module Effective module Generators module Helpers protected def resource @resource ||= end def crud_actions %w(index new create show edit update destroy) end def non_crud_actions invoked_actions - crud_actions end # --actions crud another # --actions crud-show another def invoked_actions actions = (respond_to?(:actions) ? self.actions : options.actions) actions = Array(actions).flat_map { |arg| arg.gsub('[', '').gsub(']', '').split(',') } crudish = actions.find { |action| action.start_with?('crud') } if crudish actions = crud_actions + (actions - [crudish]) crudish.split('-').each { |except| actions.delete(except) } end actions end # As per the command line invoked actions. These are Rails Generated Attributes def invoked_attributes if respond_to?(:attributes) attributes else Array(options.attributes) { |att| Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute.parse(att) } end end def invoked_attributes_args invoked_attributes.present? ? (['--attributes'] + invokable(invoked_attributes)) : [] end # Turns the GeneratedAttribute or Effective::Attribute into an array of strings def invokable(attributes) { |att| "#{}:#{att.type}" } end def resource_attributes(all: false) klass_attributes = resource.klass_attributes(all: all) if klass_attributes.blank? if, ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations(ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths)).pending_migrations.present? migrate = ask("Unable to read the attributes of #{resource.klass ||}. There are pending migrations. Run db:migrate now? [y/n]") system('bundle exec rake db:migrate') if migrate.to_s.include?('y') end klass_attributes = resource.klass_attributes(all: all) end klass_attributes.presence || resource.written_attributes end end end end