKeyPath.sKey case hParams[:type] when :data _build_data(sCloudObj, oParams, oKeyPath, hParams, bController) when :CloudObject #~ if hParams[:required] and Lorj::rhExist?(@CloudData, sKey, :object) != 2 if hParams[:required] and @ObjectData.type?(sKey) != :DataObject raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "Object '%s/%s' is not defined. '%s' requirement failed." % [ self.class, sKey, fname] end if @ObjectData.exist?(sKey) oParams.add(@ObjectData[sKey, :ObjectData]) else Lorj::debug(2, "The optional '%s' was not loaded" % sKey) end else raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "Undefined ObjectData '%s'." % [ hParams[:type]] end } oParams end def _get_controller_map_value(keypath, sProcessValue) section = Lorj::Default.get_meta_section(sData) section = :runtime if section.nil? oKeypath = KeyPath.new(keypath) sKeyPath = oKeypath.sKeyPath return nil if Lorj::rhExist?(@@meta_data, section, sKeyPath, :controller, sProcessValue) != 4 Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_data, section, sKeyPath, :controller, sProcessValue) end def _get_process_map_value(keypath, sControllerValue) section = Lorj::Default.get_meta_section(sData) section = :runtime if section.nil? oKeypath = KeyPath.new(keypath) sKeyPath = oKeypath.sKeyPath return nil if Lorj::rhExist?(@@meta_data, section, sKeyPath, :process, sControllerValue) != 4 Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_data, section, sKeyPath, :process, sControllerValue) end def _check_required(sCloudObj, sEventType, fname) aCaller = caller aCaller.pop oObjMissing=[] hTopParams= Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj,sCloudObj, :params) hkeyPaths = Lorj::rhGet(hTopParams, :keys) raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "'%s' Object data needs not set. Forgot obj_needs?" % [sCloudObj] if hkeyPaths.nil? if sEventType == :delete_e if @ObjectData.type?(sCloudObj) != :DataObject oObjMissing << sCloudObj end end hkeyPaths.each { | sKeypath, hParams| next if not hParams[:for].include?(sEventType) oKeyPath = KeyPath.new(sKeypath) sKey = oKeyPath.sKey case hParams[:type] when :data sDefault = Lorj::rhGet(hParams, :default_value) if hParams[:required] if hParams.key?(:extract_from) if not @ObjectData.exist?(hParams[:extract_from]) raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "key '%s' was not extracted from '%s'. '%s' requirement failed." % [ sKey, hParams[:extract_from], fname], aCaller end elsif @oForjConfig.get(sKey, sDefault).nil? sSection = Lorj::Default.get_meta_section(sKey) sSection = 'runtime' if not sSection raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "key '%s/%s' is not set. '%s' requirement failed." % [ sSection, sKey, fname], aCaller end end when :CloudObject #~ if hParams[:required] and Lorj::rhExist?(@CloudData, sKey, :object) != 2 if hParams[:required] and @ObjectData.type?(sKey) != :DataObject oObjMissing << sKey end end } return oObjMissing end def _identify_data(sCloudObj, sEventType, sObjectType = :data) aCaller = caller aCaller.pop aData = [] hTopParams= Lorj::rhGet(@@meta_obj,sCloudObj, :params) hkeyPaths = Lorj::rhGet(hTopParams, :keys) raise Lorj::PrcError.new(), "'%s' Object data needs not set. Forgot obj_needs?" % [sCloudObj] if hkeyPaths.nil? hkeyPaths.each { | sKeypath, hParams| next if not hParams[:for].include?(sEventType) oKeyPath = KeyPath.new(sKeypath) aData << oKeyPath.aTree if hParams[:type] == sObjectType } return aData end end end