module Padrino module Helpers ## # Helpers related to producing html tags within templates. ## module TagHelpers ## # Tag values escaped to html entities ## ESCAPE_VALUES = { "<" => "<", ">" => ">", '"' => """ } BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES = [ :autoplay, :autofocus, :formnovalidate, :checked, :disabled, :hidden, :loop, :multiple, :muted, :readonly, :required, :selected ] ## # Creates an HTML tag with given name, content, and options # # @overload content_tag(name, content, options = nil) # @param [Symbol] name # The name of the HTML tag to create. # @param [String] content # The content inside of the the tag. # @param [Hash] options # The HTML options to include in this tag. # # @overload content_tag(name, options = nil, &block) # @param [Symbol] name # The name of the HTML tag to create. # @param [Hash] options # The HTML options to include in this tag. # @param [Proc] block # The block returning HTML content. # # @macro [new] global_html_attributes # @option options [String] :id # Specifies a unique identifier for the element. # @option options [String] :class # Specifies the stylesheet class of the element. # @option options [String] :title # Specifies the title for the element. # @option options [String] :accesskey # Specifies a shortcut key to access the element. # @option options [Symbol] :dropzone # Specifies what happens when dragged items are dropped on the element. (:copy, :link, :move) # @option options [Boolean] :hidden # Specifies whether or not the element is hidden from view. # @option options [Boolean] :draggable # Specifies whether or not the element is draggable. (true, false, :auto) # @option options [Boolean] :contenteditable # Specifies whether or not the element is editable. # # @return [String] # Generated HTML with specified +options+ # # @example # content_tag(:p, 'Hello World', :class => 'light') # # # =>

# # => Hello World # # =>

# # content_tag(:p, :class => 'dark') do # link_to 'Padrino', '' # end # # # =>

# # => Padrino # # =>

# # @api public def content_tag(name, content = nil, options = nil, &block) if block_given? options = content if content.is_a?(Hash) content = capture_html(&block) end content = content.join("\n") if content.respond_to?(:join) output = "<#{name}#{tag_options(options) if options}>#{content}" block_is_template?(block) ? concat_content(output) : output end ## # Creates an HTML input field with the given type and options # # @param [Symbol] type # The type of input to create. # @param [Hash] options # The HTML options to include in this input. # # @option options [String] :id # Specifies a unique identifier for the input. # @option options [String] :class # Specifies the stylesheet class of the input. # @option options [String] :name # Specifies the name of the input. # @option options [String] :accesskey # Specifies a shortcut key to access the input. # @option options [Integer] :tabindex # Specifies the tab order of the input. # @option options [Boolean] :hidden # Specifies whether or not the input is hidden from view. # @option options [Boolean] :spellcheck # Specifies whether or not the input should have it's spelling and grammar checked for errors. # @option options [Boolean] :draggable # Specifies whether or not the input is draggable. (true, false, :auto) # @option options [String] :pattern # Specifies the regular expression pattern that the input's value is checked against. # @option options [Symbol] :autocomplete # Specifies whether or not the input should have autocomplete enabled. (:on, :off) # @option options [Boolean] :autofocus # Specifies whether or not the input should automatically get focus when the page loads. # @option options [Boolean] :required # Specifies whether or not the input is required to be completeled before the form is submitted. # @option options [Boolean] :readonly # Specifies whether or not the input is read only. # @option options [Boolean] :disabled # Specifies whether or not the input is disabled. # # @return [String] # Generated HTML with specified +options+ # # @example # input_tag :text, :name => 'handle' # # => # # input_tag :password, :name => 'password', :size => 20 # # => # # input_tag :text, :name => 'username', :required => true, :autofocus => true # # => # # input_tag :number, :name => 'credit_card', :autocomplete => :off # # => # # @api semipublic def input_tag(type, options = {}) tag(:input, options.reverse_merge!(:type => type)) end ## # Creates an HTML tag with the given name and options # # @param [Symbol] name # The name of the HTML tag to create. # @param [Hash] options # The HTML options to include in this tag. # # @macro global_html_attributes # # @return [String] # Generated HTML with specified +options+ # # @example # tag :hr, :class => 'dotted' # # =>
# # tag :input, :name => 'username', :type => :text # # => # # tag :img, :src => 'images/pony.jpg', :alt => 'My Little Pony' # # => My Little Pony # # tag :img, :src => 'sinatra.jpg, :data => { :nsfw => false, :geo => [34.087, -118.407] } # # => # # @api public def tag(name, options = nil) "<#{name}#{tag_options(options) if options}>" end private ## # Returns a compiled list of HTML attributes ## def tag_options(options) return if options.blank? attributes = [] options.each do |attribute, value| next if value.nil? || value == false if attribute == :data && value.is_a?(Hash) value.each { |k, v| attributes << %[data-#{k.to_s.dasherize}="#{escape_value(v)}"] } elsif BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES.include?(attribute) attributes << attribute.to_s else attributes << %[#{attribute}="#{escape_value(value)}"] end end " #{attributes.join(' ')}" end ## # Escape tag values to their HTML/XML entities. ## def escape_value(string) string.to_s.gsub(Regexp.union(*ESCAPE_VALUES.keys)){|c| ESCAPE_VALUES[c] } end end # TagHelpers end # Helpers end # Padrino