Preparing for master slave integration tests -------------------------------------------- # configuration create ~/.lhm: mysqldir=/usr/local/mysql basedir=/opt/lhm-cluster master_port=3306 slave_port=3307 mysqldir specifies the location of your mysql install. basedir is the directory master and slave databases will get installed into. # setup You can set the integration specs up to run against a master slave setup by running the included `lhm-spec-clobber` script. this deletes the configured lhm master slave setup and reinstalls and configures a master slave setup. Follow the manual instructions if you want more control over this process. # manual setup ## set up instances lhm-spec-setup-cluster ## start instances basedir=/opt/lhm-luster mysqld --defaults-file="$basedir/master/my.cnf" mysqld --defaults-file="$basedir/slave/my.cnf" ## run the grants lhm-spec-grants ## run specs To run specs in slave mode, set the SLAVE=1 when running tests: MASTER_SLAVE=1 rake specs # connecting you can connect by running (with the respective ports): mysql --protocol=TCP -p3307