require_relative "errors/local_node_already_registered" require_relative "errors/action_not_found" require_relative "errors/node_not_found" require_relative "support" module Moleculer ## # The Registry manages the available services on the network class Registry ## # @private class NodeList def initialize(heartbeat_interval) @nodes = @heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval end def add_node(node) if @nodes[] @nodes[][:node] = node else @nodes[] = { node: node, last_requested_at: } end end def remove_node(node_id) @nodes.delete(node_id) end def fetch_next_node node = active_nodes.min_by { |a| a[:last_requested_at] }[:node] @nodes[][:last_requested_at] = node end def fetch_node(node_id) @nodes.fetch(node_id)[:node] end def length @nodes.length end def active_nodes { |node| ( - node[:node].last_heartbeat_at) < expiration_interval } end def expired_nodes { |node| ( - node[:node].last_heartbeat_at) > expiration_interval } end private def expiration_interval @heartbeat_interval * 3 end end ## # @private class ActionList def initialize(heartbeat_interval) @heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval @actions = end def add(name, action) @actions[name] ||= @actions[name].add_node(action.node) end def remove_node(node_id) @actions.each do |k, a| a.remove_node(node_id) @actions.delete(k) if end end def fetch_action(action_name) raise Errors::ActionNotFound, "The action '#{action_name}' was not found." unless @actions[action_name] @actions[action_name].fetch_next_node.actions[action_name] end end ## # @private class EventList ## # @private class Item def initialize(heartbeat_interval) @heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval @services = end def add_service(service) @services[service.full_name] ||= @services[service.full_name].add_node(service.node) end def fetch_nodes end def remove_node(node_id) @services.each do |k, list| list.remove_node(node_id) @services.delete(k) if end end def length { |s, a| s + a } end end def initialize(heartbeat_interval) @events = @heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval end def add(event) name = @events[name] ||= @events[name].add_service(event.service) end def remove_node(node_id) @events.each do |k, item| item.remove_node(node_id) @events.delete(k) if end end def fetch_events(event_name) return [] unless @events[event_name] @events[event_name] { |n|[event_name] }.flatten.uniq { |e| e.service.full_name } end end private_constant :ActionList private_constant :EventList private_constant :NodeList include Support attr_reader :local_node ## # @param config [Moleculer::Config] the moleculer configuration def initialize(config) @config = config @nodes = @actions = @events = @services = @logger = @config.logger.get_child("[REGISTRY]") @remove_semaphore = end ## # Registers the node with the registry and updates the action/event handler lists. # # @param [Moleculer::Node] node the node to register # # @return [Moleculer::Node] the node that has been registered def register_node(node) return local_node if @local_node && == if node.local? raise Errors::LocalNodeAlreadyRegistered, "A LOCAL node has already been registered" if @local_node "registering LOCAL node '#{}'" @local_node = node end "registering node #{}" unless node.local? @nodes.add_node(node) update_actions(node) update_events(node) # always call this last, as it will immediately cause processes waiting for services to show it as ready even if # the actions or events lists have not been updated. update_services(node) node end ## # Gets the named action from the registry. If a local action exists it will return the local one instead of a # remote action. # # @param action_name [String] the name of the action # # @return [Moleculer::Service::Action|Moleculer::RemoteService::Action] def fetch_action(action_name) @actions.fetch_action(action_name) end ## # Fetches all the events for the given event name that should be used to emit an event. This is load balanced, and # will fetch a different node for nodes that duplicate the service/event # # @param event_name [String] the name of the even to fetch # # @return [Array] the events that that should be emitted to def fetch_events_for_emit(event_name) @events.fetch_events(event_name) end ## # It fetches the given node, and raises an exception if the node does not exist # # @param node_id [String] the id of the node to fetch # # @return [Moleculer::Node] the moleculer node with the given id # @raise [Moleculer::Errors::NodeNotFound] if the node was not found def fetch_node(node_id) @nodes.fetch_node(node_id) rescue KeyError raise Errors::NodeNotFound, "The node with the id '#{node_id}' was not found." end ## # Fetches the given node, and returns nil if the node was not found # # @param node_id [String] the id of the node to fetch # # @return [Moleculer::Node] the moleculer node with the given id def safe_fetch_node(node_id) fetch_node(node_id) rescue Errors::NodeNotFound nil end ## # Gets the named action from the registry for the given node. Raises an error if the node does not exist or the node # does not have the specified action. # # @param action_name [String] the name of the action # @param node_id [String] the id of the node from which to get the action # # @return [Moleculer::Service::Action] the action from the specified node_id # @raise [Moleculer::NodeNotFound] raised when the specified node_id was not found # @raise [Moleculer::ActionNotFound] raised when the specified action was not found on the specified node def fetch_action_for_node_id(action_name, node_id) node = fetch_node(node_id) fetch_action_from_node(action_name, node) end def missing_services(*services) services - @services.keys end ## # Removes the node with the given id. Because this must act across multiple indexes this action uses a semaphore to # reduce the chance of race conditions. # # @param node_id [String] the node to remove def remove_node(node_id, reason = nil) @remove_semaphore.acquire "removing node '#{node_id}'" unless reason "removing node '#{node_id}' because #{reason}" @nodes.remove_node(node_id) @actions.remove_node(node_id) @events.remove_node(node_id) @remove_semaphore.release end ## # Looks for nodes that have stopped reporting heartbeats and removes them from the registry def expire_nodes @nodes.expired_nodes.each { |node| remove_node(node[:node].id, "it expired after 10 minutes") } end private def get_local_action(name) { |a| == name.to_s }.first end def update_node_for_load_balancer(node) @nodes[][:last_called_at] = end def fetch_event_from_node(event_name, node) rescue KeyError raise Errors::EventNotFound, "The event '#{event_name}' was not found on the node id with id '#{}'" end def fetch_action_from_node(action_name, node) node.actions.fetch(action_name) end def fetch_next_nodes_for_event(event_name) service_names = HashUtil.fetch(@events, event_name, {}).keys node_names = { |s| @services[s] } nodes = { |names| { |name| @nodes[name] } } { |node_list| node_list.min_by { |a| a[:last_called_at] }[:node] } end def remove_node_from_events(node_id) @events.values.each do |event| event.values.each do |list| list.reject! { |id| id == node_id } end end end def update_actions(node) node.actions.each do |name, action| @actions.add(name, action) end @logger.debug "registered #{node.actions.length} action(s) for node '#{}'" end def update_events(node) do |events| events.each { |e| @events.add(e) } end @logger.debug "registered #{} event(s) for node '#{}'" end def update_services(node) do |service| @services[service.full_name] ||= @services[service.full_name].add_node(node) end end end end